Source code for galaxy.datatypes.converters.fastq_to_fqtoc

#!/usr/bin/env python

import sys, os, gzip
from galaxy.datatypes.checkers import is_gzip

[docs]def main(): """ The format of the file is JSON:: { "sections" : [ { "start" : "x", "end" : "y", "sequences" : "z" }, ... ]} This works only for UNCOMPRESSED fastq files. The Python GzipFile does not provide seekable offsets via tell(), so clients just have to split the slow way """ input_fname = sys.argv[1] if is_gzip(input_fname): print 'Conversion is only possible for uncompressed files' sys.exit(1) out_file = open(sys.argv[2], 'w') current_line = 0 sequences=1000000 lines_per_chunk = 4*sequences chunk_begin = 0 in_file = open(input_fname) out_file.write('{"sections" : ['); for line in in_file: current_line += 1 if 0 == current_line % lines_per_chunk: chunk_end = in_file.tell() out_file.write('{"start":"%s","end":"%s","sequences":"%s"},' % (chunk_begin, chunk_end, sequences)) chunk_begin = chunk_end chunk_end = in_file.tell() out_file.write('{"start":"%s","end":"%s","sequences":"%s"}' % (chunk_begin, chunk_end, (current_line % lines_per_chunk) / 4)) out_file.write(']}\n')
if __name__ == "__main__": main()