Source code for galaxy.datatypes.tracks

Datatype classes for tracks/track views within galaxy.

import binary, binascii, logging
from galaxy import util
from galaxy.web import url_for
from galaxy.util.hash_util import hmac_new
from urllib import quote_plus

log = logging.getLogger(__name__)

# GeneTrack is no longer supported but leaving the datatype since
# files of this type may still exist

[docs]class GeneTrack( binary.Binary ): file_ext = "genetrack" def __init__(self, **kwargs): super( GeneTrack, self ).__init__( **kwargs ) # self.add_display_app( 'genetrack', 'View in', '', 'genetrack_link' ) # def get_display_links( self, dataset, type, app, base_url, target_frame='galaxy_main', **kwd ): #Force target_frame to be 'galaxy_main' # return binary.Binary.get_display_links( self, dataset, type, app, base_url, target_frame=target_frame, **kwd ) # def genetrack_link( self, hda, type, app, base_url ): # ret_val = [] # if hda.dataset.has_data(): # # Get the disk file name and data id # file_name = hda.dataset.get_file_name() # data_id = quote_plus( str( ) ) # galaxy_url = quote_plus( "%s%s" % ( base_url, url_for( controller = 'tool_runner', tool_id='predict2genetrack' ) ) ) # # Make it secure # hashkey = quote_plus( hmac_new( app.config.tool_secret, file_name ) ) # encoded = quote_plus( binascii.hexlify( file_name ) ) # for name, url in util.get_genetrack_sites(): # if name.lower() in app.config.genetrack_display_sites: # # send both parameters filename and hashkey # link = "%s?filename=%s&hashkey=%s&input=%s&GALAXY_URL=%s" % ( url, encoded, hashkey, data_id, galaxy_url ) # ret_val.append( ( name, link ) ) # return ret_val