Source code for

Module for managing data transfer jobs.
import logging, urllib2, re, shutil

from galaxy import eggs
from sqlalchemy import and_

from galaxy.util.odict import odict
from galaxy.workflow.modules import module_factory
from import ActionBox
from import FakeTrans

from import visit_input_values
from import DataToolParameter
from galaxy.datatypes import sniff

log = logging.getLogger( __name__ )

__all__ = [ 'DataTransfer' ]

[docs]class DataTransfer( object ): check_interval = 15 dataset_name_re = re.compile( '(dataset\d+)_(name)' ) dataset_datatype_re = re.compile( '(dataset\d+)_(datatype)' ) def __init__( self, app ): = app self.sa_session = app.model.context.current
[docs] def create_job( self, trans, **kwd ): raise Exception( "Unimplemented Method" )
[docs] def check_job( self, job ): raise Exception( "Unimplemented Method" )
[docs] def run_job( self, job ): if job.params[ 'type' ] == 'init_transfer': # TODO: don't create new downloads on restart. if job.params[ 'protocol' ] in [ 'http', 'https' ]: results = [] for result in job.params[ 'results' ].values(): result[ 'transfer_job' ] = protocol=job.params[ 'protocol' ], name=result[ 'name' ], datatype=result[ 'datatype' ], url=result[ 'url' ] ) results.append( result ) elif job.params[ 'protocol' ] == 'scp': results = [] result = {} sample_datasets_dict = job.params[ 'sample_datasets_dict' ] # sample_datasets_dict looks something like the following. The outer dictionary keys are SampleDataset ids. # {'7': {'status': 'Not started', 'name': '3.bed', 'file_path': '/tmp/library/3.bed', 'sample_id': 7, # 'external_service_id': 2, 'error_msg': '', 'size': '8.0K'}} for sample_dataset_id, sample_dataset_info_dict in sample_datasets_dict.items(): result = {} result[ 'transfer_job' ] = protocol=job.params[ 'protocol' ], host=job.params[ 'host' ], user_name=job.params[ 'user_name' ], password=job.params[ 'password' ], sample_dataset_id=sample_dataset_id, status=sample_dataset_info_dict[ 'status' ], name=sample_dataset_info_dict[ 'name' ], file_path=sample_dataset_info_dict[ 'file_path' ], sample_id=sample_dataset_info_dict[ 'sample_id' ], external_service_id=sample_dataset_info_dict[ 'external_service_id' ], error_msg=sample_dataset_info_dict[ 'error_msg' ], size=sample_dataset_info_dict[ 'size' ] ) results.append( result ) [ r[ 'transfer_job' ] for r in results ] ) for result in results: transfer_job = result.pop( 'transfer_job' ) self.create_job( None,, result=transfer_job.params, sample_id=job.params[ 'sample_id' ] ) # Update the state of the relevant SampleDataset new_status = self._update_sample_dataset_status( protocol=job.params[ 'protocol' ], sample_id=job.params[ 'sample_id' ], result_dict=transfer_job.params, new_status=new_status, error_msg='' ) job.state = self.sa_session.add( job ) self.sa_session.flush() # TODO: Error handling: failure executing, or errors returned from the manager if job.params[ 'type' ] == 'finish_transfer': protocol = job.params[ 'protocol' ] # Update the state of the relevant SampleDataset new_status = if protocol in [ 'http', 'https' ]: result_dict = job.params[ 'result' ] library_dataset_name = result_dict[ 'name' ] extension = result_dict[ 'datatype' ] elif protocol in [ 'scp' ]: # In this case, job.params will be a dictionary that contains a key named 'result'. The value # of the result key is a dictionary that looks something like: # {'sample_dataset_id': '8', 'status': 'Not started', 'protocol': 'scp', 'name': '3.bed', # 'file_path': '/data/library/3.bed', 'host': '', 'sample_id': 8, 'external_service_id': 2, # 'local_path': '/tmp/kjl2Ss4', 'password': 'galaxy', 'user_name': 'gvk', 'error_msg': '', 'size': '8.0K'} try: tj = self.sa_session.query( ).get( int( job.params['transfer_job_id'] ) ) result_dict = tj.params result_dict['local_path'] = tj.path except Exception, e: log.error( "Updated transfer result unavailable, using old result. Error was: %s" % str( e ) ) result_dict = job.params[ 'result' ] library_dataset_name = result_dict[ 'name' ] # Determine the data format (see the relevant TODO item in the manual_data_transfer plugin).. extension = sniff.guess_ext( result_dict[ 'local_path' ], ) self._update_sample_dataset_status( protocol=job.params[ 'protocol' ], sample_id=int( job.params[ 'sample_id' ] ), result_dict=result_dict, new_status=new_status, error_msg='' ) sample = self.sa_session.query( ).get( int( job.params[ 'sample_id' ] ) ) ld = folder=sample.folder, name=library_dataset_name ) self.sa_session.add( ld ) self.sa_session.flush() FakeTrans( ), sample.folder, ld ) ldda = name = library_dataset_name, extension = extension, dbkey = '?', library_dataset = ld, create_dataset = True, sa_session = self.sa_session ) ldda.message = 'Transferred by the Data Transfer Plugin' self.sa_session.add( ldda ) self.sa_session.flush() ldda.state = ldda.states.QUEUED # flushed in the set property ld.library_dataset_dataset_association_id = self.sa_session.add( ld ) self.sa_session.flush() try: # Move the dataset from its temporary location shutil.move( job.transfer_job.path, ldda.file_name ) ldda.init_meta() for name, spec in ldda.metadata.spec.items(): if name not in [ 'name', 'info', 'dbkey', 'base_name' ]: if spec.get( 'default' ): setattr( ldda.metadata, name, spec.unwrap( spec.get( 'default' ) ) ), FakeTrans(, history=sample.history, user=sample.request.user ), incoming = { 'input1':ldda } ) ldda.state = ldda.states.OK # TODO: not sure if this flush is necessary self.sa_session.add( ldda ) self.sa_session.flush() except Exception, e: log.exception( 'Failure preparing library dataset for finished transfer job (id: %s) via deferred job (id: %s):' % \ ( str( ), str( ) ) ) ldda.state = ldda.states.ERROR if sample.workflow: log.debug( "\n\nLogging sample mappings as: %s" % sample.workflow[ 'mappings' ] ) log.debug( "job.params: %s" % job.params ) # We have a workflow. Update all mappings to ldda's, and when the final one is done # execute_workflow with either the provided history, or a new one. sub_done = True rep_done = False for k, v in sample.workflow[ 'mappings' ].iteritems(): if not 'hda' in v and v[ 'ds_tag' ].startswith( 'hi|' ): sample.workflow[ 'mappings' ][ k ][ 'hda' ] = v[ 'ds_tag' ][3:] ) for key, value in sample.workflow[ 'mappings' ].iteritems(): if 'url' in value and value[ 'url' ] == job.params[ 'result' ][ 'url' ]: # DBTODO Make sure all ds| mappings get the URL of the dataset, for linking to later. # If this dataset maps to what we just finished, update the ldda id in the sample. sample.workflow[ 'mappings' ][ key ][ 'ldda' ] = rep_done = True # DBTODO replace the hi| mappings with the hda here. Just rip off the first three chars. elif not 'ldda' in value and not 'hda' in value: # We're not done if some mappings still don't have ldda or hda mappings. sub_done = False if sub_done and rep_done: if not sample.history: new_history = name="New History From %s" %, user=sample.request.user ) self.sa_session.add( new_history ) sample.history = new_history self.sa_session.flush() self._execute_workflow( sample ) # Check the workflow for substitution done-ness self.sa_session.add( sample ) self.sa_session.flush() elif sample.history: # We don't have a workflow, but a history was provided. # No processing, go ahead and chunk everything in the history. if ldda.dataset.state in [ 'new', 'upload', 'queued', 'running', 'empty', 'discarded' ]: log.error("Cannot import dataset '%s' to user history since its state is '%s'. " % (, ldda.dataset.state )) elif ldda.dataset.state in [ 'ok', 'error' ]: ldda.to_history_dataset_association( target_history=sample.history, add_to_history=True ) # Finished job.state = self.sa_session.add( job ) self.sa_session.flush() # Update the state of the relevant SampleDataset new_status = self._update_sample_dataset_status( protocol=job.params[ 'protocol' ], sample_id=int( job.params[ 'sample_id' ] ), result_dict=job.params[ 'result' ], new_status=new_status, error_msg='' ) if sample.datasets and not sample.untransferred_dataset_files: # Update the state of the sample to the sample's request type's final state. new_state = sample.request.type.final_sample_state self._update_sample_state(, new_state ) # Update the state of the request, if possible self._update_request_state( )
def _missing_params( self, params, required_params ): missing_params = filter( lambda x: x not in params, required_params ) if missing_params: log.error( 'Job parameters missing required keys: %s' % ', '.join( missing_params ) ) return True return False def _update_sample_dataset_status( self, protocol, sample_id, result_dict, new_status, error_msg=None ): # result_dict looks something like: # {'url': '', 'name': 'Filtered reads'} # Check if the new status is a valid transfer status valid_statuses = [ v[1] for v in ] # TODO: error checking on valid new_status value if protocol in [ 'http', 'https' ]: sample_dataset = self.sa_session.query( ) \ .filter( and_( == sample_id, == result_dict[ 'name' ], == result_dict[ 'url' ] ) ) \ .first() elif protocol in [ 'scp' ]: sample_dataset = self.sa_session.query( ).get( int( result_dict[ 'sample_dataset_id' ] ) ) sample_dataset.status = new_status sample_dataset.error_msg = error_msg self.sa_session.add( sample_dataset ) self.sa_session.flush() def _update_sample_state( self, sample_id, new_state, comment=None ): sample = self.sa_session.query( ).get( sample_id ) if comment is None: comment = 'Sample state set to %s' % str( new_state ) event = sample, new_state, comment ) self.sa_session.add( event ) self.sa_session.flush() def _update_request_state( self, request_id ): request = self.sa_session.query( ).get( request_id ) # Make sure all the samples of the current request have the same state common_state = request.samples_have_common_state if not common_state: # If the current request state is complete and one of its samples moved from # the final sample state, then move the request state to In-progress if request.is_complete: message = "At least 1 sample state moved from the final sample state, so now the request's state is (%s)" % request.states.SUBMITTED event = request, request.states.SUBMITTED, message ) self.sa_session.add( event ) self.sa_session.flush() else: final_state = False request_type_state = request.type.final_sample_state if == # Since all the samples are in the final state, change the request state to 'Complete' comment = "All samples of this sequencing request are in the final sample state (%s). " % state = request.states.COMPLETE final_state = True else: comment = "All samples of this sequencing request are in the (%s) sample state. " % state = request.states.SUBMITTED event = request, state, comment ) self.sa_session.add( event ) self.sa_session.flush() # TODO: handle email notification if it is configured to be sent when the samples are in this state. def _execute_workflow( self, sample): for key, value in sample.workflow['mappings'].iteritems(): if 'hda' not in value and 'ldda' in value: # If HDA is already here, it's an external input, we're not copying anything. ldda = self.sa_session.query( ).get( value['ldda'] ) if ldda.dataset.state in [ 'new', 'upload', 'queued', 'running', 'empty', 'discarded' ]: log.error("Cannot import dataset '%s' to user history since its state is '%s'. " % (, ldda.dataset.state )) elif ldda.dataset.state in [ 'ok', 'error' ]: hda = ldda.to_history_dataset_association( target_history=sample.history, add_to_history=True ) sample.workflow['mappings'][key]['hda'] = self.sa_session.add( sample ) self.sa_session.flush() workflow_dict = sample.workflow import copy new_wf_dict = copy.deepcopy(workflow_dict) for key in workflow_dict['mappings']: if not isinstance(key, int): new_wf_dict['mappings'][int(key)] = workflow_dict['mappings'][key] workflow_dict = new_wf_dict fk_trans = FakeTrans(, history = sample.history, user=sample.request.user) workflow = self.sa_session.query(['id']) if not workflow: log.error("Workflow mapping failure.") return if len( workflow.steps ) == 0: log.error( "Workflow cannot be run because it does not have any steps" ) return if workflow.has_cycles: log.error( "Workflow cannot be run because it contains cycles" ) return if workflow.has_errors: log.error( "Workflow cannot be run because of validation errors in some steps" ) return # Build the state for each step errors = {} has_upgrade_messages = False has_errors = False # Build a fake dictionary prior to execution. # Prepare each step for step in workflow.steps: step.upgrade_messages = {} # Contruct modules if step.type == 'tool' or step.type is None: # Restore the tool state for the step step.module = module_factory.from_workflow_step( fk_trans, step ) # Fix any missing parameters step.upgrade_messages = step.module.check_and_update_state() if step.upgrade_messages: has_upgrade_messages = True # Any connected input needs to have value DummyDataset (these # are not persisted so we need to do it every time) step.module.add_dummy_datasets( connections=step.input_connections ) # Store state with the step step.state = step.module.state # Error dict if step.tool_errors: has_errors = True errors[] = step.tool_errors else: ## Non-tool specific stuff? step.module = module_factory.from_workflow_step( fk_trans, step ) step.state = step.module.get_runtime_state() # Connections by input name step.input_connections_by_name = dict( ( conn.input_name, conn ) for conn in step.input_connections ) for step in workflow.steps: step.upgrade_messages = {} # Connections by input name step.input_connections_by_name = \ dict( ( conn.input_name, conn ) for conn in step.input_connections ) # Extract just the arguments for this step by prefix step_errors = None if step.type == 'tool' or step.type is None: module = module_factory.from_workflow_step( fk_trans, step ) # Fix any missing parameters step.upgrade_messages = module.check_and_update_state() if step.upgrade_messages: has_upgrade_messages = True # Any connected input needs to have value DummyDataset (these # are not persisted so we need to do it every time) module.add_dummy_datasets( connections=step.input_connections ) # Get the tool tool = module.tool # Get the state step.state = state = module.state # Get old errors old_errors = state.inputs.pop( "__errors__", {} ) if step_errors: errors[] = state.inputs["__errors__"] = step_errors # Run each step, connecting outputs to inputs workflow_invocation = workflow_invocation.workflow = workflow outputs = odict() for i, step in enumerate( workflow.steps ): job = None if step.type == 'tool' or step.type is None: tool = step.tool_id ) def callback( input, value, prefixed_name, prefixed_label ): if isinstance( input, DataToolParameter ): if prefixed_name in step.input_connections_by_name: conn = step.input_connections_by_name[ prefixed_name ] return outputs[ ][ conn.output_name ] visit_input_values( tool.inputs, step.state.inputs, callback ) job, out_data = tool.execute( fk_trans, step.state.inputs, history=sample.history) outputs[ ] = out_data for pja in step.post_job_actions: if pja.action_type in ActionBox.immediate_actions: ActionBox.execute(, self.sa_session, pja, job, replacement_dict=None) else: job.add_post_job_action(pja) else: job, out_data = step.module.execute( fk_trans, step.state) outputs[ ] = out_data if in workflow_dict['mappings']: data = self.sa_session.query( ).get( workflow_dict['mappings'][str(]['hda'] ) outputs[ ]['output'] = data workflow_invocation_step = workflow_invocation_step.workflow_invocation = workflow_invocation workflow_invocation_step.workflow_step = step workflow_invocation_step.job = job self.sa_session.add( workflow_invocation ) self.sa_session.flush()