Source code for

import logging
import inspect
import os
import sys

log = logging.getLogger( __name__ )

from import stock_rules

from .rule_helper import RuleHelper

DYNAMIC_DESTINATION_ID = "dynamic_legacy_from_url"

ERROR_MESSAGE_NO_RULE_FUNCTION = "Galaxy misconfigured - cannot find dynamic rule function name for destination %s."
ERROR_MESSAGE_RULE_FUNCTION_NOT_FOUND = "Galaxy misconfigured - no rule function named %s found in dynamic rule modules."

[docs]class JobMappingException( Exception ): def __init__( self, failure_message ): self.failure_message = failure_message
[docs]class JobNotReadyException( Exception ): def __init__( self, job_state=None, message=None ): self.job_state = job_state self.message = message
STOCK_RULES = dict( choose_one=stock_rules.choose_one, burst=stock_rules.burst, docker_dispatch=stock_rules.docker_dispatch, )
[docs]class JobRunnerMapper( object ): """ This class is responsible to managing the mapping of jobs (in the form of job_wrappers) to job runner url strings. """ def __init__( self, job_wrapper, url_to_destination, job_config ): self.job_wrapper = job_wrapper self.url_to_destination = url_to_destination self.job_config = job_config self.rules_module = if job_config.dynamic_params is not None: rules_module_name = job_config.dynamic_params['rules_module'] __import__(rules_module_name) self.rules_module = sys.modules[rules_module_name] def __get_rule_modules( self ): unsorted_module_names = self.__get_rule_module_names( ) ## Load modules in reverse order to allow hierarchical overrides ## i.e.,, module_names = sorted( unsorted_module_names, reverse=True ) modules = [] for rule_module_name in module_names: try: module = __import__( rule_module_name ) for comp in rule_module_name.split( "." )[1:]: module = getattr( module, comp ) modules.append( module ) except BaseException, exception: exception_str = str( exception ) message = "%s rule module could not be loaded: %s" % ( rule_module_name, exception_str ) log.debug( message ) continue return modules def __get_rule_module_names( self ): rules_dir = self.rules_module.__path__[0] names = [] for fname in os.listdir( rules_dir ): if not( fname.startswith( "_" ) ) and fname.endswith( ".py" ): base_name = self.rules_module.__name__ rule_module_name = "%s.%s" % (base_name, fname[:-len(".py")]) names.append( rule_module_name ) return names def __invoke_expand_function( self, expand_function, destination_params ): function_arg_names = inspect.getargspec( expand_function ).args app = possible_args = { "job_id": self.job_wrapper.job_id, "tool": self.job_wrapper.tool, "tool_id":, "job_wrapper": self.job_wrapper, "rule_helper": RuleHelper( app ), "app": app } actual_args = {} # Send through any job_conf.xml defined args to function for destination_param in destination_params.keys(): if destination_param in function_arg_names: actual_args[ destination_param ] = destination_params[ destination_param ] # Populate needed args for possible_arg_name in possible_args: if possible_arg_name in function_arg_names: actual_args[ possible_arg_name ] = possible_args[ possible_arg_name ] # Don't hit the DB to load the job object if not needed require_db = False for param in ["job", "user", "user_email", "resource_params", "workflow_invocation_uuid"]: if param in function_arg_names: require_db = True break if require_db: job = self.job_wrapper.get_job() user = job.user user_email = user and str( if "job" in function_arg_names: actual_args[ "job" ] = job if "user" in function_arg_names: actual_args[ "user" ] = user if "user_email" in function_arg_names: actual_args[ "user_email" ] = user_email if "resource_params" in function_arg_names: # Find the dymically inserted resource parameters and give them # to rule. param_values = self.__job_params( job ) resource_params = {} try: resource_params_raw = param_values[ "__job_resource" ] if resource_params_raw[ "__job_resource__select" ].lower() in [ "1", "yes", "true" ]: for key, value in resource_params_raw.iteritems(): resource_params[ key ] = value except KeyError: pass actual_args[ "resource_params" ] = resource_params if "workflow_invocation_uuid" in function_arg_names: param_values = job.raw_param_dict( ) workflow_invocation_uuid = param_values.get( "__workflow_invocation_uuid__", None ) actual_args[ "workflow_invocation_uuid" ] = workflow_invocation_uuid return expand_function( **actual_args ) def __job_params( self, job ): app = param_values = job.get_param_values( app, ignore_errors=True ) return param_values def __convert_url_to_destination( self, url ): """ Job runner URLs are deprecated, but dynamic mapper functions may still be returning them. Runners are expected to be able to convert these to destinations. This method calls JobHandlerQueue.DefaultJobDispatcher.url_to_destination, which in turn calls the url_to_destination method for the appropriate runner. """ dest = self.url_to_destination( url ) dest['id'] = DYNAMIC_DESTINATION_ID return dest def __determine_expand_function_name( self, destination ): # default look for function with name matching an id of tool, unless one specified expand_function_name = destination.params.get('function', None) if not expand_function_name: for tool_id in self.job_wrapper.tool.all_ids: if self.__last_rule_module_with_function( tool_id ): expand_function_name = tool_id break return expand_function_name def __get_expand_function( self, expand_function_name ): matching_rule_module = self.__last_rule_module_with_function( expand_function_name ) if matching_rule_module: expand_function = getattr( matching_rule_module, expand_function_name ) return expand_function else: message = ERROR_MESSAGE_RULE_FUNCTION_NOT_FOUND % ( expand_function_name ) raise Exception( message ) def __last_rule_module_with_function( self, function_name ): # self.rule_modules is sorted in reverse order, so find first # wiht function for rule_module in self.__get_rule_modules( ): if hasattr( rule_module, function_name ): return rule_module return None def __handle_dynamic_job_destination( self, destination ): expand_type = destination.params.get('type', "python") expand_function = None if expand_type == "python": expand_function_name = self.__determine_expand_function_name( destination ) if not expand_function_name: message = ERROR_MESSAGE_NO_RULE_FUNCTION % destination raise Exception( message ) expand_function = self.__get_expand_function( expand_function_name ) elif expand_type in STOCK_RULES: expand_function = STOCK_RULES[ expand_type ] else: raise Exception( "Unhandled dynamic job runner type specified - %s" % expand_type ) return self.__handle_rule( expand_function, destination ) def __handle_rule( self, rule_function, destination ): job_destination = self.__invoke_expand_function( rule_function, destination.params ) if not isinstance(job_destination, job_destination_rep = str(job_destination) # Should be either id or url if '://' in job_destination_rep: job_destination = self.__convert_url_to_destination(job_destination_rep) else: job_destination = self.job_config.get_destination(job_destination_rep) return job_destination def __cache_job_destination( self, params, raw_job_destination=None ): if raw_job_destination is None: raw_job_destination = self.job_wrapper.tool.get_job_destination( params ) if raw_job_destination.runner == DYNAMIC_RUNNER_NAME: job_destination = self.__handle_dynamic_job_destination( raw_job_destination ) else: job_destination = raw_job_destination self.cached_job_destination = job_destination
[docs] def get_job_destination( self, params ): """ Cache the job_destination to avoid recalculation. """ if not hasattr( self, 'cached_job_destination' ): self.__cache_job_destination( params ) return self.cached_job_destination
[docs] def cache_job_destination( self, raw_job_destination ): self.__cache_job_destination( None, raw_job_destination=raw_job_destination ) return self.cached_job_destination