Source code for galaxy.managers.hdas

Manager and Serializer for HDAs.

HistoryDatasetAssociations (HDAs) are datasets contained or created in a

import os
import gettext

from galaxy import model
from galaxy import exceptions
from galaxy import datatypes
from galaxy import objectstore

from galaxy.managers import datasets
from galaxy.managers import secured
from galaxy.managers import taggable
from galaxy.managers import annotatable
from galaxy.managers import users

import logging
log = logging.getLogger( __name__ )

[docs]class HDAManager( datasets.DatasetAssociationManager, secured.OwnableManagerMixin, taggable.TaggableManagerMixin, annotatable.AnnotatableManagerMixin ): """ Interface/service object for interacting with HDAs. """ model_class = model.HistoryDatasetAssociation foreign_key_name = 'history_dataset_association' tag_assoc = model.HistoryDatasetAssociationTagAssociation annotation_assoc = model.HistoryDatasetAssociationAnnotationAssociation # TODO: move what makes sense into DatasetManager # TODO: which of these are common with LDDAs and can be pushed down into DatasetAssociationManager? def __init__( self, app ): """ Set up and initialize other managers needed by hdas. """ super( HDAManager, self ).__init__( app ) self.user_manager = users.UserManager( app ) # .... security and permissions
[docs] def is_accessible( self, hda, user, **kwargs ): """ Override to allow owners (those that own the associated history). """ # this, apparently, is not True: # if I have a copy of a dataset and anyone who manages permissions on it revokes my access # I can not access that dataset even if it's in my history # if self.is_owner( hda, user, **kwargs ): # return True return super( HDAManager, self ).is_accessible( hda, user )
[docs] def is_owner( self, hda, user, current_history=None, **kwargs ): """ Use history to see if current user owns HDA. """ history = hda.history if self.user_manager.is_admin( user ): return True # allow anonymous user to access current history # TODO: some dup here with historyManager.is_owner but prevents circ import # TODO: awkward kwarg (which is my new band name); this may not belong here - move to controller? if self.user_manager.is_anonymous( user ): if current_history and history == current_history: return True return False return history.user == user # .... create and copy
[docs] def create( self, history=None, dataset=None, flush=True, **kwargs ): """ Create a new hda optionally passing in it's history and dataset. ..note: to explicitly set hid to `None` you must pass in `hid=None`, otherwise it will be automatically set. """ if not dataset: kwargs[ 'create_dataset' ] = True hda = model.HistoryDatasetAssociation( history=history, dataset=dataset,, **kwargs ) if history: history.add_dataset( hda, set_hid=( 'hid' not in kwargs ) ) #TODO:?? some internal sanity check here (or maybe in add_dataset) to make sure hids are not duped? self.session().add( hda ) if flush: self.session().flush() return hda
[docs] def copy( self, hda, history=None, **kwargs ): """ Copy and return the given HDA. """ # TODO:?? not using the following as this fn does not set history and COPIES hid (this doesn't seem correct) # return hda.copy() copy = model.HistoryDatasetAssociation( name =, info =, blurb = hda.blurb, peek = hda.peek, tool_version= hda.tool_version, extension = hda.extension, dbkey = hda.dbkey, dataset = hda.dataset, visible = hda.visible, deleted = hda.deleted, parent_id = kwargs.get( 'parent_id', None ), ) # add_dataset will update the hid to the next avail. in history if history: history.add_dataset( copy ) copy.copied_from_history_dataset_association = hda copy.set_size() # TODO: update from kwargs? # Need to set after flushed, as MetadataFiles require self.session().add( copy ) self.session().flush() copy.metadata = hda.metadata # In some instances peek relies on dataset_id, i.e. for viewing MAFs if not hda.datatype.copy_safe_peek: copy.set_peek() self.session().flush() return copy
[docs] def copy_ldda( self, history, ldda, **kwargs ): """ Copy this HDA as a LDDA and return. """ return ldda.to_history_dataset_association( history, add_to_history=True ) # .... deletion and purging
[docs] def purge( self, hda, current_user=None, flush=True ): """ Purge this HDA and the dataset underlying it. """ super( HDAManager, self ).purge( hda, flush=flush ) # decrease the user's space used if current_user: current_user.total_disk_usage -= hda.quota_amount( current_user ) return hda # .... states
[docs] def error_if_uploading( self, hda ): """ Raise error if HDA is still uploading. """ #TODO: may be better added to an overridden get_accessible if hda.state == model.Dataset.states.UPLOAD: raise exceptions.Conflict( "Please wait until this dataset finishes uploading" ) return hda
[docs] def has_been_resubmitted( self, hda ): """ Return True if the hda's job was resubmitted at any point. """ job_states = model.Job.states query = ( self._job_state_history_query( hda ) .filter( model.JobStateHistory.state == job_states.RESUBMITTED ) ) return query.exists() ).scalar()
def _job_state_history_query( self, hda ): """ Return a query of the job's state history for the job that created this hda. """ session = JobToOutputDatasetAssociation = model.JobToOutputDatasetAssociation JobStateHistory = model.JobStateHistory # TODO: this does not play well with copied hdas # NOTE: don't eagerload (JODA will load the hda were using!) hda_id = query = ( session.query( JobToOutputDatasetAssociation, JobStateHistory ) .filter( JobToOutputDatasetAssociation.dataset_id == hda_id ) .filter( JobStateHistory.job_id == JobToOutputDatasetAssociation.job_id ) .enable_eagerloads( False ) ) return query
[docs] def data_conversion_status( self, hda ): """ Returns a message if an hda is not ready to be used in visualization. """ # this is a weird syntax and return val if not hda: return self.model_class.conversion_messages.NO_DATA if hda.state == model.Job.states.ERROR: return self.model_class.conversion_messages.ERROR if hda.state != model.Job.states.OK: return self.model_class.conversion_messages.PENDING return None # .... data # TODO: to data provider or Text datatype directly
[docs] def text_data( self, hda, preview=True ): """ Get data from text file, truncating if necessary. """ # 1 MB MAX_PEEK_SIZE = 1000000 truncated = False hda_data = None # For now, cannot get data from non-text datasets. if not isinstance( hda.datatype, ): return truncated, hda_data if not os.path.exists( hda.file_name ): return truncated, hda_data truncated = preview and os.stat( hda.file_name ).st_size > MAX_PEEK_SIZE hda_data = open( hda.file_name ).read( MAX_PEEK_SIZE ) return truncated, hda_data
[docs]class HDASerializer( # datasets._UnflattenedMetadataDatasetAssociationSerializer, datasets.DatasetAssociationSerializer, taggable.TaggableSerializerMixin, annotatable.AnnotatableSerializerMixin ): # TODO: inherit from datasets.DatasetAssociationSerializer # TODO: move what makes sense into DatasetSerializer def __init__( self, app ): super( HDASerializer, self ).__init__( app ) self.hda_manager = HDAManager( app ) self.default_view = 'summary' self.add_view( 'summary', [ 'id', 'name', 'type_id', 'history_id', 'hid', # why include if model_class is there? 'history_content_type', 'dataset_id', 'state', 'extension', 'deleted', 'purged', 'visible', 'type', 'url' ]) self.add_view( 'detailed', [ 'model_class', 'history_id', 'hid', # why include if model_class is there? 'hda_ldda', #TODO: accessible needs to go away 'accessible', # remapped 'genome_build', 'misc_info', 'misc_blurb', 'file_ext', 'file_size', 'file_path', 'create_time', 'update_time', 'resubmitted', 'metadata', 'meta_files', 'data_type', 'peek', 'uuid', 'permissions', 'display_apps', 'display_types', 'visualizations', #'url', 'download_url', 'annotation', 'tags', 'api_type' ], include_keys_from='summary' ) self.add_view( 'extended', [ 'tool_version', 'parent_id', 'designation', ], include_keys_from='detailed' ) # keyset returned to create show a dataset where the owner has no access self.add_view( 'inaccessible', [ 'id', 'name', 'history_id', 'hid', 'history_content_type', 'state', 'deleted', 'visible' ])
[docs] def add_serializers( self ): super( HDASerializer, self ).add_serializers() taggable.TaggableSerializerMixin.add_serializers( self ) annotatable.AnnotatableSerializerMixin.add_serializers( self ) self.serializers.update({ 'model_class' : lambda *a, **c: 'HistoryDatasetAssociation', 'history_content_type': lambda *a, **c: 'dataset', 'hda_ldda' : lambda *a, **c: 'hda', 'type_id' : self.serialize_type_id, 'history_id' : self.serialize_id, # remapped 'misc_info' : self._remap_from( 'info' ), 'misc_blurb' : self._remap_from( 'blurb' ), 'file_ext' : self._remap_from( 'extension' ), 'file_path' : self._remap_from( 'file_name' ), 'resubmitted' : lambda i, k, **c: self.hda_manager.has_been_resubmitted( i ), 'display_apps' : self.serialize_display_apps, 'display_types' : self.serialize_old_display_applications, 'visualizations': self.serialize_visualization_links, # 'url' : url_for( 'history_content_typed', history_id=encoded_history_id, id=encoded_id, type="dataset" ), # TODO: this intermittently causes a routes.GenerationException - temp use the legacy route to prevent this # see also: # see also: 'url' : lambda i, k, **c: self.url_for( 'history_content', i.history_id ), ) ), 'urls' : self.serialize_urls, # TODO: backwards compat: need to go away 'download_url' : lambda i, k, **c: self.url_for( 'history_contents_display', ), ) ), 'parent_id' : self.serialize_id, 'accessible' : lambda *a, **c: True, 'api_type' : lambda *a, **c: 'file', 'type' : lambda *a, **c: 'file' })
[docs] def serialize_type_id( self, hda, key, **context ): return 'dataset-' + self.serializers[ 'id' ]( hda, 'id' )
[docs] def serialize_display_apps( self, hda, key, trans=None, **context ): """ Return dictionary containing new-style display app urls. """ display_apps = [] for display_app in hda.get_display_applications( trans ).itervalues(): app_links = [] for link_app in display_app.links.itervalues(): app_links.append({ 'target': link_app.url.get( 'target_frame', '_blank' ), 'href': link_app.get_display_url( hda, trans ), 'text': gettext.gettext( ) }) if app_links: display_apps.append( dict(, links=app_links ) ) return display_apps
[docs] def serialize_old_display_applications( self, hda, key, trans=None, **context ): """ Return dictionary containing old-style display app urls. """ display_apps = [] if not return display_apps display_link_fn = hda.datatype.get_display_links for display_app in hda.datatype.get_display_types(): target_frame, display_links = display_link_fn( hda, display_app,, trans.request.base ) if len( display_links ) > 0: display_label = hda.datatype.get_display_label( display_app ) app_links = [] for display_name, display_link in display_links: app_links.append({ 'target': target_frame, 'href': display_link, 'text': gettext.gettext( display_name ) }) if app_links: display_apps.append( dict( label=display_label, links=app_links ) ) return display_apps
[docs] def serialize_urls( self, hda, key, **context ): """ Return web controller urls useful for this HDA. """ url_for = self.url_for encoded_id = ) urls = { 'purge' : url_for( controller='dataset', action='purge_async', dataset_id=encoded_id ), 'display' : url_for( controller='dataset', action='display', dataset_id=encoded_id, preview=True ), 'edit' : url_for( controller='dataset', action='edit', dataset_id=encoded_id ), 'download' : url_for( controller='dataset', action='display', dataset_id=encoded_id, to_ext=hda.extension ), 'report_error' : url_for( controller='dataset', action='errors', id=encoded_id ), 'rerun' : url_for( controller='tool_runner', action='rerun', id=encoded_id ), 'show_params' : url_for( controller='dataset', action='show_params', dataset_id=encoded_id ), 'visualization' : url_for( controller='visualization', action='index', id=encoded_id, model='HistoryDatasetAssociation' ), 'meta_download' : url_for( controller='dataset', action='get_metadata_file', hda_id=encoded_id, metadata_name='' ), } return urls
[docs]class HDADeserializer( datasets.DatasetAssociationDeserializer, taggable.TaggableDeserializerMixin, annotatable.AnnotatableDeserializerMixin ): """ Interface/service object for validating and deserializing dictionaries into histories. """ model_manager_class = HDAManager def __init__( self, app ): super( HDADeserializer, self ).__init__( app ) self.hda_manager = self.manager
[docs] def add_deserializers( self ): super( HDADeserializer, self ).add_deserializers() taggable.TaggableDeserializerMixin.add_deserializers( self ) annotatable.AnnotatableDeserializerMixin.add_deserializers( self ) self.deserializers.update({ 'visible' : self.deserialize_bool, # remapped 'genome_build' : lambda i, k, v, **c: self.deserialize_genome_build( i, 'dbkey', v ), 'misc_info' : lambda i, k, v, **c: self.deserialize_basestring( i, 'info', v, convert_none_to_empty=True ), }) self.deserializable_keyset.update( self.deserializers.keys() )
[docs]class HDAFilterParser( datasets.DatasetAssociationFilterParser, taggable.TaggableFilterMixin, annotatable.AnnotatableFilterMixin ): model_class = model.HistoryDatasetAssociation def _add_parsers( self ): super( HDAFilterParser, self )._add_parsers() taggable.TaggableFilterMixin._add_parsers( self ) annotatable.AnnotatableFilterMixin._add_parsers( self )