Source code for

Module for building and searching the index of tools
installed within this Galaxy.
from galaxy import eggs
from galaxy.web.framework.helpers import to_unicode

eggs.require( "Whoosh" )
from whoosh.filedb.filestore import RamStorage
from whoosh.fields import Schema, STORED, TEXT
from whoosh.scoring import BM25F
from whoosh.qparser import MultifieldParser
schema = Schema( id=STORED,
                 help=TEXT )
import logging
log = logging.getLogger( __name__ )

[docs]class ToolBoxSearch( object ): """ Support searching tools in a toolbox. This implementation uses the Whoosh search library. """ def __init__( self, toolbox, index_help=True ): """ Create a searcher for `toolbox`. """ self.toolbox = toolbox self.build_index( index_help )
[docs] def build_index( self, index_help=True ): log.debug( 'Starting to build toolbox index.' ) = RamStorage() self.index = schema ) writer = self.index.writer() for id, tool in # Do not add data managers to the public index if tool.tool_type == 'manage_data': continue add_doc_kwds = { "id": id, "name": to_unicode( ), "description": to_unicode( tool.description ), "section": to_unicode( tool.get_panel_section()[1] if len( tool.get_panel_section() ) == 2 else '' ), "help": to_unicode( "" ) } if index_help and try: add_doc_kwds['help'] = to_unicode( host_url="", static_path="" ) ) except Exception: # Don't fail to build index just because a help message # won't render. pass writer.add_document( **add_doc_kwds ) writer.commit() log.debug( 'Toolbox index finished.' )
[docs] def search( self, q, tool_name_boost, tool_section_boost, tool_description_boost, tool_help_boost, tool_search_limit ): """ Perform search on the in-memory index. Weight in the given boosts. """ # Change field boosts for searcher searcher = self.index.searcher( weighting=BM25F( field_B={ 'name_B': float( tool_name_boost ), 'section_B': float( tool_section_boost ), 'description_B': float( tool_description_boost ), 'help_B': float( tool_help_boost ) } ) ) # Set query to search name, description, section, and help. parser = MultifieldParser( [ 'name', 'description', 'section', 'help' ], schema=schema ) # Perform the search hits = parser.parse( '*' + q + '*' ), limit=float( tool_search_limit ) ) return [ hit[ 'id' ] for hit in hits ]