Source code for galaxy.webapps.galaxy.api.authenticate

API key retrieval through BaseAuth
Sample usage:

curl --user http://localhost:8080/api/authenticate/baseauth


    "api_key": "baa4d6e3a156d3033f05736255f195f9"

from base64 import b64decode
from urllib import unquote

from galaxy.web import _future_expose_api_anonymous_and_sessionless as expose_api_anonymous_and_sessionless
from galaxy.managers import api_keys
from galaxy import exceptions
from galaxy.web.base.controller import BaseAPIController

import logging
log = logging.getLogger( __name__ )

[docs]class AuthenticationController( BaseAPIController ): def __init__( self, app ): super( AuthenticationController, self ).__init__( app ) self.api_keys_manager = api_keys.ApiKeyManager( app ) @expose_api_anonymous_and_sessionless
[docs] def get_api_key( self, trans, **kwd ): """ def get_api_key( self, trans, **kwd ) * GET /api/authenticate/baseauth returns an API key for authenticated user based on BaseAuth headers :returns: api_key in json format :rtype: dict :raises: ObjectNotFound, HTTPBadRequest """ email, password = self._decode_baseauth( trans.environ.get( 'HTTP_AUTHORIZATION' ) ) user = trans.sa_session.query( ).filter( == email ).all() if len( user ) == 0: raise exceptions.ObjectNotFound( 'The user does not exist.' ) elif len( user ) > 1: # DB is inconsistent and we have more users with the same email. raise exceptions.InconsistentDatabase( 'An error occured, please contact your administrator.' ) else: user = user[0] is_valid_user =, password) if is_valid_user: key = self.api_keys_manager.get_or_create_api_key( user ) return dict( api_key=key ) else: raise exceptions.AuthenticationFailed( 'Invalid password.' )
def _decode_baseauth( self, encoded_str ): """ Decode an encrypted HTTP basic authentication string. Returns a tuple of the form (email, password), and raises a HTTPBadRequest exception if nothing could be decoded. :param encoded_str: BaseAuth string encoded base64 :type encoded_str: string :returns: email of the user :rtype: string :returns: password of the user :rtype: string :raises: HTTPBadRequest """ split = encoded_str.strip().split( ' ' ) # If split is only one element, try to decode the email and password # directly. if len( split ) == 1: try: email, password = b64decode( split[ 0 ] ).split( ':' ) except: raise exceptions.ActionInputError() # If there are only two elements, check the first and ensure it says # 'basic' so that we know we're about to decode the right thing. If not, # bail out. elif len( split ) == 2: if split[ 0 ].strip().lower() == 'basic': try: email, password = b64decode( split[ 1 ] ).split( ':' ) except: raise exceptions.ActionInputError() else: raise exceptions.ActionInputError() # If there are more than 2 elements, something crazy must be happening. # Bail. else: raise exceptions.ActionInputError() return unquote( email ), unquote( password )