Source code for galaxy.webapps.galaxy.api.library_contents

API operations on the contents of a data library.
from galaxy import util
from galaxy import web
from galaxy import exceptions
from galaxy import managers
from galaxy.web import _future_expose_api as expose_api
from galaxy.web.base.controller import BaseAPIController, UsesLibraryMixin, UsesLibraryMixinItems
from galaxy.web.base.controller import HTTPBadRequest, url_for
from galaxy.managers.collections_util import api_payload_to_create_params, dictify_dataset_collection_instance
from galaxy.model import ExtendedMetadata, ExtendedMetadataIndex
from sqlalchemy.orm.exc import MultipleResultsFound
from sqlalchemy.orm.exc import NoResultFound

import logging
log = logging.getLogger( __name__ )

[docs]class LibraryContentsController( BaseAPIController, UsesLibraryMixin, UsesLibraryMixinItems ): def __init__( self, app ): super( LibraryContentsController, self ).__init__( app ) self.hda_manager = managers.hdas.HDAManager( app ) @expose_api
[docs] def index( self, trans, library_id, **kwd ): """ index( self, trans, library_id, **kwd ) * GET /api/libraries/{library_id}/contents: Returns a list of library files and folders. .. note:: May be slow! Returns all content traversing recursively through all folders. .. seealso:: :class:`galaxy.webapps.galaxy.api.FolderContentsController.index` for a non-recursive solution :param library_id: the encoded id of the library :type library_id: str :returns: list of dictionaries of the form: * id: the encoded id of the library item * name: the 'library path' or relationship of the library item to the root * type: 'file' or 'folder' * url: the url to get detailed information on the library item :rtype: list :raises: MalformedId, InconsistentDatabase, RequestParameterInvalidException, InternalServerError """ rval = [] current_user_roles = trans.get_current_user_roles() def traverse( folder ): admin = trans.user_is_admin() rval = [] for subfolder in folder.active_folders: if not admin: can_access, folder_ids = trans.user, current_user_roles, subfolder ) if (admin or can_access) and not subfolder.deleted: subfolder.api_path = folder.api_path + '/' + subfolder.api_type = 'folder' rval.append( subfolder ) rval.extend( traverse( subfolder ) ) for ld in folder.datasets: if not admin: can_access = current_user_roles, ld.library_dataset_dataset_association.dataset ) if (admin or can_access) and not ld.deleted: ld.api_path = folder.api_path + '/' + ld.api_type = 'file' rval.append( ld ) return rval try: decoded_library_id = self.decode_id( library_id ) except Exception: raise exceptions.MalformedId( 'Malformed library id ( %s ) specified, unable to decode.' % library_id ) try: library = trans.sa_session.query( ).filter( == decoded_library_id ).one() except MultipleResultsFound: raise exceptions.InconsistentDatabase( 'Multiple libraries found with the same id.' ) except NoResultFound: raise exceptions.RequestParameterInvalidException( 'No library found with the id provided.' ) except Exception, e: raise exceptions.InternalServerError( 'Error loading from the database.' + str(e)) if not ( trans.user_is_admin() or current_user_roles, library ) ): raise exceptions.RequestParameterInvalidException( 'No library found with the id provided.' ) encoded_id = 'F' + ) # appending root folder rval.append( dict( id=encoded_id, type='folder', name='/', url=url_for( 'library_content', library_id=library_id, id=encoded_id ) ) ) library.root_folder.api_path = '' # appending all other items in the library recursively for content in traverse( library.root_folder ): encoded_id = ) if content.api_type == 'folder': encoded_id = 'F' + encoded_id rval.append( dict( id=encoded_id, type=content.api_type, name=content.api_path, url=url_for( 'library_content', library_id=library_id, id=encoded_id, ) ) ) return rval
[docs] def show( self, trans, id, library_id, **kwd ): """ show( self, trans, id, library_id, **kwd ) * GET /api/libraries/{library_id}/contents/{id} Returns information about library file or folder. :param id: the encoded id of the library item to return :type id: str :param library_id: the encoded id of the library that contains this item :type library_id: str :returns: detailed library item information :rtype: dict .. seealso:: :func:`galaxy.model.LibraryDataset.to_dict` and :attr:`galaxy.model.LibraryFolder.dict_element_visible_keys` """ class_name, content_id = self.__decode_library_content_id( id ) if class_name == 'LibraryFolder': content = self.get_library_folder( trans, content_id, check_ownership=False, check_accessible=True ) rval = content.to_dict( view='element', value_mapper={ 'id': } ) rval[ 'id' ] = 'F' + str( rval[ 'id' ] ) if rval[ 'parent_id' ] is not None: # This can happen for root folders. rval[ 'parent_id' ] = 'F' + str( rval[ 'parent_id' ] ) ) rval[ 'parent_library_id' ] = rval[ 'parent_library_id' ] ) else: content = self.get_library_dataset( trans, content_id, check_ownership=False, check_accessible=True ) rval = content.to_dict( view='element') rval[ 'id' ] = rval[ 'id' ] ) rval[ 'ldda_id' ] = rval[ 'ldda_id' ] ) rval[ 'folder_id' ] = 'F' + str( rval[ 'folder_id' ] ) ) rval[ 'parent_library_id' ] = rval[ 'parent_library_id' ] ) return rval
[docs] def create( self, trans, library_id, payload, **kwd ): """ create( self, trans, library_id, payload, **kwd ) * POST /api/libraries/{library_id}/contents: create a new library file or folder To copy an HDA into a library send ``create_type`` of 'file' and the HDA's encoded id in ``from_hda_id`` (and optionally ``ldda_message``). :type library_id: str :param library_id: the encoded id of the library where to create the new item :type payload: dict :param payload: dictionary structure containing: * folder_id: the encoded id of the parent folder of the new item * create_type: the type of item to create ('file', 'folder' or 'collection') * from_hda_id: (optional, only if create_type is 'file') the encoded id of an accessible HDA to copy into the library * ldda_message: (optional) the new message attribute of the LDDA created * extended_metadata: (optional) dub-dictionary containing any extended metadata to associate with the item * upload_option: (optional) one of 'upload_file' (default), 'upload_directory' or 'upload_paths' * server_dir: (optional, only if upload_option is 'upload_directory') relative path of the subdirectory of Galaxy ``library_import_dir`` to upload. All and only the files (i.e. no subdirectories) contained in the specified directory will be uploaded. * filesystem_paths: (optional, only if upload_option is 'upload_paths' and the user is an admin) file paths on the Galaxy server to upload to the library, one file per line * link_data_only: (optional, only when upload_option is 'upload_directory' or 'upload_paths') either 'copy_files' (default) or 'link_to_files'. Setting to 'link_to_files' symlinks instead of copying the files * name: (optional, only if create_type is 'folder') name of the folder to create * description: (optional, only if create_type is 'folder') description of the folder to create :rtype: dict :returns: a dictionary containing the id, name, and 'show' url of the new item """ if 'create_type' not in payload: trans.response.status = 400 return "Missing required 'create_type' parameter." else: create_type = payload.pop( 'create_type' ) if create_type not in ( 'file', 'folder', 'collection' ): trans.response.status = 400 return "Invalid value for 'create_type' parameter ( %s ) specified." % create_type if 'folder_id' not in payload: trans.response.status = 400 return "Missing required 'folder_id' parameter." else: folder_id = payload.pop( 'folder_id' ) class_name, folder_id = self.__decode_library_content_id( folder_id ) try: # security is checked in the downstream controller parent = self.get_library_folder( trans, folder_id, check_ownership=False, check_accessible=False ) except Exception, e: return str( e ) # The rest of the security happens in the library_common controller. real_folder_id = ) # are we copying an HDA to the library folder? # we'll need the id and any message to attach, then branch to that private function from_hda_id, ldda_message = ( payload.pop( 'from_hda_id', None ), payload.pop( 'ldda_message', '' ) ) if create_type == 'file' and from_hda_id: return self._copy_hda_to_library_folder( trans, from_hda_id, library_id, real_folder_id, ldda_message ) # check for extended metadata, store it and pop it out of the param # otherwise sanitize_param will have a fit ex_meta_payload = payload.pop('extended_metadata', None) # Now create the desired content object, either file or folder. if create_type == 'file': status, output = trans.webapp.controllers['library_common'].upload_library_dataset( trans, 'api', library_id, real_folder_id, **payload ) elif create_type == 'folder': status, output = trans.webapp.controllers['library_common'].create_folder( trans, 'api', real_folder_id, library_id, **payload ) elif create_type == 'collection': # Not delegating to library_common, so need to check access to parent # folder here. self.check_user_can_add_to_library_item( trans, parent, check_accessible=True ) create_params = api_payload_to_create_params( payload ) create_params[ 'parent' ] = parent service = dataset_collection_instance = service.create( **create_params ) return [ dictify_dataset_collection_instance( dataset_collection_instance,, parent=parent ) ] if status != 200: trans.response.status = status return output else: rval = [] for v in output.values(): if ex_meta_payload is not None: # If there is extended metadata, store it, attach it to the dataset, and index it ex_meta = ExtendedMetadata(ex_meta_payload) trans.sa_session.add( ex_meta ) v.extended_metadata = ex_meta trans.sa_session.add(v) trans.sa_session.flush() for path, value in self._scan_json_block(ex_meta_payload): meta_i = ExtendedMetadataIndex(ex_meta, path, value) trans.sa_session.add(meta_i) trans.sa_session.flush() if type( v ) == v = v.library_dataset encoded_id = ) if create_type == 'folder': encoded_id = 'F' + encoded_id rval.append( dict( id=encoded_id,, url=url_for( 'library_content', library_id=library_id, id=encoded_id ) ) ) return rval
def _scan_json_block(self, meta, prefix=""): """ Scan a json style data structure, and emit all fields and their values. Example paths Data { "data" : [ 1, 2, 3 ] } Path: /data == [1,2,3] /data/[0] == 1 """ if isinstance(meta, dict): for a in meta: for path, value in self._scan_json_block(meta[a], prefix + "/" + a): yield path, value elif isinstance(meta, list): for i, a in enumerate(meta): for path, value in self._scan_json_block(a, prefix + "[%d]" % (i)): yield path, value else: # BUG: Everything is cast to string, which can lead to false positives # for cross type comparisions, ie "True" == True yield prefix, ("%s" % (meta)).encode("utf8", errors='replace') def _copy_hda_to_library_folder( self, trans, from_hda_id, library_id, folder_id, ldda_message='' ): """ Copies hda ``from_hda_id`` to library folder ``folder_id``, optionally adding ``ldda_message`` to the new ldda's ``message``. ``library_contents.create`` will branch to this if called with 'from_hda_id' in its payload. """ log.debug( '_copy_hda_to_library_folder: %s' % ( str(( from_hda_id, library_id, folder_id, ldda_message )) ) ) # PRECONDITION: folder_id has already been altered to remove the folder prefix ('F') # TODO: allow name and other, editable ldda attrs? if ldda_message: ldda_message = util.sanitize_html.sanitize_html( ldda_message, 'utf-8' ) rval = {} try: # check permissions on (all three?) resources: hda, library, folder # TODO: do we really need the library?? from_hda_id = self.decode_id( from_hda_id ) hda = self.hda_manager.get_owned( from_hda_id, trans.user, current_history=trans.history ) hda = self.hda_manager.error_if_uploading( hda ) # library = self.get_library( trans, library_id, check_accessible=True ) folder = self.get_library_folder( trans, folder_id, check_accessible=True ) # TOOD: refactor to use check_user_can_add_to_library_item, eliminate boolean # can_current_user_add_to_library_item. if not self.can_current_user_add_to_library_item( trans, folder ): trans.response.status = 403 return { 'error': 'user has no permission to add to library folder (%s)' % ( folder_id ) } ldda = self.copy_hda_to_library_folder( trans, hda, folder, ldda_message=ldda_message ) ldda_dict = ldda.to_dict() rval = ldda_dict ) except Exception, exc: # TODO: grrr... if 'not accessible to the current user' in str( exc ): trans.response.status = 403 return { 'error': str( exc ) } else: log.exception( exc ) trans.response.status = 500 return { 'error': str( exc ) } return rval @web.expose_api
[docs] def update( self, trans, id, library_id, payload, **kwd ): """ update( self, trans, id, library_id, payload, **kwd ) * PUT /api/libraries/{library_id}/contents/{id} create a ImplicitlyConvertedDatasetAssociation .. seealso:: :class:`galaxy.model.ImplicitlyConvertedDatasetAssociation` :type id: str :param id: the encoded id of the library item to return :type library_id: str :param library_id: the encoded id of the library that contains this item :type payload: dict :param payload: dictionary structure containing:: 'converted_dataset_id': :rtype: None :returns: None """ if 'converted_dataset_id' in payload: converted_id = payload.pop( 'converted_dataset_id' ) content = self.get_library_dataset( trans, id, check_ownership=False, check_accessible=False ) content_conv = self.get_library_dataset( trans, converted_id, check_ownership=False, check_accessible=False ) assoc = parent=content.library_dataset_dataset_association, dataset=content_conv.library_dataset_dataset_association, file_type=content_conv.library_dataset_dataset_association.extension, metadata_safe=True ) trans.sa_session.add( assoc ) trans.sa_session.flush()
def __decode_library_content_id( self, content_id ): if len( content_id ) % 16 == 0: return 'LibraryDataset', content_id elif content_id.startswith( 'F' ): return 'LibraryFolder', content_id[ 1: ] else: raise HTTPBadRequest( 'Malformed library content id ( %s ) specified, unable to decode.' % str( content_id ) ) @web.expose_api
[docs] def delete( self, trans, library_id, id, **kwd ): """ delete( self, trans, library_id, id, **kwd ) * DELETE /api/libraries/{library_id}/contents/{id} delete the LibraryDataset with the given ``id`` :type id: str :param id: the encoded id of the library dataset to delete :type kwd: dict :param kwd: (optional) dictionary structure containing: * payload: a dictionary itself containing: * purge: if True, purge the LD :rtype: dict :returns: an error object if an error occurred or a dictionary containing: * id: the encoded id of the library dataset, * deleted: if the library dataset was marked as deleted, * purged: if the library dataset was purged """ # a request body is optional here purge = False if kwd.get( 'payload', None ): purge = util.string_as_bool( kwd['payload'].get( 'purge', False ) ) rval = { 'id': id } try: ld = self.get_library_dataset( trans, id, check_ownership=False, check_accessible=True ) user_is_admin = trans.user_is_admin() can_modify = trans.user.all_roles(), ld ) print 'is_admin: %s, can_modify: %s' % ( user_is_admin, can_modify ) if not ( user_is_admin or can_modify ): trans.response.status = 403 rval.update({ 'error': 'Unauthorized to delete or purge this library dataset' }) return rval ld.deleted = True if purge: ld.purged = True trans.sa_session.add( ld ) trans.sa_session.flush() # TODO: had to change this up a bit from Dataset.user_can_purge dataset = ld.library_dataset_dataset_association.dataset no_history_assoc = len( dataset.history_associations ) == len( dataset.purged_history_associations ) no_library_assoc = dataset.library_associations == [ ld.library_dataset_dataset_association ] can_purge_dataset = not dataset.purged and no_history_assoc and no_library_assoc if can_purge_dataset: try: ld.library_dataset_dataset_association.dataset.full_delete() trans.sa_session.add( ld.dataset ) except: pass # flush now to preserve deleted state in case of later interruption trans.sa_session.flush() rval[ 'purged' ] = True trans.sa_session.flush() rval[ 'deleted' ] = True except exceptions.httpexceptions.HTTPInternalServerError, http_server_err: log.exception( 'Library_contents API, delete: uncaught HTTPInternalServerError: %s, %s\n%s', id, str( kwd ), str( http_server_err ) ) raise except exceptions.httpexceptions.HTTPException: raise except Exception, exc: log.exception( 'library_contents API, delete: uncaught exception: %s, %s\n%s', id, str( kwd ), str( exc ) ) trans.response.status = 500 rval.update({ 'error': str( exc ) }) return rval