Source code for galaxy.webapps.galaxy.api.users

API operations on User objects.

from galaxy.web.base.controller import BaseAPIController
from galaxy.web.base.controller import UsesTagsMixin
from galaxy.web.base.controller import CreatesApiKeysMixin
from galaxy.web.base.controller import CreatesUsersMixin

from import validate_email
from import validate_password
from import validate_publicname

from galaxy.web import _future_expose_api as expose_api
from galaxy.web import _future_expose_api_anonymous as expose_api_anonymous
from galaxy import web
from galaxy import util
from galaxy import exceptions

import logging
log = logging.getLogger( __name__ )

[docs]class UserAPIController( BaseAPIController, UsesTagsMixin, CreatesUsersMixin, CreatesApiKeysMixin ): @expose_api
[docs] def index( self, trans, deleted='False', f_email=None, **kwd ): """ GET /api/users GET /api/users/deleted Displays a collection (list) of users. """ rval = [] query = trans.sa_session.query( ) deleted = util.string_as_bool( deleted ) if f_email: query = query.filter("%%%s%%" % f_email)) if deleted: query = query.filter( == True ) # noqa # only admins can see deleted users if not trans.user_is_admin(): return [] else: query = query.filter( == False ) # noqa # special case: user can see only their own user # special case2: if the galaxy admin has specified that other user email/names are # exposed, we don't want special case #1 if not trans.user_is_admin() and not and not item = trans.user.to_dict( value_mapper={ 'id': } ) return [item] for user in query: item = user.to_dict( value_mapper={ 'id': } ) # If NOT configured to expose_email, do not expose email UNLESS the user is self, or # the user is an admin if not and user is not trans.user and not trans.user_is_admin(): del item['username'] if not and user is not trans.user and not trans.user_is_admin(): del item['email'] # TODO: move into api_values rval.append( item ) return rval
[docs] def show( self, trans, id, deleted='False', **kwd ): """ GET /api/users/{encoded_user_id} GET /api/users/deleted/{encoded_user_id} GET /api/users/current Displays information about a user. """ deleted = util.string_as_bool( deleted ) try: # user is requesting data about themselves if id == "current": # ...and is anonymous - return usage and quota (if any) if not trans.user: item = self.anon_user_api_value( trans ) return item # ...and is logged in - return full else: user = trans.user else: user = self.get_user( trans, id, deleted=deleted ) # check that the user is requesting themselves (and they aren't del'd) unless admin if not trans.user_is_admin(): assert trans.user == user assert not user.deleted except: raise exceptions.RequestParameterInvalidException( 'Invalid user id specified', id=id ) item = user.to_dict( view='element', value_mapper={ 'id':, 'total_disk_usage': float } ) # add a list of tags used by the user (as strings) item[ 'tags_used' ] = self.get_user_tags_used( trans, user=user ) # TODO: move into api_values (needs trans, tho - can we do that with api_keys/@property??) # TODO: works with other users (from admin)?? item[ 'quota_percent' ] = trans=trans ) item[ 'is_admin' ] = trans.user_is_admin() return item
[docs] def create( self, trans, payload, **kwd ): """ POST /api/users Creates a new Galaxy user. """ if not and not trans.user_is_admin(): raise exceptions.ConfigDoesNotAllowException( 'User creation is not allowed in this Galaxy instance' ) if and trans.user_is_admin(): user = trans.get_or_create_remote_user( remote_user_email=payload['remote_user_email'] ) elif trans.user_is_admin(): username = payload[ 'username' ] email = payload[ 'email' ] password = payload[ 'password' ] message = "\n".join( [ validate_email( trans, email ), validate_password( trans, password, password ), validate_publicname( trans, username ) ] ).rstrip() if message: raise exceptions.RequestParameterInvalidException( message ) else: user = self.create_user( trans=trans, email=email, username=username, password=password ) else: raise exceptions.NotImplemented() item = user.to_dict( view='element', value_mapper={ 'id':, 'total_disk_usage': float } ) return item
@expose_api @web.require_admin
[docs] def api_key( self, trans, user_id, **kwd ): """ POST /api/users/{encoded_user_id}/api_key Creates a new API key for specified user. """ user = self.get_user( trans, user_id ) key = self.create_api_key( trans, user ) return key
[docs] def update( self, trans, **kwd ): raise exceptions.NotImplemented()
[docs] def delete( self, trans, **kwd ): raise exceptions.NotImplemented()
[docs] def undelete( self, trans, **kwd ): raise exceptions.NotImplemented() # TODO: move to more basal, common resource than this
[docs] def anon_user_api_value( self, trans ): """ Returns data for an anonymous user, truncated to only usage and quota_percent """ usage = trans ) percent = trans=trans, usage=usage ) return {'total_disk_usage': int( usage ), 'nice_total_disk_usage': util.nice_size( usage ), 'quota_percent': percent}