Source code for galaxy.webapps.galaxy.controllers.admin

import imp
import logging
import os
from sqlalchemy.sql import expression

import galaxy.queue_worker
import galaxy.util
from galaxy import model
from galaxy import web
from galaxy.actions.admin import AdminActions
from galaxy.exceptions import MessageException
from galaxy.model import tool_shed_install as install_model
from galaxy.model.util import pgcalc
from galaxy.util import nice_size, sanitize_text
from galaxy.util.odict import odict
from galaxy.web import url_for
from galaxy.web.base.controller import BaseUIController, UsesQuotaMixin
from galaxy.web.base.controllers.admin import Admin
from galaxy.web.framework.helpers import grids, time_ago
from galaxy.web.params import QuotaParamParser
from tool_shed.util import common_util
from tool_shed.util import encoding_util
from tool_shed.util.web_util import escape

log = logging.getLogger( __name__ )

[docs]class UserListGrid( grids.Grid ):
[docs] class EmailColumn( grids.TextColumn ):
[docs] def get_value( self, trans, grid, user ): return
[docs] class UserNameColumn( grids.TextColumn ):
[docs] def get_value( self, trans, grid, user ): if user.username: return user.username return 'not set'
[docs] class StatusColumn( grids.GridColumn ):
[docs] def get_value( self, trans, grid, user ): if user.purged: return "purged" elif user.deleted: return "deleted" return ""
[docs] class GroupsColumn( grids.GridColumn ):
[docs] def get_value( self, trans, grid, user ): if user.groups: return len( user.groups ) return 0
[docs] class RolesColumn( grids.GridColumn ):
[docs] def get_value( self, trans, grid, user ): if user.roles: return len( user.roles ) return 0
[docs] class ExternalColumn( grids.GridColumn ):
[docs] def get_value( self, trans, grid, user ): if user.external: return 'yes' return 'no'
[docs] class LastLoginColumn( grids.GridColumn ):
[docs] def get_value( self, trans, grid, user ): if user.galaxy_sessions: return self.format( user.galaxy_sessions[ 0 ].update_time ) return 'never'
[docs] class TimeCreatedColumn( grids.GridColumn ):
[docs] def get_value( self, trans, grid, user ): return user.create_time.strftime('%x')
[docs] class ActivatedColumn( grids.GridColumn ):
[docs] def get_value( self, trans, grid, user ): if return 'Y' else: return 'N' # Grid definition
title = "Users" model_class = model.User template = '/admin/user/grid.mako' default_sort_key = "email" columns = [ EmailColumn( "Email", key="email", model_class=model.User, link=( lambda item: dict( operation="information",, webapp="galaxy" ) ), attach_popup=True, filterable="advanced" ), UserNameColumn( "User Name", key="username", model_class=model.User, attach_popup=False, filterable="advanced" ), GroupsColumn( "Groups", attach_popup=False ), RolesColumn( "Roles", attach_popup=False ), ExternalColumn( "External", attach_popup=False ), LastLoginColumn( "Last Login", format=time_ago ), StatusColumn( "Status", attach_popup=False ), TimeCreatedColumn( "Created", attach_popup=False ), ActivatedColumn( "Activated", attach_popup=False ), # Columns that are valid for filtering but are not visible. grids.DeletedColumn( "Deleted", key="deleted", visible=False, filterable="advanced" ) ] columns.append( grids.MulticolFilterColumn( "Search", cols_to_filter=[ columns[0], columns[1] ], key="free-text-search", visible=False, filterable="standard" ) ) global_actions = [ grids.GridAction( "Create new user", dict( controller='admin', action='users', operation='create', webapp="galaxy" ) ) ] operations = [ grids.GridOperation( "Manage Roles and Groups", condition=( lambda item: not item.deleted ), allow_multiple=False, url_args=dict( webapp="galaxy", action="manage_roles_and_groups_for_user" ) ), grids.GridOperation( "Reset Password", condition=( lambda item: not item.deleted ), allow_multiple=True, allow_popup=False, url_args=dict( webapp="galaxy", action="reset_user_password" ) ), grids.GridOperation( "Recalculate Disk Usage", condition=( lambda item: not item.deleted ), allow_multiple=False, url_args=dict( webapp="galaxy", action="recalculate_user_disk_usage" ) ) ] standard_filters = [ grids.GridColumnFilter( "Active", args=dict( deleted=False ) ), grids.GridColumnFilter( "Deleted", args=dict( deleted=True, purged=False ) ), grids.GridColumnFilter( "Purged", args=dict( purged=True ) ), grids.GridColumnFilter( "All", args=dict( deleted='All' ) ) ] num_rows_per_page = 50 preserve_state = False use_paging = True
[docs] def get_current_item( self, trans, **kwargs ): return trans.user
[docs]class RoleListGrid( grids.Grid ):
[docs] class NameColumn( grids.TextColumn ):
[docs] def get_value( self, trans, grid, role ): return
[docs] class DescriptionColumn( grids.TextColumn ):
[docs] def get_value( self, trans, grid, role ): if role.description: return role.description return ''
[docs] class TypeColumn( grids.TextColumn ):
[docs] def get_value( self, trans, grid, role ): return role.type
[docs] class StatusColumn( grids.GridColumn ):
[docs] def get_value( self, trans, grid, role ): if role.deleted: return "deleted" return ""
[docs] class GroupsColumn( grids.GridColumn ):
[docs] def get_value( self, trans, grid, role ): if role.groups: return len( role.groups ) return 0
[docs] class UsersColumn( grids.GridColumn ):
[docs] def get_value( self, trans, grid, role ): if role.users: return len( role.users ) return 0 # Grid definition
title = "Roles" model_class = model.Role template = '/admin/dataset_security/role/grid.mako' default_sort_key = "name" columns = [ NameColumn( "Name", key="name", link=( lambda item: dict( operation="Manage users and groups",, webapp="galaxy" ) ), model_class=model.Role, attach_popup=True, filterable="advanced" ), DescriptionColumn( "Description", key='description', model_class=model.Role, attach_popup=False, filterable="advanced" ), TypeColumn( "Type", key='type', model_class=model.Role, attach_popup=False, filterable="advanced" ), GroupsColumn( "Groups", attach_popup=False ), UsersColumn( "Users", attach_popup=False ), StatusColumn( "Status", attach_popup=False ), # Columns that are valid for filtering but are not visible. grids.DeletedColumn( "Deleted", key="deleted", visible=False, filterable="advanced" ) ] columns.append( grids.MulticolFilterColumn( "Search", cols_to_filter=[ columns[0], columns[1], columns[2] ], key="free-text-search", visible=False, filterable="standard" ) ) global_actions = [ grids.GridAction( "Add new role", dict( controller='admin', action='roles', operation='create' ) ) ] operations = [ grids.GridOperation( "Edit", condition=( lambda item: not item.deleted ), allow_multiple=False, url_args=dict( webapp="galaxy", action="rename_role" ) ), grids.GridOperation( "Delete", condition=( lambda item: not item.deleted ), allow_multiple=True, url_args=dict( webapp="galaxy", action="mark_role_deleted" ) ), grids.GridOperation( "Undelete", condition=( lambda item: item.deleted ), allow_multiple=True, url_args=dict( webapp="galaxy", action="undelete_role" ) ), grids.GridOperation( "Purge", condition=( lambda item: item.deleted ), allow_multiple=True, url_args=dict( webapp="galaxy", action="purge_role" ) ) ] standard_filters = [ grids.GridColumnFilter( "Active", args=dict( deleted=False ) ), grids.GridColumnFilter( "Deleted", args=dict( deleted=True ) ), grids.GridColumnFilter( "All", args=dict( deleted='All' ) ) ] num_rows_per_page = 50 preserve_state = False use_paging = True
[docs] def apply_query_filter( self, trans, query, **kwargs ): return query.filter( model.Role.type != model.Role.types.PRIVATE )
[docs]class GroupListGrid( grids.Grid ):
[docs] class NameColumn( grids.TextColumn ):
[docs] def get_value( self, trans, grid, group ): return
[docs] class StatusColumn( grids.GridColumn ):
[docs] def get_value( self, trans, grid, group ): if group.deleted: return "deleted" return ""
[docs] class RolesColumn( grids.GridColumn ):
[docs] def get_value( self, trans, grid, group ): if group.roles: return len( group.roles ) return 0
[docs] class UsersColumn( grids.GridColumn ):
[docs] def get_value( self, trans, grid, group ): if group.members: return len( group.members ) return 0 # Grid definition
title = "Groups" model_class = model.Group template = '/admin/dataset_security/group/grid.mako' default_sort_key = "name" columns = [ NameColumn( "Name", key="name", link=( lambda item: dict( operation="Manage users and roles",, webapp="galaxy" ) ), model_class=model.Group, attach_popup=True, filterable="advanced" ), UsersColumn( "Users", attach_popup=False ), RolesColumn( "Roles", attach_popup=False ), StatusColumn( "Status", attach_popup=False ), # Columns that are valid for filtering but are not visible. grids.DeletedColumn( "Deleted", key="deleted", visible=False, filterable="advanced" ) ] columns.append( grids.MulticolFilterColumn( "Search", cols_to_filter=[ columns[0], columns[1], columns[2] ], key="free-text-search", visible=False, filterable="standard" ) ) global_actions = [ grids.GridAction( "Add new group", dict( controller='admin', action='groups', operation='create', webapp="galaxy" ) ) ] operations = [ grids.GridOperation( "Rename", condition=( lambda item: not item.deleted ), allow_multiple=False, url_args=dict( webapp="galaxy", action="rename_group" ) ), grids.GridOperation( "Delete", condition=( lambda item: not item.deleted ), allow_multiple=True, url_args=dict( webapp="galaxy", action="mark_group_deleted" ) ), grids.GridOperation( "Undelete", condition=( lambda item: item.deleted ), allow_multiple=True, url_args=dict( webapp="galaxy", action="undelete_group" ) ), grids.GridOperation( "Purge", condition=( lambda item: item.deleted ), allow_multiple=True, url_args=dict( webapp="galaxy", action="purge_group" ) ) ] standard_filters = [ grids.GridColumnFilter( "Active", args=dict( deleted=False ) ), grids.GridColumnFilter( "Deleted", args=dict( deleted=True ) ), grids.GridColumnFilter( "All", args=dict( deleted='All' ) ) ] num_rows_per_page = 50 preserve_state = False use_paging = True
[docs]class QuotaListGrid( grids.Grid ):
[docs] class NameColumn( grids.TextColumn ):
[docs] def get_value( self, trans, grid, quota ): return
[docs] class DescriptionColumn( grids.TextColumn ):
[docs] def get_value( self, trans, grid, quota ): if quota.description: return quota.description return ''
[docs] class AmountColumn( grids.TextColumn ):
[docs] def get_value( self, trans, grid, quota ): return quota.operation + quota.display_amount
[docs] class StatusColumn( grids.GridColumn ):
[docs] def get_value( self, trans, grid, quota ): if quota.deleted: return "deleted" elif quota.default: return "<strong>default for %s users</strong>" % quota.default[0].type return ""
[docs] class UsersColumn( grids.GridColumn ):
[docs] def get_value( self, trans, grid, quota ): if quota.users: return len( quota.users ) return 0
[docs] class GroupsColumn( grids.GridColumn ):
[docs] def get_value( self, trans, grid, quota ): if quota.groups: return len( quota.groups ) return 0 # Grid definition
title = "Quotas" model_class = model.Quota template = '/admin/quota/grid.mako' default_sort_key = "name" columns = [ NameColumn( "Name", key="name", link=( lambda item: dict( operation="Change amount",, webapp="galaxy" ) ), model_class=model.Quota, attach_popup=True, filterable="advanced" ), DescriptionColumn( "Description", key='description', model_class=model.Quota, attach_popup=False, filterable="advanced" ), AmountColumn( "Amount", key='amount', model_class=model.Quota, attach_popup=False, filterable="advanced" ), UsersColumn( "Users", attach_popup=False ), GroupsColumn( "Groups", attach_popup=False ), StatusColumn( "Status", attach_popup=False ), # Columns that are valid for filtering but are not visible. grids.DeletedColumn( "Deleted", key="deleted", visible=False, filterable="advanced" ) ] columns.append( grids.MulticolFilterColumn( "Search", cols_to_filter=[ columns[0], columns[1], columns[2] ], key="free-text-search", visible=False, filterable="standard" ) ) global_actions = [ grids.GridAction( "Add new quota", dict( controller='admin', action='quotas', operation='create' ) ) ] operations = [ grids.GridOperation( "Rename", condition=( lambda item: not item.deleted ), allow_multiple=False, url_args=dict( webapp="galaxy", action="rename_quota" ) ), grids.GridOperation( "Change amount", condition=( lambda item: not item.deleted ), allow_multiple=False, url_args=dict( webapp="galaxy", action="edit_quota" ) ), grids.GridOperation( "Manage users and groups", condition=( lambda item: not item.default and not item.deleted ), allow_multiple=False, url_args=dict( webapp="galaxy", action="manage_users_and_groups_for_quota" ) ), grids.GridOperation( "Set as different type of default", condition=( lambda item: item.default ), allow_multiple=False, url_args=dict( webapp="galaxy", action="set_quota_default" ) ), grids.GridOperation( "Set as default", condition=( lambda item: not item.default and not item.deleted ), allow_multiple=False, url_args=dict( webapp="galaxy", action="set_quota_default" ) ), grids.GridOperation( "Unset as default", condition=( lambda item: item.default and not item.deleted ), allow_multiple=False, url_args=dict( webapp="galaxy", action="unset_quota_default" ) ), grids.GridOperation( "Delete", condition=( lambda item: not item.deleted and not item.default ), allow_multiple=True, url_args=dict( webapp="galaxy", action="mark_quota_deleted" ) ), grids.GridOperation( "Undelete", condition=( lambda item: item.deleted ), allow_multiple=True, url_args=dict( webapp="galaxy", action="undelete_quota" ) ), grids.GridOperation( "Purge", condition=( lambda item: item.deleted ), allow_multiple=True, url_args=dict( webapp="galaxy", action="purge_quota" ) ) ] standard_filters = [ grids.GridColumnFilter( "Active", args=dict( deleted=False ) ), grids.GridColumnFilter( "Deleted", args=dict( deleted=True ) ), grids.GridColumnFilter( "All", args=dict( deleted='All' ) ) ] num_rows_per_page = 50 preserve_state = False use_paging = True
[docs]class ToolVersionListGrid( grids.Grid ):
[docs] class ToolIdColumn( grids.TextColumn ):
[docs] def get_value( self, trans, grid, tool_version ): toolbox = if toolbox.has_tool( tool_version.tool_id, exact=True ): link = url_for( controller='tool_runner', tool_id=tool_version.tool_id ) link_str = '<a href="%s">' % link return '<div class="count-box state-color-ok">%s%s</a></div>' % ( link_str, tool_version.tool_id ) return tool_version.tool_id
[docs] class ToolVersionsColumn( grids.TextColumn ):
[docs] def get_value( self, trans, grid, tool_version ): tool_ids_str = '' toolbox = for tool_id in tool_version.get_version_ids( ): if toolbox.has_tool( tool_id, exact=True ): link = url_for( controller='tool_runner', tool_id=tool_version.tool_id ) link_str = '<a href="%s">' % link tool_ids_str += '<div class="count-box state-color-ok">%s%s</a></div><br/>' % ( link_str, tool_id ) else: tool_ids_str += '%s<br/>' % tool_id return tool_ids_str # Grid definition
title = "Tool versions" model_class = install_model.ToolVersion template = '/admin/tool_version/grid.mako' default_sort_key = "tool_id" columns = [ ToolIdColumn( "Tool id", key='tool_id', attach_popup=False ), ToolVersionsColumn( "Version lineage by tool id (parent/child ordered)" ) ] columns.append( grids.MulticolFilterColumn( "Search tool id", cols_to_filter=[ columns[0] ], key="free-text-search", visible=False, filterable="standard" ) ) global_actions = [] operations = [] standard_filters = [] default_filter = {} num_rows_per_page = 50 preserve_state = False use_paging = True
[docs] def build_initial_query( self, trans, **kwd ): return trans.install_model.context.query( self.model_class )
[docs]class AdminGalaxy( BaseUIController, Admin, AdminActions, UsesQuotaMixin, QuotaParamParser ): user_list_grid = UserListGrid() role_list_grid = RoleListGrid() group_list_grid = GroupListGrid() quota_list_grid = QuotaListGrid() tool_version_list_grid = ToolVersionListGrid() delete_operation = grids.GridOperation( "Delete", condition=( lambda item: not item.deleted ), allow_multiple=True ) undelete_operation = grids.GridOperation( "Undelete", condition=( lambda item: item.deleted and not item.purged ), allow_multiple=True ) purge_operation = grids.GridOperation( "Purge", condition=( lambda item: item.deleted and not item.purged ), allow_multiple=True ) @web.expose @web.require_admin
[docs] def quotas( self, trans, **kwargs ): if 'operation' in kwargs: operation = kwargs.pop('operation').lower() if operation == "quotas": return self.quota( trans, **kwargs ) if operation == "create": return self.create_quota( trans, **kwargs ) if operation == "delete": return self.mark_quota_deleted( trans, **kwargs ) if operation == "undelete": return self.undelete_quota( trans, **kwargs ) if operation == "purge": return self.purge_quota( trans, **kwargs ) if operation == "change amount": return self.edit_quota( trans, **kwargs ) if operation == "manage users and groups": return self.manage_users_and_groups_for_quota( trans, **kwargs ) if operation == "rename": return self.rename_quota( trans, **kwargs ) if operation == "edit": return self.edit_quota( trans, **kwargs ) # Render the list view return self.quota_list_grid( trans, **kwargs )
@web.expose @web.require_admin
[docs] def create_quota( self, trans, **kwd ): params = self.get_quota_params( kwd ) if params.get( 'create_quota_button', False ): try: quota, message = self._create_quota( params ) return trans.response.send_redirect( web.url_for( controller='admin', action='quotas', webapp=params.webapp, message=sanitize_text( message ), status='done' ) ) except MessageException, e: params.message = str( e ) params.status = 'error' in_users = map( int, params.in_users ) in_groups = map( int, params.in_groups ) new_in_users = [] new_in_groups = [] for user in trans.sa_session.query( ) \ .filter( == expression.false() ) \ .order_by( ): if in in_users: new_in_users.append( (, ) ) else: params.out_users.append( (, ) ) for group in trans.sa_session.query( ) \ .filter( == expression.false() ) \ .order_by( ): if in in_groups: new_in_groups.append( (, ) ) else: params.out_groups.append( (, ) ) return trans.fill_template( '/admin/quota/quota_create.mako', webapp=params.webapp,, description=params.description, amount=params.amount, operation=params.operation, default=params.default, in_users=new_in_users, out_users=params.out_users, in_groups=new_in_groups, out_groups=params.out_groups, message=params.message, status=params.status )
@web.expose @web.require_admin
[docs] def rename_quota( self, trans, **kwd ): quota, params = self._quota_op( trans, 'rename_quota_button', self._rename_quota, kwd ) if not quota: return return trans.fill_template( '/admin/quota/quota_rename.mako',, or, description=params.description or quota.description, webapp=params.webapp, message=params.message, status=params.status )
@web.expose @web.require_admin
[docs] def manage_users_and_groups_for_quota( self, trans, **kwd ): quota, params = self._quota_op( trans, 'quota_members_edit_button', self._manage_users_and_groups_for_quota, kwd ) if not quota: return in_users = [] out_users = [] in_groups = [] out_groups = [] for user in trans.sa_session.query( ) \ .filter( == expression.false() ) \ .order_by( ): if user in [ x.user for x in quota.users ]: in_users.append( (, ) ) else: out_users.append( (, ) ) for group in trans.sa_session.query( ) \ .filter( == expression.false()) \ .order_by( ): if group in [ for x in quota.groups ]: in_groups.append( (, ) ) else: out_groups.append( (, ) ) return trans.fill_template( '/admin/quota/quota.mako',,, in_users=in_users, out_users=out_users, in_groups=in_groups, out_groups=out_groups, webapp=params.webapp, message=params.message, status=params.status )
@web.expose @web.require_admin
[docs] def edit_quota( self, trans, **kwd ): quota, params = self._quota_op( trans, 'edit_quota_button', self._edit_quota, kwd ) if not quota: return return trans.fill_template( '/admin/quota/quota_edit.mako',, operation=params.operation or quota.operation, display_amount=params.amount or quota.display_amount, webapp=params.webapp, message=params.message, status=params.status )
@web.expose @web.require_admin
[docs] def set_quota_default( self, trans, **kwd ): quota, params = self._quota_op( trans, 'set_default_quota_button', self._set_quota_default, kwd ) if not quota: return if params.default: default = params.default elif quota.default: default = quota.default[0].type else: default = "no" return trans.fill_template( '/admin/quota/quota_set_default.mako',, default=default, webapp=params.webapp, message=params.message, status=params.status )
@web.expose @web.require_admin
[docs] def unset_quota_default( self, trans, **kwd ): quota, params = self._quota_op( trans, True, self._unset_quota_default, kwd ) if not quota: return return trans.response.send_redirect( web.url_for( controller='admin', action='quotas', webapp=params.webapp, message=sanitize_text( params.message ), status='error' ) )
@web.expose @web.require_admin
[docs] def mark_quota_deleted( self, trans, **kwd ): quota, params = self._quota_op( trans, True, self._mark_quota_deleted, kwd, listify=True ) if not quota: return return trans.response.send_redirect( web.url_for( controller='admin', action='quotas', webapp=params.webapp, message=sanitize_text( params.message ), status='error' ) )
@web.expose @web.require_admin
[docs] def undelete_quota( self, trans, **kwd ): quota, params = self._quota_op( trans, True, self._undelete_quota, kwd, listify=True ) if not quota: return return trans.response.send_redirect( web.url_for( controller='admin', action='quotas', webapp=params.webapp, message=sanitize_text( params.message ), status='error' ) )
@web.expose @web.require_admin
[docs] def purge_quota( self, trans, **kwd ): quota, params = self._quota_op( trans, True, self._purge_quota, kwd, listify=True ) if not quota: return return trans.response.send_redirect( web.url_for( controller='admin', action='quotas', webapp=params.webapp, message=sanitize_text( params.message ), status='error' ) )
def _quota_op( self, trans, do_op, op_method, kwd, listify=False ): params = self.get_quota_params( kwd ) if listify: quota = [] messages = [] for id in galaxy.util.listify( ): try: quota.append( self.get_quota( trans, id ) ) except MessageException, e: messages.append( str( e ) ) if messages: return None, trans.response.send_redirect( web.url_for( controller='admin', action='quotas', webapp=params.webapp, message=sanitize_text( ', '.join( messages ) ), status='error' ) ) else: try: quota = self.get_quota( trans,, deleted=False ) except MessageException, e: return None, trans.response.send_redirect( web.url_for( controller='admin', action='quotas', webapp=params.webapp, message=sanitize_text( str( e ) ), status='error' ) ) if do_op is True or ( do_op is not False and params.get( do_op, False ) ): try: message = op_method( quota, params ) return None, trans.response.send_redirect( web.url_for( controller='admin', action='quotas', webapp=params.webapp, message=sanitize_text( message ), status='done' ) ) except MessageException, e: params.message = e.err_msg params.status = e.type return quota, params @web.expose @web.require_admin
[docs] def impersonate( self, trans, email=None, **kwd ): if not return trans.show_error_message( "User impersonation is not enabled in this instance of Galaxy." ) message = '' status = 'done' emails = None if email is not None: user = trans.sa_session.query( ).filter_by( email=email ).first() if user: trans.handle_user_logout() trans.handle_user_login(user) message = 'You are now logged in as %s, <a target="_top" href="%s">return to the home page</a>' % ( email, url_for( controller='root' ) ) emails = [] else: message = 'Invalid user selected' status = 'error' if emails is None: emails = [ for u in trans.sa_session.query( ).enable_eagerloads( False ).all() ] return trans.fill_template( 'admin/impersonate.mako', emails=emails, message=message, status=status )
[docs] def check_for_tool_dependencies( self, trans, migration_stage ): # Get the 000x_tools.xml file associated with migration_stage. tools_xml_file_path = os.path.abspath( os.path.join(, 'scripts', 'migrate_tools', '%04d_tools.xml' % migration_stage ) ) tree = galaxy.util.parse_xml( tools_xml_file_path ) root = tree.getroot() tool_shed = root.get( 'name' ) tool_shed_url = common_util.get_tool_shed_url_from_tool_shed_registry(, tool_shed ) repo_name_dependency_tups = [] if tool_shed_url: for elem in root: if elem.tag == 'repository': tool_dependencies = [] tool_dependencies_dict = {} repository_name = elem.get( 'name' ) changeset_revision = elem.get( 'changeset_revision' ) url = '%s/repository/get_tool_dependencies?name=%s&owner=devteam&changeset_revision=%s' % \ ( tool_shed_url, repository_name, changeset_revision ) text = common_util.tool_shed_get(, tool_shed_url, url ) if text: tool_dependencies_dict = encoding_util.tool_shed_decode( text ) for dependency_key, requirements_dict in tool_dependencies_dict.items(): tool_dependency_name = requirements_dict[ 'name' ] tool_dependency_version = requirements_dict[ 'version' ] tool_dependency_type = requirements_dict[ 'type' ] tool_dependency_readme = requirements_dict.get( 'readme', '' ) tool_dependencies.append( ( tool_dependency_name, tool_dependency_version, tool_dependency_type, tool_dependency_readme ) ) repo_name_dependency_tups.append( ( repository_name, tool_dependencies ) ) return repo_name_dependency_tups
@web.expose @web.require_admin
[docs] def review_tool_migration_stages( self, trans, **kwd ): message = escape( galaxy.util.restore_text( kwd.get( 'message', '' ) ) ) status = galaxy.util.restore_text( kwd.get( 'status', 'done' ) ) migration_stages_dict = odict() migration_modules = [] migration_scripts_dir = os.path.abspath( os.path.join(, 'lib', 'tool_shed', 'galaxy_install', 'migrate', 'versions' ) ) migration_scripts_dir_contents = os.listdir( migration_scripts_dir ) for item in migration_scripts_dir_contents: if os.path.isfile( os.path.join( migration_scripts_dir, item ) ) and item.endswith( '.py' ): module = item.replace( '.py', '' ) migration_modules.append( module ) if migration_modules: migration_modules.sort() # Remove the script since it is the seed. migration_modules = migration_modules[ 1: ] # Reverse the list so viewing will be newest to oldest. migration_modules.reverse() for migration_module in migration_modules: migration_stage = int( migration_module.replace( '_tools', '' ) ) repo_name_dependency_tups = self.check_for_tool_dependencies( trans, migration_stage ) open_file_obj, file_name, description = imp.find_module( migration_module, [ migration_scripts_dir ] ) imported_module = imp.load_module( 'upgrade', open_file_obj, file_name, description ) migration_info = imported_module.__doc__ open_file_obj.close() migration_stages_dict[ migration_stage ] = ( migration_info, repo_name_dependency_tups ) return trans.fill_template( 'admin/review_tool_migration_stages.mako', migration_stages_dict=migration_stages_dict, message=message, status=status )
@web.expose @web.require_admin
[docs] def view_datatypes_registry( self, trans, **kwd ): message = escape( galaxy.util.restore_text( kwd.get( 'message', '' ) ) ) status = galaxy.util.restore_text( kwd.get( 'status', 'done' ) ) return trans.fill_template( 'admin/view_datatypes_registry.mako', message=message, status=status )
@web.expose @web.require_admin
[docs] def view_tool_data_tables( self, trans, **kwd ): message = escape( galaxy.util.restore_text( kwd.get( 'message', '' ) ) ) status = galaxy.util.restore_text( kwd.get( 'status', 'done' ) ) return trans.fill_template( 'admin/view_data_tables_registry.mako', message=message, status=status )
@web.expose @web.require_admin
[docs] def display_applications( self, trans, **kwd ): return trans.fill_template( 'admin/view_display_applications.mako', )
@web.expose @web.require_admin
[docs] def reload_display_application( self, trans, **kwd ): galaxy.queue_worker.send_control_task(trans, 'reload_display_application', noop_self=True, kwargs={'display_application_ids': kwd.get( 'id' )} ) reloaded, failed = kwd.get( 'id' ) ) if not reloaded and failed: return trans.show_error_message( 'Unable to reload any of the %i requested display applications ("%s").' % ( len( failed ), '", "'.join( failed ) ) ) if failed: return trans.show_warn_message( 'Reloaded %i display applications ("%s"), but failed to reload %i display applications ("%s").' % ( len( reloaded ), '", "'.join( reloaded ), len( failed ), '", "'.join( failed ) ) ) if not reloaded: return trans.show_warn_message( 'You need to request at least one display application to reload.' ) return trans.show_ok_message( 'Reloaded %i requested display applications ("%s").' % ( len( reloaded ), '", "'.join( reloaded ) ) )
@web.expose @web.require_admin
[docs] def recalculate_user_disk_usage( self, trans, **kwd ): user_id = kwd.get( 'id', None ) user = trans.sa_session.query( trans.model.User ).get( user_id ) ) if not user: return trans.show_error_message( "User not found for id (%s)" % sanitize_text( str( user_id ) ) ) engine = None if engine =':')[0] if engine not in ( 'postgres', 'postgresql' ): done = False while not done: current = user.get_disk_usage() new = user.calculate_disk_usage() trans.sa_session.refresh( user ) # make sure usage didn't change while calculating, set done if user.get_disk_usage() == current: done = True if new not in (current, None): user.set_disk_usage( new ) trans.sa_session.add( user ) trans.sa_session.flush() else: # We can use the lightning fast pgcalc! current = user.get_disk_usage() new = pgcalc( self.sa_session, ) # yes, still a small race condition between here and the flush if new in ( current, None ): message = 'Usage is unchanged at %s.' % nice_size( current ) else: message = 'Usage has changed by %s to %s.' % ( nice_size( new - current ), nice_size( new ) ) return trans.response.send_redirect( web.url_for( controller='admin', action='users', message=sanitize_text( message ), status='info' ) )