Source code for galaxy.webapps.galaxy.controllers.history

import logging
import urllib

import galaxy.util
from galaxy import exceptions
from galaxy import managers
from galaxy import model
from galaxy import util
from galaxy import web
from import nice_size
from galaxy.model.item_attrs import UsesAnnotations
from galaxy.model.item_attrs import UsesItemRatings
from galaxy.model.orm import and_, eagerload_all, func
from galaxy.util import Params
from galaxy.util.odict import odict
from galaxy.util.sanitize_html import sanitize_html
from galaxy.web import url_for
from galaxy.web.base.controller import BaseUIController
from galaxy.web.base.controller import ERROR, INFO, SUCCESS, WARNING
from galaxy.web.base.controller import ExportsHistoryMixin
from galaxy.web.base.controller import ImportsHistoryMixin
from galaxy.web.base.controller import SharableMixin
from galaxy.web.framework.helpers import escape, grids, iff, time_ago

log = logging.getLogger( __name__ )

[docs]class NameColumn( grids.TextColumn ):
[docs] def get_value( self, trans, grid, history ): return history.get_display_name()
[docs]class HistoryListGrid( grids.Grid ): # Custom column types
[docs] class DatasetsByStateColumn( grids.GridColumn ):
[docs] def get_value( self, trans, grid, history ): state_counts = { 'ok' : 0, 'running' : 0, 'queued' : 0, 'error' : 0, } for hda in history.datasets: if hda.visible and not hda.deleted and hda.state in state_counts.keys(): state_counts[ hda.state ] += 1 rval = '' for state in state_counts.keys(): count = state_counts.get( state ) if count: rval += '<div class="count-box state-color-%s">%s</div> ' % (state, count) return rval
[docs] class HistoryListNameColumn( NameColumn ):
[docs] class DeletedColumn( grids.DeletedColumn ):
[docs] def get_value( self, trans, grid, history ): if history == trans.history: return "<strong>current history</strong>" if history.purged: return "deleted permanently" elif history.deleted: return "deleted" return ""
[docs] def sort( self, trans, query, ascending, column_name=None ): if ascending: query = query.order_by( self.model_class.table.c.purged.asc(), self.model_class.table.c.update_time.desc() ) else: query = query.order_by( self.model_class.table.c.purged.desc(), self.model_class.table.c.update_time.desc() ) return query # Grid definition
title = "Saved Histories" model_class = model.History template='/history/grid.mako' default_sort_key = "-update_time" columns = [ HistoryListNameColumn( "Name", key="name", attach_popup=True, filterable="advanced" ), DatasetsByStateColumn( "Datasets", key="datasets_by_state", sortable=False, nowrap=True), grids.IndividualTagsColumn( "Tags", key="tags", model_tag_association_class=model.HistoryTagAssociation, \ filterable="advanced", grid_name="HistoryListGrid" ), grids.SharingStatusColumn( "Sharing", key="sharing", filterable="advanced", sortable=False ), grids.GridColumn( "Size on Disk", key="get_disk_size_bytes", format=nice_size, sortable=False ), grids.GridColumn( "Created", key="create_time", format=time_ago ), grids.GridColumn( "Last Updated", key="update_time", format=time_ago ), DeletedColumn( "Status", key="deleted", filterable="advanced" ) ] columns.append( grids.MulticolFilterColumn( "search history names and tags", cols_to_filter=[ columns[0], columns[2] ], key="free-text-search", visible=False, filterable="standard" ) ) operations = [ grids.GridOperation( "Switch", allow_multiple=False, condition=( lambda item: not item.deleted ), async_compatible=True ), grids.GridOperation( "View", allow_multiple=False ), grids.GridOperation( "Share or Publish", allow_multiple=False, condition=( lambda item: not item.deleted ), async_compatible=False ), grids.GridOperation( "Copy", allow_multiple=False, condition=( lambda item: not item.deleted ), async_compatible=False ), grids.GridOperation( "Rename", condition=( lambda item: not item.deleted ), async_compatible=False, inbound=True ), grids.GridOperation( "Delete", condition=( lambda item: not item.deleted ), async_compatible=True ), grids.GridOperation( "Delete Permanently", condition=( lambda item: not item.purged ), confirm="History contents will be removed from disk, this cannot be undone. Continue?", async_compatible=True ), grids.GridOperation( "Undelete", condition=( lambda item: item.deleted and not item.purged ), async_compatible=True ), ] standard_filters = [ grids.GridColumnFilter( "Active", args=dict( deleted=False ) ), grids.GridColumnFilter( "Deleted", args=dict( deleted=True ) ), grids.GridColumnFilter( "All", args=dict( deleted='All' ) ), ] default_filter = dict( name="All", deleted="False", tags="All", sharing="All" ) num_rows_per_page = 50 preserve_state = False use_async = True use_paging = True info_text = "Histories that have been deleted for more than a time period specified by the Galaxy administrator(s) may be permanently deleted."
[docs] def get_current_item( self, trans, **kwargs ): return trans.get_history()
[docs] def apply_query_filter( self, trans, query, **kwargs ): return query.filter_by( user=trans.user, importing=False )
[docs]class SharedHistoryListGrid( grids.Grid ): # Custom column types
[docs] class DatasetsByStateColumn( grids.GridColumn ):
[docs] def get_value( self, trans, grid, history ): rval = '' for state in ( 'ok', 'running', 'queued', 'error' ): total = sum( 1 for d in history.active_datasets if d.state == state ) if total: rval += '<div class="count-box state-color-%s">%s</div>' % ( state, total ) return rval
[docs] class SharedByColumn( grids.GridColumn ):
[docs] def get_value( self, trans, grid, history ): return # Grid definition
title = "Histories shared with you by others" model_class = model.History default_sort_key = "-update_time" default_filter = {} columns = [ grids.GridColumn( "Name", key="name", attach_popup=True ), # link=( lambda item: dict( operation="View", ) ), attach_popup=True ), DatasetsByStateColumn( "Datasets", sortable=False ), grids.GridColumn( "Created", key="create_time", format=time_ago ), grids.GridColumn( "Last Updated", key="update_time", format=time_ago ), SharedByColumn( "Shared by", key="user_id" ) ] operations = [ grids.GridOperation( "View", allow_multiple=False, target="_top" ), grids.GridOperation( "Copy" ), grids.GridOperation( "Unshare" ) ] standard_filters = []
[docs] def build_initial_query( self, trans, **kwargs ): return trans.sa_session.query( self.model_class ).join( 'users_shared_with' )
[docs] def apply_query_filter( self, trans, query, **kwargs ): return query.filter( model.HistoryUserShareAssociation.user == trans.user )
[docs]class HistoryAllPublishedGrid( grids.Grid ):
[docs] class NameURLColumn( grids.PublicURLColumn, NameColumn ): pass
title = "Published Histories" model_class = model.History default_sort_key = "update_time" default_filter = dict( public_url="All", username="All", tags="All" ) use_paging = True num_rows_per_page = 50 use_async = True columns = [ NameURLColumn( "Name", key="name", filterable="advanced" ), grids.OwnerAnnotationColumn( "Annotation", key="annotation", model_annotation_association_class=model.HistoryAnnotationAssociation, filterable="advanced" ), grids.OwnerColumn( "Owner", key="username", model_class=model.User, filterable="advanced" ), grids.CommunityRatingColumn( "Community Rating", key="rating" ), grids.CommunityTagsColumn( "Community Tags", key="tags", model_tag_association_class=model.HistoryTagAssociation, filterable="advanced", grid_name="PublicHistoryListGrid" ), grids.ReverseSortColumn( "Last Updated", key="update_time", format=time_ago ) ] columns.append( grids.MulticolFilterColumn( "Search name, annotation, owner, and tags", cols_to_filter=[ columns[0], columns[1], columns[2], columns[4] ], key="free-text-search", visible=False, filterable="standard" ) ) operations = []
[docs] def build_initial_query( self, trans, **kwargs ): # Join so that searching history.user makes sense. return trans.sa_session.query( self.model_class ).join( model.User.table )
[docs] def apply_query_filter( self, trans, query, **kwargs ): # A public history is published, has a slug, and is not deleted. return query.filter( self.model_class.published == True ).filter( self.model_class.slug != None ).filter( self.model_class.deleted == False )
[docs]class HistoryController( BaseUIController, SharableMixin, UsesAnnotations, UsesItemRatings, ExportsHistoryMixin, ImportsHistoryMixin ): def __init__( self, app ): super( HistoryController, self ).__init__( app ) self.history_manager = managers.histories.HistoryManager( app ) self.history_serializer = managers.histories.HistorySerializer( ) @web.expose
[docs] def index( self, trans ): return ""
[docs] def list_as_xml( self, trans ): """XML history list for functional tests""" trans.response.set_content_type( 'text/xml' ) return trans.fill_template( "/history/list_as_xml.mako" ) # ......................................................................... lists
stored_list_grid = HistoryListGrid() shared_list_grid = SharedHistoryListGrid() published_list_grid = HistoryAllPublishedGrid() @web.expose
[docs] def list_published( self, trans, **kwargs ): if 'async' in kwargs: kwargs[ 'embedded' ] = True return self.published_list_grid( trans, **kwargs ) kwargs[ 'embedded' ] = True grid = self.published_list_grid( trans, **kwargs ) return trans.fill_template( "history/list_published.mako", embedded_grid=grid )
@web.expose @web.require_login( "work with multiple histories" )
[docs] def list( self, trans, **kwargs ): """List all available histories""" current_history = trans.get_history() status = message = None if 'operation' in kwargs: operation = kwargs['operation'].lower() if operation == "share or publish": return self.sharing( trans, **kwargs ) if operation == "rename" and kwargs.get('id', None): # Don't call rename if no ids if 'name' in kwargs: del kwargs['name'] # Remove ajax name param that rename method uses return self.rename( trans, **kwargs ) if operation == "view": decoded_id = self.decode_id( kwargs.get( 'id', None ) ) history = self.history_manager.get_owned( decoded_id, trans.user, current_history=trans.history ) return trans.response.send_redirect( url_for( controller='history', action='view', id=kwargs['id'], show_deleted=history.deleted, use_panels=False ) ) if operation == 'copy' and kwargs.get( 'id', None ): return self.copy( trans, id=kwargs.get( 'id', None ) ) history_ids = galaxy.util.listify( kwargs.get( 'id', [] ) ) # Display no message by default status, message = None, None # Load the histories and ensure they all belong to the current user histories = [] for history_id in history_ids: history = self.history_manager.get_owned( self.decode_id( history_id ), trans.user, current_history=trans.history ) if history: # Ensure history is owned by current user if history.user_id != None and trans.user: assert == history.user_id, "History does not belong to current user" histories.append( history ) else: log.warn( "Invalid history id '%r' passed to list", history_id ) if histories: if operation == "switch": status, message = self._list_switch( trans, histories ) # Take action to update UI to reflect history switch. If # grid is using panels, it is standalone and hence a redirect # to root is needed; if grid is not using panels, it is nested # in the main Galaxy UI and refreshing the history frame # is sufficient. use_panels = kwargs.get('use_panels', False) == 'True' if use_panels: return trans.response.send_redirect( url_for( "/" ) ) else: trans.template_context['refresh_frames'] = ['history'] elif operation in ( "delete", "delete permanently" ): if operation == "delete permanently": status, message = self._list_delete( trans, histories, purge=True ) else: status, message = self._list_delete( trans, histories ) if current_history in histories: # Deleted the current history, so a new, empty history was # created automatically, and we need to refresh the history frame trans.template_context['refresh_frames'] = ['history'] elif operation == "undelete": status, message = self._list_undelete( trans, histories ) elif operation == "unshare": for history in histories: for husa in trans.sa_session.query( ) \ .filter_by( history=history ): trans.sa_session.delete( husa ) elif operation == "enable import via link": for history in histories: if not history.importable: self._make_item_importable( trans.sa_session, history ) elif operation == "disable import via link": if history_ids: histories = [] for history_id in history_ids: history = self.history_manager.get_owned( self.decode_id( history_id ), trans.user, current_history=trans.history ) if history.importable: history.importable = False histories.append( history ) trans.sa_session.flush() # Render the list view return self.stored_list_grid( trans, status=status, message=message, **kwargs )
def _list_delete( self, trans, histories, purge=False ): """Delete histories""" n_deleted = 0 deleted_current = False message_parts = [] status = SUCCESS for history in histories: if history.users_shared_with: message_parts.append( "History (%s) has been shared with others, unshare it before deleting it. " % ) status = ERROR else: if not history.deleted: # We'll not eliminate any DefaultHistoryPermissions in case we undelete the history later history.deleted = True # If deleting the current history, make a new current. if history == trans.get_history(): deleted_current = True trans.log_event( "History (%s) marked as deleted" % ) n_deleted += 1 if purge and for hda in history.datasets: if trans.user: trans.user.total_disk_usage -= hda.quota_amount( trans.user ) hda.purged = True trans.sa_session.add( hda ) trans.log_event( "HDA id %s has been purged" % ) trans.sa_session.flush() if hda.dataset.user_can_purge: try: hda.dataset.full_delete() trans.log_event( "Dataset id %s has been purged upon the the purge of HDA id %s" % (, ) ) trans.sa_session.add( hda.dataset ) except: log.exception( 'Unable to purge dataset (%s) on purge of hda (%s):' % (, ) ) history.purged = True self.sa_session.add( history ) self.sa_session.flush() for hda in history.datasets: # Not all datasets have jobs associated with them (e.g., datasets imported from libraries). if hda.creating_job_associations: # HDA has associated job, so try marking it deleted. job = hda.creating_job_associations[0].job if job.history_id == and not job.finished: # No need to check other outputs since the job's parent history is this history job.mark_deleted( ) ) trans.sa_session.flush() if n_deleted: part = "Deleted %d %s" % ( n_deleted, iff( n_deleted != 1, "histories", "history" ) ) if purge and part += " and removed %s dataset%s from disk" % ( iff( n_deleted != 1, "their", "its" ), iff( n_deleted != 1, 's', '' ) ) elif purge: part += " but the datasets were not removed from disk because that feature is not enabled in this Galaxy instance" message_parts.append( "%s. " % part ) if deleted_current: #note: this needs to come after commits above or will use an empty history that was deleted above trans.get_or_create_default_history() message_parts.append( "Your active history was deleted, a new empty history is now active. " ) status = INFO return ( status, " ".join( message_parts ) ) def _list_undelete( self, trans, histories ): """Undelete histories""" n_undeleted = 0 n_already_purged = 0 for history in histories: if history.purged: n_already_purged += 1 if history.deleted: history.deleted = False if not history.default_permissions: # For backward compatibility - for a while we were deleting all DefaultHistoryPermissions on # the history when we deleted the history. We are no longer doing this. # Need to add default DefaultHistoryPermissions in case they were deleted when the history was deleted default_action = private_user_role = history.user ) default_permissions = {} default_permissions[ default_action ] = [ private_user_role ] history, default_permissions ) n_undeleted += 1 trans.log_event( "History (%s) %d marked as undeleted" % (, ) ) status = SUCCESS message_parts = [] if n_undeleted: message_parts.append( "Undeleted %d %s. " % ( n_undeleted, iff( n_undeleted != 1, "histories", "history" ) ) ) if n_already_purged: message_parts.append( "%d histories have already been purged and cannot be undeleted." % n_already_purged ) status = WARNING return status, "".join( message_parts ) def _list_switch( self, trans, histories ): """Switch to a new different history""" new_history = histories[0] galaxy_session = trans.get_galaxy_session() try: association = trans.sa_session.query( ) \ .filter_by(, ) \ .first() except: association = None new_history.add_galaxy_session( galaxy_session, association=association ) trans.sa_session.add( new_history ) trans.sa_session.flush() trans.set_history( new_history ) # No message return None, None @web.expose @web.require_login( "work with shared histories" )
[docs] def list_shared( self, trans, **kwargs ): """List histories shared with current user by others""" status = message = None if 'operation' in kwargs: ids = galaxy.util.listify( kwargs.get( 'id', [] ) ) operation = kwargs['operation'].lower() if operation == "view": # Display history. history = self.history_manager.get_accessible( self.decode_id( ids[0] ), trans.user, current_history=trans.history ) return self.display_by_username_and_slug( trans, history.user.username, history.slug ) elif operation == "copy": if not ids: message = "Select a history to copy" return self.shared_list_grid( trans, status='error', message=message, **kwargs ) # When copying shared histories, only copy active datasets new_kwargs = { 'copy_choice' : 'active' } return self.copy( trans, ids, **new_kwargs ) elif operation == 'unshare': if not ids: message = "Select a history to unshare" return self.shared_list_grid( trans, status='error', message=message, **kwargs ) for id in ids: # No need to check security, association below won't yield a # hit if this user isn't having the history shared with her. history = self.history_manager.by_id( self.decode_id( id ) ) # Current user is the user with which the histories were shared association = ( trans.sa_session.query( ) .filter_by( user=trans.user, history=history ).one() ) trans.sa_session.delete( association ) trans.sa_session.flush() message = "Unshared %d shared histories" % len( ids ) status = 'done' # Render the list view return self.shared_list_grid( trans, status=status, message=message, **kwargs ) # ......................................................................... html
[docs] def citations( self, trans ): # Get history history = trans.history history_id = ) return trans.fill_template( "history/citations.mako", history=history, history_id=history_id )
[docs] def display_structured( self, trans, id=None ): """ Display a history as a nested structure showing the jobs and workflow invocations that created each dataset (if any). """ # Get history if id is None: id = else: id = self.decode_id( id ) # Expunge history from the session to allow us to force a reload # with a bunch of eager loaded joins trans.sa_session.expunge( trans.history ) history = trans.sa_session.query( model.History ).options( eagerload_all( 'active_datasets.creating_job_associations.job.workflow_invocation_step.workflow_invocation.workflow' ), eagerload_all( 'active_datasets.children' ) ).get( id ) assert history #TODO: formalize to trans.show_error assert ( history.user and ( == ) or ( == ) or ( trans.user_is_admin() ) ) # Resolve jobs and workflow invocations for the datasets in the history # items is filled with items (hdas, jobs, or workflows) that go at the # top level items = [] # First go through and group hdas by job, if there is no job they get # added directly to items jobs = odict() for hda in history.active_datasets: if hda.visible == False: continue # Follow "copied from ..." association until we get to the original # instance of the dataset original_hda = hda ## while original_hda.copied_from_history_dataset_association: ## original_hda = original_hda.copied_from_history_dataset_association # Check if the job has a creating job, most should, datasets from # before jobs were tracked, or from the upload tool before it # created a job, may not if not original_hda.creating_job_associations: items.append( ( hda, None ) ) # Attach hda to correct job # -- there should only be one creating_job_association, so this # loop body should only be hit once for assoc in original_hda.creating_job_associations: job = assoc.job if job in jobs: jobs[ job ].append( ( hda, None ) ) else: jobs[ job ] = [ ( hda, None ) ] # Second, go through the jobs and connect to workflows wf_invocations = odict() for job, hdas in jobs.iteritems(): # Job is attached to a workflow step, follow it to the # workflow_invocation and group if job.workflow_invocation_step: wf_invocation = job.workflow_invocation_step.workflow_invocation if wf_invocation in wf_invocations: wf_invocations[ wf_invocation ].append( ( job, hdas ) ) else: wf_invocations[ wf_invocation ] = [ ( job, hdas ) ] # Not attached to a workflow, add to items else: items.append( ( job, hdas ) ) # Finally, add workflow invocations to items, which should now # contain all hdas with some level of grouping items.extend( wf_invocations.items() ) # Sort items by age items.sort( key=( lambda x: x[0].create_time ), reverse=True ) # return trans.fill_template( "history/display_structured.mako", items=items, history=history )
[docs] def structure( self, trans, id=None, **kwargs ): """ """ unencoded_history_id = if id: unencoded_history_id = self.decode_id( id ) history_to_view = self.history_manager.get_accessible( unencoded_history_id, trans.user, current_history=trans.history ) history_data = self.history_manager._get_history_data( trans, history_to_view ) history_dictionary = history_data[ 'history' ] hda_dictionaries = history_data[ 'contents' ] jobs = ( trans.sa_session.query( ) .filter( == trans.user ) .filter( == unencoded_history_id ) ).all() jobs = map( lambda j: self.encode_all_ids( trans, j.to_dict( 'element' ), True ), jobs ) tools = {} for tool_id in set( map( lambda j: j[ 'tool_id' ], jobs ) ): unquoted_id = urllib.unquote_plus( tool_id ) tool = unquoted_id ) if not tool: raise exceptions.ObjectNotFound( "Could not find tool with id '%s'" % tool_id ) #TODO: some fallback for tool information tools[ tool_id ] = tool.to_dict( trans, io_details=True, link_details=True ) return trans.fill_template( "history/structure.mako", historyId=history_dictionary[ 'id' ], history=history_dictionary, hdas=hda_dictionaries, jobs=jobs, tools=tools, **kwargs )
[docs] def view( self, trans, id=None, show_deleted=False, show_hidden=False, use_panels=True ): """ View a history. If a history is importable, then it is viewable by any user. """ # Get history to view. if not id: return trans.show_error_message( "You must specify a history you want to view." ) show_deleted = galaxy.util.string_as_bool( show_deleted ) show_hidden = galaxy.util.string_as_bool( show_hidden ) use_panels = galaxy.util.string_as_bool( use_panels ) history_dictionary = {} hda_dictionaries = [] user_is_owner = False try: history_to_view = self.history_manager.get_accessible( self.decode_id( id ), trans.user, current_history=trans.history ) user_is_owner = history_to_view.user == trans.user # include all datasets: hidden, deleted, and purged history_data = self.history_manager._get_history_data( trans, history_to_view ) history_dictionary = history_data[ 'history' ] hda_dictionaries = history_data[ 'contents' ] except Exception, exc: user_id = str( ) if trans.user else '(anonymous)' log.exception( 'Error bootstrapping history for user %s: %s', user_id, exc ) if isinstance( exc, exceptions.ItemAccessibilityException ): error_msg = 'You do not have permission to view this history.' else: error_msg = ( 'An error occurred getting the history data from the server. ' + 'Please contact a Galaxy administrator if the problem persists.' ) return trans.show_error_message( error_msg, use_panels=use_panels ) return trans.fill_template_mako( "history/view.mako", history=history_dictionary, hdas=hda_dictionaries, user_is_owner=user_is_owner, show_deleted=show_deleted, show_hidden=show_hidden, use_panels=use_panels )
[docs] def view_multiple( self, trans, include_deleted_histories=False, order='update' ): """ """ if not trans.user: log_in_url = url_for( controller="user", action="login", use_panels=True ) log_in_link = "<a href='%s'>log in</a>" % ( log_in_url ) register_url = url_for( controller="user", action="create", use_panels=True ) register_link = "<a href='%s'>register</a>" % ( register_url ) return trans.show_error_message( "You need to %s or %s to use multiple histories" % ( log_in_link, register_link ), use_panels=True ) #TODO: allow specifying user_id for admin? include_deleted_histories = galaxy.util.string_as_bool( include_deleted_histories ) order = order if order in ( 'update', 'name', 'size' ) else 'update' deleted_filter = None if not include_deleted_histories: deleted_filter = model.History.deleted == False current_history = trans.get_history() current_history_id = ) if current_history else None history_dictionaries = [] for history in self.history_manager.by_user( trans.user, filters=deleted_filter ): history_dictionary = self.history_serializer.serialize_to_view( history, view='detailed', user=trans.user, trans=trans ) history_dictionaries.append( history_dictionary ) return trans.fill_template_mako( "history/view_multiple.mako", current_history_id=current_history_id, histories=history_dictionaries, include_deleted_histories=include_deleted_histories, order=order )
[docs] def display_by_username_and_slug( self, trans, username, slug ): """ Display history based on a username and slug. """ # Get history. session = trans.sa_session user = session.query( model.User ).filter_by( username=username ).first() history = trans.sa_session.query( model.History ).filter_by( user=user, slug=slug, deleted=False ).first() if history is None: raise web.httpexceptions.HTTPNotFound() # Security check raises error if user cannot access history. self.history_manager.error_unless_accessible( history, trans.user, current_history=trans.history ) # Get rating data. user_item_rating = 0 if trans.get_user(): user_item_rating = self.get_user_item_rating( trans.sa_session, trans.get_user(), history ) if user_item_rating: user_item_rating = user_item_rating.rating else: user_item_rating = 0 ave_item_rating, num_ratings = self.get_ave_item_rating_data( trans.sa_session, history ) # create ownership flag for template, dictify models user_is_owner = trans.user == history.user history_data = self.history_manager._get_history_data( trans, history ) history_dict = history_data[ 'history' ] hda_dicts = history_data[ 'contents' ] history_dict[ 'annotation' ] = self.get_item_annotation_str( trans.sa_session, history.user, history ) # note: adding original annotation since this is published - get_dict returns user-based annos #for hda_dict in hda_dicts: # hda_dict[ 'annotation' ] = hda.annotation # dataset.annotation = self.get_item_annotation_str( trans.sa_session, history.user, dataset ) return trans.stream_template_mako( "history/display.mako", item=history, item_data=[], user_is_owner=user_is_owner, history_dict=history_dict, hda_dicts=hda_dicts, user_item_rating = user_item_rating, ave_item_rating=ave_item_rating, num_ratings=num_ratings ) # ......................................................................... sharing & publishing
@web.expose @web.require_login( "share Galaxy histories" )
[docs] def sharing( self, trans, id=None, histories=[], **kwargs ): """ Handle history sharing. """ # Get session and histories. session = trans.sa_session # Id values take precedence over histories passed in; last resort is current history. if id: ids = galaxy.util.listify( id ) if ids: histories = [ self.history_manager.get_accessible( self.decode_id( history_id ), trans.user, current_history=trans.history ) for history_id in ids ] elif not histories: histories = [ trans.history ] # Do operation on histories. for history in histories: if 'make_accessible_via_link' in kwargs: self._make_item_accessible( trans.sa_session, history ) elif 'make_accessible_and_publish' in kwargs: self._make_item_accessible( trans.sa_session, history ) history.published = True elif 'publish' in kwargs: if history.importable: history.published = True else: # TODO: report error here. pass elif 'disable_link_access' in kwargs: history.importable = False elif 'unpublish' in kwargs: history.published = False elif 'disable_link_access_and_unpublish' in kwargs: history.importable = history.published = False elif 'unshare_user' in kwargs: user = trans.sa_session.query( ).get( self.decode_id( kwargs[ 'unshare_user' ] ) ) # Look for and delete sharing relation for history-user. deleted_sharing_relation = False husas = trans.sa_session.query( ).filter_by( user=user, history=history ).all() if husas: deleted_sharing_relation = True for husa in husas: trans.sa_session.delete( husa ) if not deleted_sharing_relation: history_name = escape( ) user_email = escape( ) message = "History '%s' does not seem to be shared with user '%s'" % ( history_name, user_email ) return trans.fill_template( '/sharing_base.mako', item=history, message=message, status='error' ) # Legacy issue: histories made accessible before recent updates may not have a slug. Create slug for any histories that need them. for history in histories: if history.importable and not history.slug: self._make_item_accessible( trans.sa_session, history ) session.flush() return trans.fill_template( "/sharing_base.mako", item=history )
@web.expose @web.require_login( "share histories with other users" )
[docs] def share( self, trans, id=None, email="", **kwd ): # If a history contains both datasets that can be shared and others that cannot be shared with the desired user, # then the entire history is shared, and the protected datasets will be visible, but inaccessible ( greyed out ) # in the copyd history params = Params( kwd ) user = trans.get_user() # TODO: we have too many error messages floating around in here - we need # to incorporate the messaging system used by the libraries that will display # a message on any page. err_msg = galaxy.util.restore_text( params.get( 'err_msg', '' ) ) if not email: if not id: # Default to the current history id = ) id = galaxy.util.listify( id ) send_to_err = err_msg histories = [] for history_id in id: history_id = self.decode_id( history_id ) history = self.history_manager.get_owned( history_id, trans.user, current_history=trans.history ) histories.append( history ) return trans.fill_template( "/history/share.mako", histories=histories, email=email, send_to_err=send_to_err ) histories = self._get_histories( trans, id ) send_to_users, send_to_err = self._get_users( trans, user, email ) if not send_to_users: if not send_to_err: send_to_err += "%s is not a valid Galaxy user. %s" % ( email, err_msg ) return trans.fill_template( "/history/share.mako", histories=histories, email=email, send_to_err=send_to_err ) if params.get( 'share_button', False ): # The user has not yet made a choice about how to share, so dictionaries will be built for display can_change, cannot_change, no_change_needed, unique_no_change_needed, send_to_err = \ self._populate_restricted( trans, user, histories, send_to_users, None, send_to_err, unique=True ) send_to_err += err_msg if cannot_change and not no_change_needed and not can_change: send_to_err = "The histories you are sharing do not contain any datasets that can be accessed by the users with which you are sharing." return trans.fill_template( "/history/share.mako", histories=histories, email=email, send_to_err=send_to_err ) if can_change or cannot_change: return trans.fill_template( "/history/share.mako", histories=histories, email=email, send_to_err=send_to_err, can_change=can_change, cannot_change=cannot_change, no_change_needed=unique_no_change_needed ) if no_change_needed: return self._share_histories( trans, user, send_to_err, histories=no_change_needed ) elif not send_to_err: # User seems to be sharing an empty history send_to_err = "You cannot share an empty history. " return trans.fill_template( "/history/share.mako", histories=histories, email=email, send_to_err=send_to_err )
@web.expose @web.require_login( "share restricted histories with other users" )
[docs] def share_restricted( self, trans, id=None, email="", **kwd ): if 'action' in kwd: action = kwd[ 'action' ] else: err_msg = "Select an action. " return trans.response.send_redirect( url_for( controller='history', action='share', id=id, email=email, err_msg=err_msg, share_button=True ) ) user = trans.get_user() user_roles = user.all_roles() histories = self._get_histories( trans, id ) send_to_users, send_to_err = self._get_users( trans, user, email ) send_to_err = '' # The user has made a choice, so dictionaries will be built for sharing can_change, cannot_change, no_change_needed, unique_no_change_needed, send_to_err = \ self._populate_restricted( trans, user, histories, send_to_users, action, send_to_err ) # Now that we've populated the can_change, cannot_change, and no_change_needed dictionaries, # we'll populate the histories_for_sharing dictionary from each of them. histories_for_sharing = {} if no_change_needed: # Don't need to change anything in cannot_change, so populate as is histories_for_sharing, send_to_err = \ self._populate( trans, histories_for_sharing, no_change_needed, send_to_err ) if cannot_change: # Can't change anything in cannot_change, so populate as is histories_for_sharing, send_to_err = \ self._populate( trans, histories_for_sharing, cannot_change, send_to_err ) # The action here is either 'public' or 'private', so we'll continue to populate the # histories_for_sharing dictionary from the can_change dictionary. for send_to_user, history_dict in can_change.items(): for history in history_dict: # Make sure the current history has not already been shared with the current send_to_user if trans.sa_session.query( ) \ .filter( and_( ==, == ) ) \ .count() > 0: send_to_err += "History (%s) already shared with user (%s)" % (, ) else: # Only deal with datasets that have not been purged for hda in history.activatable_datasets: # If the current dataset is not public, we may need to perform an action on it to # make it accessible by the other user. if not send_to_user.all_roles(), hda.dataset ): # The user with which we are sharing the history does not have access permission on the current dataset if user_roles, hda.dataset ) and not hda.dataset.library_associations: # The current user has authority to change permissions on the current dataset because # they have permission to manage permissions on the dataset and the dataset is not associated # with a library. if action == "private": hda.dataset, users=[ user, send_to_user ] ) elif action == "public": hda.dataset ) # Populate histories_for_sharing with the history after performing any requested actions on # its datasets to make them accessible by the other user. if send_to_user not in histories_for_sharing: histories_for_sharing[ send_to_user ] = [ history ] elif history not in histories_for_sharing[ send_to_user ]: histories_for_sharing[ send_to_user ].append( history ) return self._share_histories( trans, user, send_to_err, histories=histories_for_sharing )
def _get_histories( self, trans, ids ): if not ids: # Default to the current history ids = ) ids = galaxy.util.listify( ids ) histories = [] for history_id in ids: history_id = self.decode_id( history_id ) history = self.history_manager.get_owned( history_id, trans.user, current_history=trans.history ) histories.append( ) return histories def _get_users( self, trans, user, emails_or_ids ): send_to_users = [] send_to_err = "" for string in galaxy.util.listify( emails_or_ids ): string = string.strip() if not string: continue send_to_user = None if '@' in string: email_address = string send_to_user = self.user_manager.by_email( email_address, filters=[ == False ] ) else: user_id = string try: decoded_user_id = self.decode_id( string ) send_to_user = self.user_manager.by_id( decoded_user_id ) if send_to_user.deleted: send_to_user = None #TODO: in an ideal world, we would let this bubble up to web.expose which would handle it except exceptions.MalformedId: send_to_user = None if not send_to_user: send_to_err += "%s is not a valid Galaxy user. " % string elif send_to_user == user: send_to_err += "You cannot send histories to yourself. " else: send_to_users.append( send_to_user ) return send_to_users, send_to_err def _populate( self, trans, histories_for_sharing, other, send_to_err ): # This method will populate the histories_for_sharing dictionary with the users and # histories in other, eliminating histories that have already been shared with the # associated user. No security checking on datasets is performed. # If not empty, the histories_for_sharing dictionary looks like: # { userA: [ historyX, historyY ], userB: [ historyY ] } # other looks like: # { userA: {historyX : [hda, hda], historyY : [hda]}, userB: {historyY : [hda]} } for send_to_user, history_dict in other.items(): for history in history_dict: # Make sure the current history has not already been shared with the current send_to_user if trans.sa_session.query( ) \ .filter( and_( ==, == ) ) \ .count() > 0: send_to_err += "History (%s) already shared with user (%s)" % (, ) else: # Build the dict that will be used for sharing if send_to_user not in histories_for_sharing: histories_for_sharing[ send_to_user ] = [ history ] elif history not in histories_for_sharing[ send_to_user ]: histories_for_sharing[ send_to_user ].append( history ) return histories_for_sharing, send_to_err def _populate_restricted( self, trans, user, histories, send_to_users, action, send_to_err, unique=False ): # The user may be attempting to share histories whose datasets cannot all be accessed by other users. # If this is the case, the user sharing the histories can: # 1) action=='public': choose to make the datasets public if he is permitted to do so # 2) action=='private': automatically create a new "sharing role" allowing protected # datasets to be accessed only by the desired users # This method will populate the can_change, cannot_change and no_change_needed dictionaries, which # are used for either displaying to the user, letting them make 1 of the choices above, or sharing # after the user has made a choice. They will be used for display if 'unique' is True, and will look # like: {historyX : [hda, hda], historyY : [hda] } # For sharing, they will look like: # { userA: {historyX : [hda, hda], historyY : [hda]}, userB: {historyY : [hda]} } can_change = {} cannot_change = {} no_change_needed = {} unique_no_change_needed = {} user_roles = user.all_roles() for history in histories: for send_to_user in send_to_users: # Make sure the current history has not already been shared with the current send_to_user if trans.sa_session.query( ) \ .filter( and_( ==, == ) ) \ .count() > 0: send_to_err += "History (%s) already shared with user (%s)" % (, ) else: # Only deal with datasets that have not been purged for hda in history.activatable_datasets: if send_to_user.all_roles(), hda.dataset ): # The no_change_needed dictionary is a special case. If both of can_change # and cannot_change are empty, no_change_needed will used for sharing. Otherwise # unique_no_change_needed will be used for displaying, so we need to populate both. # Build the dictionaries for display, containing unique histories only if history not in unique_no_change_needed: unique_no_change_needed[ history ] = [ hda ] else: unique_no_change_needed[ history ].append( hda ) # Build the dictionaries for sharing if send_to_user not in no_change_needed: no_change_needed[ send_to_user ] = {} if history not in no_change_needed[ send_to_user ]: no_change_needed[ send_to_user ][ history ] = [ hda ] else: no_change_needed[ send_to_user ][ history ].append( hda ) else: # The user with which we are sharing the history does not have access permission on the current dataset if user_roles, hda.dataset ): # The current user has authority to change permissions on the current dataset because # they have permission to manage permissions on the dataset. # NOTE: ( gvk )There may be problems if the dataset also has an ldda, but I don't think so # because the user with which we are sharing will not have the "manage permission" permission # on the dataset in their history. Keep an eye on this though... if unique: # Build the dictionaries for display, containing unique histories only if history not in can_change: can_change[ history ] = [ hda ] else: can_change[ history ].append( hda ) else: # Build the dictionaries for sharing if send_to_user not in can_change: can_change[ send_to_user ] = {} if history not in can_change[ send_to_user ]: can_change[ send_to_user ][ history ] = [ hda ] else: can_change[ send_to_user ][ history ].append( hda ) else: if action in [ "private", "public" ]: # The user has made a choice, so 'unique' doesn't apply. Don't change stuff # that the user doesn't have permission to change continue if unique: # Build the dictionaries for display, containing unique histories only if history not in cannot_change: cannot_change[ history ] = [ hda ] else: cannot_change[ history ].append( hda ) else: # Build the dictionaries for sharing if send_to_user not in cannot_change: cannot_change[ send_to_user ] = {} if history not in cannot_change[ send_to_user ]: cannot_change[ send_to_user ][ history ] = [ hda ] else: cannot_change[ send_to_user ][ history ].append( hda ) return can_change, cannot_change, no_change_needed, unique_no_change_needed, send_to_err def _share_histories( self, trans, user, send_to_err, histories=None ): # histories looks like: { userA: [ historyX, historyY ], userB: [ historyY ] } histories = histories or {} msg = "" if not histories: send_to_err += "No users have been specified or no histories can be sent without changing permissions or associating a sharing role. " else: for send_to_user, send_to_user_histories in histories.items(): shared_histories = [] for history in send_to_user_histories: share = share.history = history share.user = send_to_user trans.sa_session.add( share ) self.create_item_slug( trans.sa_session, history ) trans.sa_session.flush() if history not in shared_histories: shared_histories.append( history ) if send_to_err: msg += send_to_err return self.sharing( trans, histories=shared_histories, msg=msg ) # ......................................................................... actions/orig. async @web.expose
[docs] def delete_hidden_datasets( self, trans ): """ This method deletes all hidden datasets in the current history. """ count = 0 for hda in trans.history.datasets: if not hda.visible and not hda.deleted and not hda.purged: hda.mark_deleted() count += 1 trans.sa_session.add( hda ) trans.log_event( "HDA id %s has been deleted" % ) trans.sa_session.flush() return trans.show_ok_message( "%d hidden datasets have been deleted" % count, refresh_frames=['history'] )
[docs] def purge_deleted_datasets( self, trans ): count = 0 if for hda in trans.history.datasets: if not hda.deleted or hda.purged: continue if trans.user: trans.user.total_disk_usage -= hda.quota_amount( trans.user ) hda.purged = True trans.sa_session.add( hda ) trans.log_event( "HDA id %s has been purged" % ) trans.sa_session.flush() if hda.dataset.user_can_purge: try: hda.dataset.full_delete() trans.log_event( "Dataset id %s has been purged upon the the purge of HDA id %s" % (, ) ) trans.sa_session.add( hda.dataset ) except: log.exception( 'Unable to purge dataset (%s) on purge of hda (%s):' % (, ) ) count += 1 return trans.show_ok_message( "%d datasets have been deleted permanently" % count, refresh_frames=['history'] ) #TODO: use api instead
[docs] def delete_current( self, trans, purge=False ): """Delete just the active history -- this does not require a logged in user.""" history = trans.get_history() if history.users_shared_with: return trans.show_error_message( "History (%s) has been shared with others, unshare it before deleting it. " % ) if not history.deleted: history.deleted = True trans.sa_session.add( history ) trans.sa_session.flush() trans.log_event( "History id %d marked as deleted" % ) if purge and for hda in history.datasets: if trans.user: trans.user.total_disk_usage -= hda.quota_amount( trans.user ) hda.purged = True trans.sa_session.add( hda ) trans.log_event( "HDA id %s has been purged" % ) trans.sa_session.flush() if hda.dataset.user_can_purge: try: hda.dataset.full_delete() trans.log_event( "Dataset id %s has been purged upon the the purge of HDA id %s" % (, ) ) trans.sa_session.add( hda.dataset ) except: log.exception( 'Unable to purge dataset (%s) on purge of hda (%s):' % (, ) ) history.purged = True self.sa_session.add( history ) self.sa_session.flush() for hda in history.datasets: # Not all datasets have jobs associated with them (e.g., datasets imported from libraries). if hda.creating_job_associations: # HDA has associated job, so try marking it deleted. job = hda.creating_job_associations[0].job if job.history_id == and not job.finished: # No need to check other outputs since the job's parent history is this history job.mark_deleted( ) ) # Regardless of whether it was previously deleted, get the most recent history or create a new one. most_recent_history = self.history_manager.most_recent( user=trans.user ) if most_recent_history: trans.set_history( most_recent_history ) return trans.show_ok_message( "History deleted, your most recent history is now active", refresh_frames=['history'] ) trans.get_or_create_default_history() return trans.show_ok_message( "History deleted, a new history is active", refresh_frames=['history'] )
[docs] def unhide_datasets( self, trans, current=False, ids=None ): """Unhide the datasets in the active history -- this does not require a logged in user.""" if not ids and galaxy.util.string_as_bool( current ): histories = [ trans.get_history() ] refresh_frames = ['history'] else: raise NotImplementedError( "You can currently only unhide all the datasets of the current history." ) for history in histories: history.unhide_datasets() trans.sa_session.add( history ) trans.sa_session.flush() return trans.show_ok_message( "Your datasets have been unhidden.", refresh_frames=refresh_frames ) #TODO: used in index.mako
[docs] def resume_paused_jobs( self, trans, current=False, ids=None ): """Resume paused jobs the active history -- this does not require a logged in user.""" if not ids and galaxy.util.string_as_bool( current ): histories = [ trans.get_history() ] refresh_frames = ['history'] else: raise NotImplementedError( "You can currently only resume all the datasets of the current history." ) for history in histories: history.resume_paused_jobs() trans.sa_session.add( history ) trans.sa_session.flush() return trans.show_ok_message( "Your jobs have been resumed.", refresh_frames=refresh_frames ) #TODO: used in index.mako
@web.expose @web.require_login( "rate items" ) @web.json
[docs] def rate_async( self, trans, id, rating ): """ Rate a history asynchronously and return updated community data. """ history = self.history_manager.get_accessible( self.decode_id( id ), trans.user, current_history=trans.history ) if not history: return trans.show_error_message( "The specified history does not exist." ) # Rate history. self.rate_item( trans.sa_session, trans.get_user(), history, rating ) return self.get_ave_item_rating_data( trans.sa_session, history ) #TODO: used in display_base.mako
@web.expose # TODO: Remove require_login when users are warned that, if they are not # logged in, this will remove their current history. @web.require_login( "use Galaxy histories" )
[docs] def import_archive( self, trans, **kwargs ): """ Import a history from a file archive. """ # Set archive source and type. archive_file = kwargs.get( 'archive_file', None ) archive_url = kwargs.get( 'archive_url', None ) archive_source = None if archive_file: archive_source = archive_file archive_type = 'file' elif archive_url: archive_source = archive_url archive_type = 'url' # If no source to create archive from, show form to upload archive or specify URL. if not archive_source: return trans.show_form( web.FormBuilder( web.url_for(controller='history', action='import_archive'), "Import a History from an Archive", submit_text="Submit" ) \ .add_input( "text", "Archived History URL", "archive_url", value="", error=None ) # TODO: add support for importing via a file. #.add_input( "file", "Archived History File", "archive_file", value=None, error=None ) ) self.queue_history_import( trans, archive_type=archive_type, archive_source=archive_source ) return trans.show_message( "Importing history from '%s'. \ This history will be visible when the import is complete" % archive_source ) #TODO: used in this file and index.mako
[docs] def export_archive( self, trans, id=None, gzip=True, include_hidden=False, include_deleted=False, preview=False ): """ Export a history to an archive. """ # # Get history to export. # if id: history = self.history_manager.get_accessible( self.decode_id( id ), trans.user, current_history=trans.history ) else: # Use current history. history = trans.history id = ) if not history: return trans.show_error_message( "This history does not exist or you cannot export this history." ) # If history has already been exported and it has not changed since export, stream it. jeha = history.latest_export if jeha and jeha.up_to_date: if jeha.ready: if preview: url = url_for( controller='history', action="export_archive", id=id, qualified=True ) return trans.show_message( "History Ready: '%(n)s'. Use this link to download " "the archive or import it to another Galaxy server: " "<a href='%(u)s'>%(u)s</a>" % ( { 'n':, 'u': url } ) ) else: return self.serve_ready_history_export( trans, jeha ) elif jeha.preparing: return trans.show_message( "Still exporting history %(n)s; please check back soon. Link: <a href='%(s)s'>%(s)s</a>" % ( { 'n':, 's': url_for( controller='history', action="export_archive", id=id, qualified=True ) } ) ) self.queue_history_export( trans, history, gzip=gzip, include_hidden=include_hidden, include_deleted=include_deleted ) url = url_for( controller='history', action="export_archive", id=id, qualified=True ) return trans.show_message( "Exporting History '%(n)s'. You will need to <a href='%(share)s'>make this history 'accessible'</a> in order to import this to another galaxy sever. <br/>" "Use this link to download the archive or import it to another Galaxy server: " "<a href='%(u)s'>%(u)s</a>" % ( { 'share': url_for(controller='history', action='sharing'), 'n':, 'u': url } ) ) # TODO: used in this file and index.mako
@web.expose @web.json @web.require_login( "get history name and link" ) @web.expose @web.require_login( "set history's accessible flag" )
[docs] def set_accessible_async( self, trans, id=None, accessible=False ): """ Set history's importable attribute and slug. """ history = self.history_manager.get_owned( self.decode_id( id ), trans.user, current_history=trans.history ) # Only set if importable value would change; this prevents a change in the update_time unless attribute really changed. importable = accessible in ['True', 'true', 't', 'T']; if history and history.importable != importable: if importable: self._make_item_accessible( trans.sa_session, history ) else: history.importable = importable trans.sa_session.flush() return #TODO: used in page/editor.mako
[docs] def name_autocomplete_data( self, trans, q=None, limit=None, timestamp=None ): """Return autocomplete data for history names""" user = trans.get_user() if not user: return ac_data = "" for history in ( trans.sa_session.query( model.History ) .filter_by( user=user ) .filter( func.lower( ).like(q.lower() + "%") ) ): ac_data = ac_data + + "\n" return ac_data #TODO: used in grid_base.mako
[docs] def imp( self, trans, id=None, confirm=False, **kwd ): """Import another user's history via a shared URL""" user = trans.get_user() user_history = trans.get_history() # Set referer message if 'referer' in kwd: referer = kwd['referer'] else: referer = trans.request.referer if referer is not "": referer_message = "<a href='%s'>return to the previous page</a>" % escape(referer) else: referer_message = "<a href='%s'>go to Galaxy's start page</a>" % url_for( '/' ) # include all datasets when copying? all_datasets = util.string_as_bool( kwd.get( 'all_datasets', False ) ) # Do import. if not id: return trans.show_error_message( "You must specify a history you want to import.<br>You can %s." % referer_message, use_panels=True ) import_history = self.history_manager.by_id( self.decode_id( id ) ) if not import_history: return trans.show_error_message( "The specified history does not exist.<br>You can %s." % referer_message, use_panels=True ) # History is importable if user is admin or it's accessible. TODO: probably want to have app setting to enable admin access to histories. if not self.history_manager.is_accessible( import_history, trans.user, current_history=trans.history ): return trans.show_error_message( "You cannot access this history.<br>You can %s." % referer_message, use_panels=True ) if user: #dan: I can import my own history. #if import_history.user_id == # return trans.show_error_message( "You cannot import your own history.<br>You can %s." % referer_message, use_panels=True ) new_history = import_history.copy( target_user=user, all_datasets=all_datasets ) = "imported: " + new_history.user_id = galaxy_session = trans.get_galaxy_session() try: association = trans.sa_session.query( ) \ .filter_by(, ) \ .first() except: association = None new_history.add_galaxy_session( galaxy_session, association=association ) trans.sa_session.add( new_history ) trans.sa_session.flush() # Set imported history to be user's current history. trans.set_history( new_history ) return trans.show_ok_message( message="""History "%s" has been imported. <br>You can <a href="%s" onclick="parent.window.location='%s';">start using this history</a> or %s.""" % (, web.url_for( '/' ), web.url_for( '/' ), referer_message ), use_panels=True ) elif not user_history or not user_history.datasets or confirm: #TODO:?? should anon-users be allowed to include deleted datasets when importing? #new_history = import_history.copy( activatable=include_deleted ) new_history = import_history.copy() = "imported: " + new_history.user_id = None galaxy_session = trans.get_galaxy_session() try: association = trans.sa_session.query( ) \ .filter_by(, ) \ .first() except: association = None new_history.add_galaxy_session( galaxy_session, association=association ) trans.sa_session.add( new_history ) trans.sa_session.flush() trans.set_history( new_history ) return trans.show_ok_message( message="""History "%s" has been imported. <br>You can <a href="%s">start using this history</a> or %s.""" % (, web.url_for( '/' ), referer_message ), use_panels=True ) return trans.show_warn_message( """ Warning! If you import this history, you will lose your current history. <br>You can <a href="%s">continue and import this history</a> or %s. """ % ( web.url_for(controller='history', action='imp', id=id, confirm=True, referer=trans.request.referer ), referer_message ), use_panels=True ) #TODO: used in history/view, display, embed
@web.expose @web.require_login( "rename histories" )
[docs] def rename( self, trans, id=None, name=None, **kwd ): user = trans.get_user() if not id: # Default to the current history history = trans.get_history() if not history.user: return trans.show_error_message( "You must save your history before renaming it." ) id = ) id = galaxy.util.listify( id ) name = galaxy.util.listify( name ) histories = [] for history_id in id: history = self.history_manager.get_owned( self.decode_id( history_id ), trans.user, current_history=trans.history ) if history and history.user_id == histories.append( history ) if not name or len( histories ) != len( name ): return trans.fill_template( "/history/rename.mako", histories=histories ) change_msgs = [] for i in range( len( histories ) ): cur_name = histories[i].get_display_name() new_name = name[i] # skip if name is empty if not isinstance( new_name, basestring ) or not new_name.strip(): change_msgs.append( "You must specify a valid name for History: " + cur_name ) continue # skip if not the owner #??: isn't this already handled in get_history/if statement above? if histories[i].user_id != change_msgs.append( "History: " + cur_name + " does not appear to belong to you." ) continue # skip if it wouldn't be a change if new_name == cur_name: change_msgs.append( "History: " + cur_name + " is already named: " + new_name ) continue # escape, sanitize, set, and log the change new_name = escape( new_name ) histories[i].name = sanitize_html( new_name ) trans.sa_session.add( histories[i] ) trans.sa_session.flush() trans.log_event( "History renamed: id: %s, renamed to: '%s'" % ( str( histories[i].id ), new_name ) ) change_msgs.append( "History: " + cur_name + " renamed to: " + new_name ) change_msg = '<br />'.join( change_msgs ) return trans.show_message( change_msg, refresh_frames=['history'] )
@web.expose @web.require_login( "copy shared Galaxy history" )
[docs] def copy( self, trans, id=None, **kwd ): """Copy one or more histories""" params = Params( kwd ) # If copy_choice was not specified, display form passing along id # argument copy_choice = params.get( 'copy_choice', None ) if not copy_choice: return trans.fill_template( "/history/copy.mako", id_argument=id ) # Extract histories for id argument, defaulting to current if id is None: histories = [ trans.history ] else: ids = galaxy.util.listify( id ) histories = [] for history_id in ids: history = self.history_manager.get_accessible( self.decode_id( history_id ), trans.user, current_history=trans.history ) histories.append( history ) user = trans.get_user() for history in histories: if history.user == user: owner = True else: if trans.sa_session.query( ) \ .filter_by( user=user, history=history ) \ .count() == 0: return trans.show_error_message( "The history you are attempting to copy is not owned by you or shared with you. " ) owner = False name = "Copy of '%s'" % if not owner: name += " shared by '%s'" % if copy_choice == 'activatable': new_history = history.copy( name=name, target_user=user, activatable=True ) elif copy_choice == 'active': name += " (active items only)" new_history = history.copy( name=name, target_user=user ) if len( histories ) == 1: switch_url = url_for( controller="history", action="switch_to_history", ) ) msg = 'New history "<a href="%s" target="_top">%s</a>" has been created.' % ( switch_url, ) else: msg = 'Copied and created %d new histories.' % len( histories ) return trans.show_ok_message( msg ) # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- current history
@web.expose @web.require_login( "switch to a history" )
[docs] def switch_to_history( self, trans, hist_id=None ): """ """ self.set_as_current( trans, id=hist_id ) return trans.response.send_redirect( url_for( "/" ) )
[docs] def get_item( self, trans, id ): return self.history_manager.get_owned( self.decode_id( id ), trans.user, current_history=trans.history ) #TODO: override of base ui controller?
[docs] def history_data( self, trans, history ): """ """ return self.history_serializer.serialize_to_view( history, view='detailed', user=trans.user, trans=trans ) #TODO: combine these next two - poss. with a redirect flag #@web.require_login( "switch to a history" )
[docs] def set_as_current( self, trans, id ): """ """ try: history = self.history_manager.get_owned( self.decode_id( id ), trans.user, current_history=trans.history ) trans.set_history( history ) return self.history_serializer.serialize_to_view( history, view='detailed', user=trans.user, trans=trans ) except exceptions.MessageException, msg_exc: trans.response.status = msg_exc.err_code.code return { 'err_msg': msg_exc.err_msg, 'err_code': msg_exc.err_code.code }
[docs] def current_history_json( self, trans ): """ """ history = trans.get_history( create=True ) return self.history_serializer.serialize_to_view( history, view='detailed', user=trans.user, trans=trans )
[docs] def create_new_current( self, trans, name=None ): """ """ new_history = trans.new_history( name ) return self.history_serializer.serialize_to_view( new_history, view='detailed', user=trans.user, trans=trans ) #TODO: /history/current to do all of the above: if ajax, return json; if post, read id and set to current