Source code for

from galaxy import web
from galaxy.web.base.controller import *

[docs]class Mobile( BaseUIController ): @web.expose
[docs] def index( self, trans, **kwargs ): return trans.response.send_redirect( web.url_for(controller='root', action='index' ) ) # return trans.fill_template( "mobile/index.mako" )
[docs] def history_list( self, trans ): return trans.response.send_redirect( web.url_for(controller='root', action='index' ) ) # return trans.fill_template( "mobile/history/list.mako" )
[docs] def history_detail( self, trans, id ): return trans.response.send_redirect( web.url_for(controller='root', action='index' ) ) # history = trans.sa_session.query( ).get( id ) # assert history.user == trans.user # return trans.fill_template( "mobile/history/detail.mako", history=history )
[docs] def dataset_detail( self, trans, id ): return trans.response.send_redirect( web.url_for(controller='root', action='index' ) ) # dataset = trans.sa_session.query( ).get( id ) # assert dataset.history.user == trans.user # return trans.fill_template( "mobile/dataset/detail.mako", dataset=dataset )
[docs] def dataset_peek( self, trans, id ): return trans.response.send_redirect( web.url_for(controller='root', action='index' ) ) # dataset = trans.sa_session.query( ).get( id ) # assert dataset.history.user == trans.user # return trans.fill_template( "mobile/dataset/peek.mako", dataset=dataset )
[docs] def settings( self, trans, email=None, password=None ): return trans.response.send_redirect( web.url_for(controller='root', action='index' ) ) # message = None # if email is not None and password is not None: # if email == "": # self.__logout( trans ) # message = "Logged out" # else: # error = self.__login( trans, email, password ) # message = error or "Login changed" # return trans.fill_template( "mobile/settings.mako", message=message )
def __logout( self, trans ): return trans.response.send_redirect( web.url_for(controller='root', action='index' ) ) # trans.log_event( "User logged out" ) # trans.handle_user_logout() def __login(self, trans, login="", password=""): return trans.response.send_redirect( web.url_for(controller='root', action='index' ) ) # error = password_error = None # user = trans.sa_session.query( model.User ).filter(or_( # email == login, # username == login # )).first() # if not user: # autoreg = galaxy.auth.check_auto_registration(trans, login, password, # if autoreg[0]: # kwd = {} # kwd['email'] = autoreg[1] # kwd['username'] = autoreg[2] # params = util.Params( kwd ) # message = validate_email( trans, kwd['email'] ) # if not message: # message, status, user, success = self.__register( trans, 'user', False, **kwd ) # if success: # # The handle_user_login() method has a call to the history_set_default_permissions() method # # (needed when logging in with a history), user needs to have default permissions set before logging in # trans.handle_user_login( user ) # trans.log_event( "User (auto) created a new account" ) # trans.log_event( "User logged in" ) # else: # message = "Auto-registration failed, contact your local Galaxy administrator. %s" % message # else: # message = "Auto-registration failed, contact your local Galaxy administrator. %s" % message # else: # message = "No such user (please note that login is case sensitive)" # elif user.deleted: # error = "This account has been marked deleted, contact your Galaxy administrator to restore the account." # elif user.external: # error = "This account was created for use with an external authentication method, contact your local Galaxy administrator to activate it." # elif not galaxy.auth.check_password(user, password, # error = "Invalid password" # else: # trans.handle_user_login( user ) # trans.log_event( "User logged in" ) # return error