Source code for

from sqlalchemy import desc, and_
from galaxy import model, web
from galaxy import managers
from galaxy.web import error, url_for
from galaxy.model.item_attrs import UsesItemRatings
from galaxy.web.base.controller import BaseUIController, SharableMixin, UsesStoredWorkflowMixin, UsesVisualizationMixin
from galaxy.web.framework.helpers import time_ago, grids
from galaxy import util
from galaxy.util.sanitize_html import sanitize_html, _BaseHTMLProcessor
from galaxy.util.json import loads
from markupsafe import escape

[docs]def format_bool( b ): if b: return "yes" else: return ""
[docs]class PageListGrid( grids.Grid ): # Custom column.
[docs] class URLColumn( grids.PublicURLColumn ):
[docs] def get_value( self, trans, grid, item ): return url_for(controller='page', action='display_by_username_and_slug', username=item.user.username, slug=item.slug ) # Grid definition
use_panels = True title = "Pages" model_class = model.Page default_filter = { "published": "All", "tags": "All", "title": "All", "sharing": "All" } default_sort_key = "-update_time" columns = [ grids.TextColumn( "Title", key="title", attach_popup=True, filterable="advanced" ), URLColumn( "Public URL" ), grids.OwnerAnnotationColumn( "Annotation", key="annotation", model_annotation_association_class=model.PageAnnotationAssociation, filterable="advanced" ), grids.IndividualTagsColumn( "Tags", key="tags", model_tag_association_class=model.PageTagAssociation, filterable="advanced", grid_name="PageListGrid" ), grids.SharingStatusColumn( "Sharing", key="sharing", filterable="advanced", sortable=False ), grids.GridColumn( "Created", key="create_time", format=time_ago ), grids.GridColumn( "Last Updated", key="update_time", format=time_ago ), ] columns.append( grids.MulticolFilterColumn( "Search", cols_to_filter=[ columns[0], columns[2] ], key="free-text-search", visible=False, filterable="standard" ) ) global_actions = [ grids.GridAction( "Add new page", dict( action='create' ) ) ] operations = [ grids.DisplayByUsernameAndSlugGridOperation( "View", allow_multiple=False ), grids.GridOperation( "Edit content", allow_multiple=False, url_args=dict( action='edit_content') ), grids.GridOperation( "Edit attributes", allow_multiple=False, url_args=dict( action='edit') ), grids.GridOperation( "Share or Publish", allow_multiple=False, condition=( lambda item: not item.deleted ), async_compatible=False ), grids.GridOperation( "Delete", confirm="Are you sure you want to delete this page?" ), ]
[docs] def apply_query_filter( self, trans, query, **kwargs ): return query.filter_by( user=trans.user, deleted=False )
[docs]class PageAllPublishedGrid( grids.Grid ): # Grid definition use_panels = True use_async = True title = "Published Pages" model_class = model.Page default_sort_key = "update_time" default_filter = dict( title="All", username="All" ) columns = [ grids.PublicURLColumn( "Title", key="title", filterable="advanced" ), grids.OwnerAnnotationColumn( "Annotation", key="annotation", model_annotation_association_class=model.PageAnnotationAssociation, filterable="advanced" ), grids.OwnerColumn( "Owner", key="username", model_class=model.User, filterable="advanced" ), grids.CommunityRatingColumn( "Community Rating", key="rating" ), grids.CommunityTagsColumn( "Community Tags", key="tags", model_tag_association_class=model.PageTagAssociation, filterable="advanced", grid_name="PageAllPublishedGrid" ), grids.ReverseSortColumn( "Last Updated", key="update_time", format=time_ago ) ] columns.append( grids.MulticolFilterColumn( "Search title, annotation, owner, and tags", cols_to_filter=[ columns[0], columns[1], columns[2], columns[4] ], key="free-text-search", visible=False, filterable="standard" ) )
[docs] def build_initial_query( self, trans, **kwargs ): # Join so that searching history.user makes sense. return trans.sa_session.query( self.model_class ).join( model.User.table )
[docs] def apply_query_filter( self, trans, query, **kwargs ): return query.filter( self.model_class.deleted == False ).filter( self.model_class.published == True )
[docs]class ItemSelectionGrid( grids.Grid ): """ Base class for pages' item selection grids. """ # Custom columns.
[docs] class NameColumn( grids.TextColumn ):
[docs] def get_value(self, trans, grid, item): if hasattr( item, "get_display_name" ): return escape(item.get_display_name()) else: return escape( # Grid definition.
show_item_checkboxes = True template = "/page/select_items_grid.mako" default_filter = { "deleted": "False" , "sharing": "All" } default_sort_key = "-update_time" use_async = True use_paging = True num_rows_per_page = 10
[docs] def apply_query_filter( self, trans, query, **kwargs ): return query.filter_by( user=trans.user )
[docs]class HistorySelectionGrid( ItemSelectionGrid ): """ Grid for selecting histories. """ # Grid definition. title = "Saved Histories" model_class = model.History columns = [ ItemSelectionGrid.NameColumn( "Name", key="name", filterable="advanced" ), grids.IndividualTagsColumn( "Tags", key="tags", model_tag_association_class=model.HistoryTagAssociation, filterable="advanced"), grids.GridColumn( "Last Updated", key="update_time", format=time_ago ), # Columns that are valid for filtering but are not visible. grids.DeletedColumn( "Deleted", key="deleted", visible=False, filterable="advanced" ), grids.SharingStatusColumn( "Sharing", key="sharing", filterable="advanced", sortable=False, visible=False ), ] columns.append( grids.MulticolFilterColumn( "Search", cols_to_filter=[ columns[0], columns[1] ], key="free-text-search", visible=False, filterable="standard" ) )
[docs] def apply_query_filter( self, trans, query, **kwargs ): return query.filter_by( user=trans.user, purged=False )
[docs]class HistoryDatasetAssociationSelectionGrid( ItemSelectionGrid ): """ Grid for selecting HDAs. """ # Grid definition. title = "Saved Datasets" model_class = model.HistoryDatasetAssociation columns = [ ItemSelectionGrid.NameColumn( "Name", key="name", filterable="advanced" ), grids.IndividualTagsColumn( "Tags", key="tags", model_tag_association_class=model.HistoryDatasetAssociationTagAssociation, filterable="advanced"), grids.GridColumn( "Last Updated", key="update_time", format=time_ago ), # Columns that are valid for filtering but are not visible. grids.DeletedColumn( "Deleted", key="deleted", visible=False, filterable="advanced" ), grids.SharingStatusColumn( "Sharing", key="sharing", filterable="advanced", sortable=False, visible=False ), ] columns.append( grids.MulticolFilterColumn( "Search", cols_to_filter=[ columns[0], columns[1] ], key="free-text-search", visible=False, filterable="standard" ) )
[docs] def apply_query_filter( self, trans, query, **kwargs ): # To filter HDAs by user, need to join HDA and History table and then filter histories by user. This is necessary because HDAs do not have # a user relation. return query.select_from( model.HistoryDatasetAssociation.table.join( model.History.table ) ).filter( model.History.user == trans.user )
[docs]class WorkflowSelectionGrid( ItemSelectionGrid ): """ Grid for selecting workflows. """ # Grid definition. title = "Saved Workflows" model_class = model.StoredWorkflow columns = [ ItemSelectionGrid.NameColumn( "Name", key="name", filterable="advanced" ), grids.IndividualTagsColumn( "Tags", key="tags", model_tag_association_class=model.StoredWorkflowTagAssociation, filterable="advanced"), grids.GridColumn( "Last Updated", key="update_time", format=time_ago ), # Columns that are valid for filtering but are not visible. grids.DeletedColumn( "Deleted", key="deleted", visible=False, filterable="advanced" ), grids.SharingStatusColumn( "Sharing", key="sharing", filterable="advanced", sortable=False, visible=False ), ] columns.append( grids.MulticolFilterColumn( "Search", cols_to_filter=[ columns[0], columns[1] ], key="free-text-search", visible=False, filterable="standard" ) )
[docs]class PageSelectionGrid( ItemSelectionGrid ): """ Grid for selecting pages. """ # Grid definition. title = "Saved Pages" model_class = model.Page columns = [ grids.TextColumn( "Title", key="title", filterable="advanced" ), grids.IndividualTagsColumn( "Tags", key="tags", model_tag_association_class=model.PageTagAssociation, filterable="advanced"), grids.GridColumn( "Last Updated", key="update_time", format=time_ago ), # Columns that are valid for filtering but are not visible. grids.DeletedColumn( "Deleted", key="deleted", visible=False, filterable="advanced" ), grids.SharingStatusColumn( "Sharing", key="sharing", filterable="advanced", sortable=False, visible=False ), ] columns.append( grids.MulticolFilterColumn( "Search", cols_to_filter=[ columns[0], columns[1] ], key="free-text-search", visible=False, filterable="standard" ) )
[docs]class VisualizationSelectionGrid( ItemSelectionGrid ): """ Grid for selecting visualizations. """ # Grid definition. title = "Saved Visualizations" model_class = model.Visualization columns = [ grids.TextColumn( "Title", key="title", filterable="advanced" ), grids.TextColumn( "Type", key="type" ), grids.IndividualTagsColumn( "Tags", key="tags", model_tag_association_class=model.VisualizationTagAssociation, filterable="advanced", grid_name="VisualizationListGrid" ), grids.SharingStatusColumn( "Sharing", key="sharing", filterable="advanced", sortable=False ), grids.GridColumn( "Last Updated", key="update_time", format=time_ago ), ] columns.append( grids.MulticolFilterColumn( "Search", cols_to_filter=[ columns[0], columns[2] ], key="free-text-search", visible=False, filterable="standard" ) )
class _PageContentProcessor( _BaseHTMLProcessor ): """ Processes page content to produce HTML that is suitable for display. For now, processor renders embedded objects. """ def __init__( self, trans, encoding, type, render_embed_html_fn ): _BaseHTMLProcessor.__init__( self, encoding, type) self.trans = trans self.ignore_content = False self.num_open_tags_for_ignore = 0 self.render_embed_html_fn = render_embed_html_fn def unknown_starttag( self, tag, attrs ): """ Called for each start tag; attrs is a list of (attr, value) tuples. """ # If ignoring content, just increment tag count and ignore. if self.ignore_content: self.num_open_tags_for_ignore += 1 return # Not ignoring tag; look for embedded content. embedded_item = False for attribute in attrs: if ( attribute[0] == "class" ) and ( "embedded-item" in attribute[1].split(" ") ): embedded_item = True break # For embedded content, set ignore flag to ignore current content and add new content for embedded item. if embedded_item: # Set processing attributes to ignore content. self.ignore_content = True self.num_open_tags_for_ignore = 1 # Insert content for embedded element. for attribute in attrs: name = attribute[0] if name == "id": # ID has form '<class_name>-<encoded_item_id>' item_class, item_id = attribute[1].split("-") embed_html = self.render_embed_html_fn( self.trans, item_class, item_id ) self.pieces.append( embed_html ) return # Default behavior: not ignoring and no embedded content. _BaseHTMLProcessor.unknown_starttag( self, tag, attrs ) def handle_data( self, text ): """ Called for each block of plain text. """ if self.ignore_content: return _BaseHTMLProcessor.handle_data( self, text ) def unknown_endtag( self, tag ): """ Called for each end tag. """ # If ignoring content, see if current tag is the end of content to ignore. if self.ignore_content: self.num_open_tags_for_ignore -= 1 if self.num_open_tags_for_ignore == 0: # Done ignoring content. self.ignore_content = False return # Default behavior: _BaseHTMLProcessor.unknown_endtag( self, tag )
[docs]class PageController( BaseUIController, SharableMixin, UsesStoredWorkflowMixin, UsesVisualizationMixin, UsesItemRatings ): _page_list = PageListGrid() _all_published_list = PageAllPublishedGrid() _history_selection_grid = HistorySelectionGrid() _workflow_selection_grid = WorkflowSelectionGrid() _datasets_selection_grid = HistoryDatasetAssociationSelectionGrid() _page_selection_grid = PageSelectionGrid() _visualization_selection_grid = VisualizationSelectionGrid() def __init__( self, app ): super( PageController, self ).__init__( app ) self.history_manager = managers.histories.HistoryManager( app ) self.hda_manager = managers.hdas.HDAManager( app ) @web.expose @web.require_login()
[docs] def list( self, trans, *args, **kwargs ): """ List user's pages. """ # Handle operation if 'operation' in kwargs and 'id' in kwargs: session = trans.sa_session operation = kwargs['operation'].lower() ids = util.listify( kwargs['id'] ) for id in ids: item = session.query( model.Page ).get( self.decode_id( id ) ) if operation == "delete": item.deleted = True if operation == "share or publish": return self.sharing( trans, **kwargs ) session.flush() # HACK: to prevent the insertion of an entire html document inside another kwargs[ 'embedded' ] = True # Build grid HTML. grid = self._page_list( trans, *args, **kwargs ) # Build list of pages shared with user. shared_by_others = trans.sa_session \ .query( model.PageUserShareAssociation ) \ .filter_by( user=trans.get_user() ) \ .join( model.Page.table ) \ .filter( model.Page.deleted == False ) \ .order_by( desc( model.Page.update_time ) ) \ .all() # Render grid wrapped in panels return trans.fill_template( "page/index.mako", embedded_grid=grid, shared_by_others=shared_by_others )
[docs] def list_published( self, trans, *args, **kwargs ): kwargs[ 'embedded' ] = True grid = self._all_published_list( trans, *args, **kwargs ) if 'async' in kwargs: return grid # Render grid wrapped in panels return trans.fill_template( "page/list_published.mako", embedded_grid=grid )
@web.expose @web.require_login( "create pages" )
[docs] def create( self, trans, page_title="", page_slug="", page_annotation="" ): """ Create a new page """ user = trans.get_user() page_title_err = page_slug_err = page_annotation_err = "" if trans.request.method == "POST": if not page_title: page_title_err = "Page name is required" elif not page_slug: page_slug_err = "Page id is required" elif not self._is_valid_slug( page_slug ): page_slug_err = "Page identifier must consist of only lowercase letters, numbers, and the '-' character" elif trans.sa_session.query( model.Page ).filter_by( user=user, slug=page_slug, deleted=False ).first(): page_slug_err = "Page id must be unique" else: # Create the new stored page page = model.Page() page.title = page_title page.slug = page_slug page_annotation = sanitize_html( page_annotation, 'utf-8', 'text/html' ) self.add_item_annotation( trans.sa_session, trans.get_user(), page, page_annotation ) page.user = user # And the first (empty) page revision page_revision = model.PageRevision() page_revision.title = page_title = page page.latest_revision = page_revision page_revision.content = "" # Persist session = trans.sa_session session.add( page ) session.flush() # Display the management page # trans.set_message( "Page '%s' created" % page.title ) return trans.response.send_redirect( web.url_for(controller='page', action='list' ) ) return trans.show_form( web.FormBuilder( web.url_for(controller='page', action='create'), "Create new page", submit_text="Submit" ) .add_text( "page_title", "Page title", value=page_title, error=page_title_err ) .add_text( "page_slug", "Page identifier", value=page_slug, error=page_slug_err, help="""A unique identifier that will be used for public links to this page. A default is generated from the page title, but can be edited. This field must contain only lowercase letters, numbers, and the '-' character.""" ) .add_text( "page_annotation", "Page annotation", value=page_annotation, error=page_annotation_err, help="A description of the page; annotation is shown alongside published pages."), template="page/create.mako" )
@web.expose @web.require_login( "edit pages" )
[docs] def edit( self, trans, id, page_title="", page_slug="", page_annotation="" ): """ Edit a page's attributes. """ encoded_id = id id = self.decode_id( id ) session = trans.sa_session page = session.query( model.Page ).get( id ) user = trans.user assert page.user == user page_title_err = page_slug_err = page_annotation_err = "" if trans.request.method == "POST": if not page_title: page_title_err = "Page name is required" elif not page_slug: page_slug_err = "Page id is required" elif not self._is_valid_slug( page_slug ): page_slug_err = "Page identifier must consist of only lowercase letters, numbers, and the '-' character" elif page_slug != page.slug and trans.sa_session.query( model.Page ).filter_by( user=user, slug=page_slug, deleted=False ).first(): page_slug_err = "Page id must be unique" elif not page_annotation: page_annotation_err = "Page annotation is required" else: page.title = page_title page.slug = page_slug page_annotation = sanitize_html( page_annotation, 'utf-8', 'text/html' ) self.add_item_annotation( trans.sa_session, trans.get_user(), page, page_annotation ) session.flush() # Redirect to page list. return trans.response.send_redirect( web.url_for(controller='page', action='list' ) ) else: page_title = page.title page_slug = page.slug page_annotation = self.get_item_annotation_str( trans.sa_session, trans.user, page ) if not page_annotation: page_annotation = "" return trans.show_form( web.FormBuilder( web.url_for(controller='page', action='edit', id=encoded_id ), "Edit page attributes", submit_text="Submit" ) .add_text( "page_title", "Page title", value=page_title, error=page_title_err ) .add_text( "page_slug", "Page identifier", value=page_slug, error=page_slug_err, help="""A unique identifier that will be used for public links to this page. A default is generated from the page title, but can be edited. This field must contain only lowercase letters, numbers, and the '-' character.""" ) .add_text( "page_annotation", "Page annotation", value=page_annotation, error=page_annotation_err, help="A description of the page; annotation is shown alongside published pages."), template="page/create.mako" )
@web.expose @web.require_login( "edit pages" )
[docs] def edit_content( self, trans, id ): """ Render the main page editor interface. """ id = self.decode_id( id ) page = trans.sa_session.query( model.Page ).get( id ) assert page.user == trans.user return trans.fill_template( "page/editor.mako", page=page )
@web.expose @web.require_login( "use Galaxy pages" )
[docs] def sharing( self, trans, id, **kwargs ): """ Handle page sharing. """ # Get session and page. session = trans.sa_session page = trans.sa_session.query( model.Page ).get( self.decode_id( id ) ) # Do operation on page. if 'make_accessible_via_link' in kwargs: self._make_item_accessible( trans.sa_session, page ) elif 'make_accessible_and_publish' in kwargs: self._make_item_accessible( trans.sa_session, page ) page.published = True elif 'publish' in kwargs: page.published = True elif 'disable_link_access' in kwargs: page.importable = False elif 'unpublish' in kwargs: page.published = False elif 'disable_link_access_and_unpublish' in kwargs: page.importable = page.published = False elif 'unshare_user' in kwargs: user = session.query( model.User ).get( self.decode_id( kwargs['unshare_user' ] ) ) if not user: error( "User not found for provided id" ) association = session.query( model.PageUserShareAssociation ) \ .filter_by( user=user, page=page ).one() session.delete( association ) session.flush() return trans.fill_template( "/sharing_base.mako", item=page, use_panels=True )
@web.expose @web.require_login( "use Galaxy pages" )
[docs] def share( self, trans, id, email="", use_panels=False ): """ Handle sharing with an individual user. """ msg = mtype = None page = trans.sa_session.query( model.Page ).get( self.decode_id( id ) ) if email: other = trans.sa_session.query( model.User ) \ .filter( and_(, model.User.table.c.deleted==False ) ) \ .first() if not other: mtype = "error" msg = ( "User '%s' does not exist" % escape( email ) ) elif other == trans.get_user(): mtype = "error" msg = ( "You cannot share a page with yourself" ) elif trans.sa_session.query( model.PageUserShareAssociation ) \ .filter_by( user=other, page=page ).count() > 0: mtype = "error" msg = ( "Page already shared with '%s'" % escape( email ) ) else: share = model.PageUserShareAssociation() = page share.user = other session = trans.sa_session session.add( share ) self.create_item_slug( session, page ) session.flush() page_title = escape( page.title ) other_email = escape( ) trans.set_message( "Page '%s' shared with user '%s'" % ( page_title, other_email ) ) return trans.response.send_redirect( url_for( controller='page', action='sharing', id=id ) ) return trans.fill_template( "/ind_share_base.mako", message=msg, messagetype=mtype, item=page, email=email, use_panels=use_panels )
@web.expose @web.require_login()
[docs] def save( self, trans, id, content, annotations ): id = self.decode_id( id ) page = trans.sa_session.query( model.Page ).get( id ) assert page.user == trans.user # Sanitize content content = sanitize_html( content, 'utf-8', 'text/html' ) # Add a new revision to the page with the provided content. page_revision = model.PageRevision() page_revision.title = page.title = page page.latest_revision = page_revision page_revision.content = content # Save annotations. annotations = loads( annotations ) for annotation_dict in annotations: item_id = self.decode_id( annotation_dict[ 'item_id' ] ) item_class = self.get_class( annotation_dict[ 'item_class' ] ) item = trans.sa_session.query( item_class ).filter_by( id=item_id ).first() if not item: raise RuntimeError( "cannot find annotated item" ) text = sanitize_html( annotation_dict[ 'text' ], 'utf-8', 'text/html' ) # Add/update annotation. if item_id and item_class and text: # Get annotation association. annotation_assoc_class = eval( "model.%sAnnotationAssociation" % item_class.__name__ ) annotation_assoc = trans.sa_session.query( annotation_assoc_class ).filter_by( user=trans.get_user() ) if item_class == model.History.__class__: annotation_assoc = annotation_assoc.filter_by( history=item ) elif item_class == model.HistoryDatasetAssociation.__class__: annotation_assoc = annotation_assoc.filter_by( hda=item ) elif item_class == model.StoredWorkflow.__class__: annotation_assoc = annotation_assoc.filter_by( stored_workflow=item ) elif item_class == model.WorkflowStep.__class__: annotation_assoc = annotation_assoc.filter_by( workflow_step=item ) annotation_assoc = annotation_assoc.first() if not annotation_assoc: # Create association. annotation_assoc = annotation_assoc_class() item.annotations.append( annotation_assoc ) annotation_assoc.user = trans.get_user() # Set annotation user text. annotation_assoc.annotation = text trans.sa_session.flush()
@web.expose @web.require_login()
[docs] def display( self, trans, id ): id = self.decode_id( id ) page = trans.sa_session.query( model.Page ).get( id ) if not page: raise web.httpexceptions.HTTPNotFound() return self.display_by_username_and_slug( trans, page.user.username, page.slug )
[docs] def display_by_username_and_slug( self, trans, username, slug ): """ Display page based on a username and slug. """ # Get page. session = trans.sa_session user = session.query( model.User ).filter_by( username=username ).first() page = trans.sa_session.query( model.Page ).filter_by( user=user, slug=slug, deleted=False ).first() if page is None: raise web.httpexceptions.HTTPNotFound() # Security check raises error if user cannot access page. self.security_check( trans, page, False, True) # Process page content. processor = _PageContentProcessor( trans, 'utf-8', 'text/html', self._get_embed_html ) processor.feed( page.latest_revision.content ) # Get rating data. user_item_rating = 0 if trans.get_user(): user_item_rating = self.get_user_item_rating( trans.sa_session, trans.get_user(), page ) if user_item_rating: user_item_rating = user_item_rating.rating else: user_item_rating = 0 ave_item_rating, num_ratings = self.get_ave_item_rating_data( trans.sa_session, page ) # Output is string, so convert to unicode for display. page_content = unicode( processor.output(), 'utf-8' ) return trans.fill_template_mako( "page/display.mako", item=page, item_data=page_content, user_item_rating=user_item_rating, ave_item_rating=ave_item_rating, num_ratings=num_ratings, content_only=True )
@web.expose @web.require_login( "use Galaxy pages" )
[docs] def set_accessible_async( self, trans, id=None, accessible=False ): """ Set page's importable attribute and slug. """ page = self.get_page( trans, id ) # Only set if importable value would change; this prevents a change in the update_time unless attribute really changed. importable = accessible in ['True', 'true', 't', 'T'] if page.importable != importable: if importable: self._make_item_accessible( trans.sa_session, page ) else: page.importable = importable trans.sa_session.flush() return
@web.expose @web.require_login( "rate items" ) @web.json
[docs] def rate_async( self, trans, id, rating ): """ Rate a page asynchronously and return updated community data. """ page = self.get_page( trans, id, check_ownership=False, check_accessible=True ) if not page: return trans.show_error_message( "The specified page does not exist." ) # Rate page. self.rate_item( trans.sa_session, trans.get_user(), page, rating ) return self.get_ave_item_rating_data( trans.sa_session, page )
[docs] def get_embed_html_async( self, trans, id ): """ Returns HTML for embedding a workflow in a page. """ # TODO: user should be able to embed any item he has access to. see display_by_username_and_slug for security code. page = self.get_page( trans, id ) if page: return "Embedded Page '%s'" % page.title
@web.expose @web.json @web.require_login( "use Galaxy pages" ) @web.expose @web.require_login("select a history from saved histories")
[docs] def list_histories_for_selection( self, trans, **kwargs ): """ Returns HTML that enables a user to select one or more histories. """ # Render the list view return self._history_selection_grid( trans, **kwargs )
@web.expose @web.require_login("select a workflow from saved workflows")
[docs] def list_workflows_for_selection( self, trans, **kwargs ): """ Returns HTML that enables a user to select one or more workflows. """ # Render the list view return self._workflow_selection_grid( trans, **kwargs )
@web.expose @web.require_login("select a visualization from saved visualizations")
[docs] def list_visualizations_for_selection( self, trans, **kwargs ): """ Returns HTML that enables a user to select one or more visualizations. """ # Render the list view return self._visualization_selection_grid( trans, **kwargs )
@web.expose @web.require_login("select a page from saved pages")
[docs] def list_pages_for_selection( self, trans, **kwargs ): """ Returns HTML that enables a user to select one or more pages. """ # Render the list view return self._page_selection_grid( trans, **kwargs )
@web.expose @web.require_login("select a dataset from saved datasets")
[docs] def list_datasets_for_selection( self, trans, **kwargs ): """ Returns HTML that enables a user to select one or more datasets. """ # Render the list view return self._datasets_selection_grid( trans, **kwargs )
[docs] def get_editor_iframe( self, trans ): """ Returns the document for the page editor's iframe. """ return trans.fill_template( "page/wymiframe.mako" )
[docs] def get_page( self, trans, id, check_ownership=True, check_accessible=False ): """Get a page from the database by id.""" # Load history from database id = self.decode_id( id ) page = trans.sa_session.query( model.Page ).get( id ) if not page: error( "Page not found" ) else: return self.security_check( trans, page, check_ownership, check_accessible )
[docs] def get_item( self, trans, id ): return self.get_page( trans, id )
def _get_embedded_history_html( self, trans, id ): """ Returns html suitable for embedding in another page. """ # TODO: should be moved to history controller and/or called via ajax from the template decoded_id = self.decode_id( id ) # histories embedded in pages are set to importable when embedded, check for access here history = self.history_manager.get_accessible( decoded_id, trans.user, current_history=trans.history ) # create ownership flag for template, dictify models # note: adding original annotation since this is published - get_dict returns user-based annos user_is_owner = trans.user == history.user history.annotation = self.get_item_annotation_str( trans.sa_session, history.user, history ) # include all datasets: hidden, deleted, and purged history_data = self.history_manager._get_history_data( trans, history ) history_dictionary = history_data[ 'history' ] hda_dictionaries = history_data[ 'contents' ] history_dictionary[ 'annotation' ] = history.annotation filled = trans.fill_template( "history/embed.mako", item=history, user_is_owner=user_is_owner, history_dict=history_dictionary, hda_dicts=hda_dictionaries ) return filled def _get_embedded_visualization_html( self, trans, id ): """ Returns html suitable for embedding visualizations in another page. """ visualization = self.get_visualization( trans, id, False, True ) visualization.annotation = self.get_item_annotation_str( trans.sa_session, visualization.user, visualization ) if not visualization: return None # Fork to template based on visualization.type (registry or builtin). if(( and visualization.type in ) and ( visualization.type not in ) ): # if a registry visualization, load a version into an iframe :( # TODO: simplest path from A to B but not optimal - will be difficult to do reg visualizations any other way # TODO: this will load the visualization twice (once above, once when the iframe src calls 'saved') encoded_visualization_id = ) return trans.fill_template( 'visualization/embed_in_frame.mako', item=visualization, encoded_visualization_id=encoded_visualization_id, content_only=True ) return trans.fill_template( "visualization/embed.mako", item=visualization, item_data=None ) def _get_embed_html( self, trans, item_class, item_id ): """ Returns HTML for embedding an item in a page. """ item_class = self.get_class( item_class ) if item_class == model.History: return self._get_embedded_history_html( trans, item_id ) elif item_class == model.HistoryDatasetAssociation: decoded_id = self.decode_id( item_id ) dataset = self.hda_manager.get_accessible( decoded_id, trans.user ) dataset = self.hda_manager.error_if_uploading( dataset ) dataset.annotation = self.get_item_annotation_str( trans.sa_session, dataset.history.user, dataset ) if dataset: data = self.hda_manager.text_data( dataset ) return trans.fill_template( "dataset/embed.mako", item=dataset, item_data=data ) elif item_class == model.StoredWorkflow: workflow = self.get_stored_workflow( trans, item_id, False, True ) workflow.annotation = self.get_item_annotation_str( trans.sa_session, workflow.user, workflow ) if workflow: self.get_stored_workflow_steps( trans, workflow ) return trans.fill_template( "workflow/embed.mako", item=workflow, item_data=workflow.latest_workflow.steps ) elif item_class == model.Visualization: return self._get_embedded_visualization_html( trans, item_id ) elif item_class == model.Page: pass