Source code for galaxy.webapps.galaxy.controllers.root

Contains the main interface in the Universe class
import cgi
import os
import urllib

from paste.httpexceptions import HTTPNotFound, HTTPBadGateway

from galaxy.web.base.controller import BaseUIController
from galaxy import managers

from galaxy import web
from galaxy.web import url_for
from galaxy.model.item_attrs import UsesAnnotations
from galaxy import util
from galaxy.util import listify, Params, string_as_bool, string_as_bool_or_none
from galaxy.util.json import dumps

import logging
log = logging.getLogger( __name__ )

[docs]class RootController( BaseUIController, UsesAnnotations ): """ Controller class that maps to the url root of Galaxy (i.e. '/'). """ def __init__( self, app ): super( RootController, self ).__init__( app ) self.history_manager = managers.histories.HistoryManager( app ) @web.expose
[docs] def default(self, trans, target1=None, target2=None, **kwd): """Called on any url that does not match a controller method. """ raise HTTPNotFound( 'This link may not be followed from within Galaxy.' )
[docs] def index(self, trans, id=None, tool_id=None, mode=None, workflow_id=None, m_c=None, m_a=None, **kwd): """ Called on the root url to display the main Galaxy page. """ return trans.fill_template( "root/index.mako", tool_id=tool_id, workflow_id=workflow_id, m_c=m_c, m_a=m_a, params=kwd ) ## ---- Tool related -----------------------------------------------------
@web.json @web.expose
[docs] def tool_help( self, trans, id ): """Return help page for tool identified by 'id' if available """ toolbox = self.get_toolbox() tool = toolbox.get_tool( id ) yield "<html><body>" if not tool: #TODO: arent tool ids strings now? yield "Unknown tool id '%d'" % id elif yield else: yield "No additional help available for tool '%s'" % yield "</body></html>" ## ---- Root history display ---------------------------------------------
[docs] def history_as_xml( self, trans, show_deleted=None, show_hidden=None ): if and not trans.user: return trans.fill_template( '/no_access.mako', message = 'Please log in to access Galaxy histories.' ) history = trans.get_history( create=True ) trans.response.set_content_type('text/xml') return trans.fill_template_mako( "root/history_as_xml.mako", history=history, show_deleted=string_as_bool( show_deleted ), show_hidden=string_as_bool( show_hidden ) )
[docs] def history( self, trans, as_xml=False, show_deleted=None, show_hidden=None, **kwd ): """ Display the current history in its own page or as xml. """ if as_xml: return self.history_as_xml( trans, show_deleted=string_as_bool( show_deleted ), show_hidden=string_as_bool( show_hidden ) ) if and not trans.user: return trans.fill_template( '/no_access.mako', message = 'Please log in to access Galaxy histories.' ) # get all datasets server-side, client-side will get flags and render appropriately show_deleted = string_as_bool_or_none( show_deleted ) show_purged = show_deleted show_hidden = string_as_bool_or_none( show_hidden ) history_dictionary = {} hda_dictionaries = [] try: history_data = self.history_manager._get_history_data( trans, trans.get_history( create=True ) ) history_dictionary = history_data[ 'history' ] hda_dictionaries = history_data[ 'contents' ] except Exception, exc: user_id = str( ) if trans.user else '(anonymous)' log.exception( 'Error bootstrapping history for user %s: %s', user_id, str( exc ) ) history_dictionary[ 'error' ] = ( 'An error occurred getting the history data from the server. ' + 'Please contact a Galaxy administrator if the problem persists.' ) return trans.fill_template_mako( "root/history.mako", history = history_dictionary, hdas = hda_dictionaries, show_deleted=show_deleted, show_hidden=show_hidden ) ## ---- Dataset display / editing ----------------------------------------
[docs] def display( self, trans, id=None, hid=None, tofile=None, toext=".txt", encoded_id=None, **kwd ): """Returns data directly into the browser. Sets the mime-type according to the extension. Used by the twill tool test driver - used anywhere else? Would like to drop hid argument and path if unneeded now. Likewise, would like to drop encoded_id=XXX and use assume id is encoded (likely id wouldn't be coming in encoded if this is used anywhere else though.) """ #TODO: unencoded id if hid is not None: try: hid = int( hid ) except: return "hid '%s' is invalid" % str( hid ) history = trans.get_history() for dataset in history.datasets: if dataset.hid == hid: data = dataset break else: raise Exception( "No dataset with hid '%d'" % hid ) else: if encoded_id and not id: id = self.decode_id( encoded_id ) try: data = trans.sa_session.query( ).get( id ) except: return "Dataset id '%s' is invalid" % str( id ) if data: current_user_roles = trans.get_current_user_roles() if current_user_roles, data.dataset ): trans.response.set_content_type(data.get_mime()) if tofile: fStat = os.stat(data.file_name) trans.response.headers['Content-Length'] = int(fStat.st_size) if toext[0:1] != ".": toext = "." + toext valid_chars = '.,^_-()[]0123456789abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ' fname = fname = ''.join(c in valid_chars and c or '_' for c in fname)[0:150] trans.response.headers["Content-Disposition"] = 'attachment; filename="GalaxyHistoryItem-%s-[%s]%s"' % (data.hid, fname, toext) trans.log_event( "Display dataset id: %s" % str(id) ) try: return open( data.file_name ) except: return "This dataset contains no content" else: return "You are not allowed to access this dataset" else: return "No dataset with id '%s'" % str( id )
[docs] def display_child(self, trans, parent_id=None, designation=None, tofile=None, toext=".txt"): """Returns child data directly into the browser, based upon parent_id and designation. """ #TODO: unencoded id try: data = trans.sa_session.query( ).get( parent_id ) if data: child = data.get_child_by_designation( designation ) if child: current_user_roles = trans.get_current_user_roles() if current_user_roles, child ): return self.display( trans,, tofile=tofile, toext=toext ) else: return "You are not privileged to access this dataset." except Exception: pass return "A child named %s could not be found for data %s" % ( designation, parent_id )
[docs] def display_as( self, trans, id=None, display_app=None, **kwd ): """Returns a file in a format that can successfully be displayed in display_app. """ #TODO: unencoded id data = trans.sa_session.query( ).get( id ) authz_method = 'rbac' if 'authz_method' in kwd: authz_method = kwd['authz_method'] if data: current_user_roles = trans.get_current_user_roles() if authz_method == 'rbac' and current_user_roles, data ): trans.response.set_content_type( data.get_mime() ) trans.log_event( "Formatted dataset id %s for display at %s" % ( str( id ), display_app ) ) return data.as_display_type( display_app, **kwd ) elif authz_method == 'display_at' and trans.request.remote_addr, data.permitted_actions.DATASET_ACCESS, dataset=data ): trans.response.set_content_type( data.get_mime() ) return data.as_display_type( display_app, **kwd ) else: return "You are not allowed to access this dataset." else: return "No data with id=%d" % id
[docs] def peek(self, trans, id=None): """Returns a 'peek' at the data. """ #TODO: unused? #TODO: unencoded id data = trans.sa_session.query( ).get( id ) if data: yield "<html><body><pre>" yield data.peek yield "</pre></body></html>" else: yield "No data with id=%d" % id ## ---- History management -----------------------------------------------
[docs] def history_options( self, trans ): """Displays a list of history related actions. """ return trans.fill_template( "/history/options.mako", user=trans.get_user(), history=trans.get_history( create=True ) )
[docs] def history_delete( self, trans, id ): """Backward compatibility with check_galaxy script. """ #TODO: unused? return trans.webapp.controllers['history'].list( trans, id, operation='delete' )
[docs] def clear_history( self, trans ): """Clears the history for a user. """ #TODO: unused? (seems to only be used in TwillTestCase) history = trans.get_history() for dataset in history.datasets: dataset.deleted = True dataset.clear_associated_files() trans.sa_session.flush() trans.log_event( "History id %s cleared" % (str( ) trans.response.send_redirect( url_for("/index" ) )
[docs] def history_import( self, trans, id=None, confirm=False, **kwd ): #TODO: unused? #TODO: unencoded id user = trans.get_user() user_history = trans.get_history() if not id: return trans.show_error_message( "You must specify a history you want to import.") import_history = trans.sa_session.query( ).get( id ) if not import_history: return trans.show_error_message( "The specified history does not exist.") if user: if import_history.user_id == return trans.show_error_message( "You cannot import your own history.") new_history = import_history.copy( target_user=trans.user ) = "imported: " + new_history.user_id = galaxy_session = trans.get_galaxy_session() try: association = trans.sa_session.query( ) \ .filter_by(, ) \ .first() except: association = None new_history.add_galaxy_session( galaxy_session, association=association ) trans.sa_session.add( new_history ) trans.sa_session.flush() if not user_history.datasets: trans.set_history( new_history ) trans.log_event( "History imported, id: %s, name: '%s': " % (str( , ) ) return trans.show_ok_message( """ History "%s" has been imported. Click <a href="%s">here</a> to begin.""" % (, web.url_for( '/' ) ) ) elif not user_history.datasets or confirm: new_history = import_history.copy() = "imported: " + new_history.user_id = None galaxy_session = trans.get_galaxy_session() try: association = trans.sa_session.query( ) \ .filter_by(, ) \ .first() except: association = None new_history.add_galaxy_session( galaxy_session, association=association ) trans.sa_session.add( new_history ) trans.sa_session.flush() trans.set_history( new_history ) trans.log_event( "History imported, id: %s, name: '%s': " % (str( , ) ) return trans.show_ok_message( """ History "%s" has been imported. Click <a href="%s">here</a> to begin.""" % (, web.url_for( '/' ) ) ) return trans.show_warn_message( """ Warning! If you import this history, you will lose your current history. Click <a href="%s">here</a> to confirm. """ % web.url_for( controller='root', action='history_import', id=id, confirm=True ) )
[docs] def history_new( self, trans, name=None ): """Create a new history with the given name and refresh the history panel. """ trans.new_history( name=name ) trans.log_event( "Created new History, id: %s." % str( ) return trans.show_message( "New history created", refresh_frames=['history'] )
[docs] def history_add_to( self, trans, history_id=None, file_data=None, name="Data Added to History", info=None, ext="txt", dbkey="?", copy_access_from=None, **kwd ): """Adds a POSTed file to a History. """ #TODO: unencoded id try: history = trans.sa_session.query( ).get( history_id ) data = name=name, info=info, extension=ext, dbkey=dbkey, create_dataset=True, sa_session=trans.sa_session ) if copy_access_from: copy_access_from = trans.sa_session.query( ).get( copy_access_from ) copy_access_from.dataset, data.dataset ) else: permissions = history ) data.dataset, permissions ) trans.sa_session.add( data ) trans.sa_session.flush() data_file = open( data.file_name, "wb" ) 0 ) data_file.write( ) data_file.close() data.state = data.states.OK data.set_size() data.init_meta() data.set_meta() trans.sa_session.flush() history.add_dataset( data ) trans.sa_session.flush() data.set_peek() trans.sa_session.flush() trans.log_event("Added dataset %d to history %d" % (, return trans.show_ok_message( "Dataset " + str(data.hid) + " added to history " + str(history_id) + "." ) except Exception, e: msg = "Failed to add dataset to history: %s" % ( e ) log.error( msg ) trans.log_event( msg ) return trans.show_error_message("Adding File to History has Failed")
[docs] def history_set_default_permissions( self, trans, id=None, **kwd ): """Sets the permissions on a history. """ #TODO: unencoded id if trans.user: if 'update_roles_button' in kwd: history = None if id: try: id = int( id ) except: id = None if id: history = trans.sa_session.query( ).get( id ) if not history: # If we haven't retrieved a history, use the current one history = trans.get_history() p = Params( kwd ) permissions = {} for k, v in in_roles = p.get( k + '_in', [] ) if not isinstance( in_roles, list ): in_roles = [ in_roles ] in_roles = [ trans.sa_session.query( ).get( x ) for x in in_roles ] permissions[ v.action ) ] = in_roles dataset = 'dataset' in kwd bypass_manage_permission = 'bypass_manage_permission' in kwd history, permissions, dataset=dataset, bypass_manage_permission=bypass_manage_permission ) return trans.show_ok_message( 'Default history permissions have been changed.' ) return trans.fill_template( 'history/permissions.mako' ) else: #user not logged in, history group must be only public return trans.show_error_message( "You must be logged in to change a history's default permissions." )
[docs] def dataset_make_primary( self, trans, id=None): """Copies a dataset and makes primary. """ #TODO: unused? #TODO: unencoded id try: old_data = trans.sa_session.query( ).get( id ) new_data = old_data.copy() ## new_data.parent = None history = trans.get_history() history.add_dataset(new_data) trans.sa_session.add( new_data ) trans.sa_session.flush() return trans.show_message( "<p>Secondary dataset has been made primary.</p>", refresh_frames=['history'] ) except: return trans.show_error_message( "<p>Failed to make secondary dataset primary.</p>" )
[docs] def welcome( self, trans ): welcome_url = return trans.response.send_redirect( url_for( welcome_url ) )
[docs] def bucket_proxy( self, trans, bucket=None, **kwd): if bucket: trans.response.set_content_type( 'text/xml' ) b_list_xml = urllib.urlopen('' % bucket) return raise Exception("You must specify a bucket") # ---- Debug methods ----------------------------------------------------
[docs] def echo(self, trans, **kwd): """Echos parameters (debugging). """ rval = "" for k in trans.request.headers: rval += "%s: %s <br/>" % ( k, trans.request.headers[k] ) for k in kwd: rval += "%s: %s <br/>" % ( k, kwd[k] ) if isinstance( kwd[k], cgi.FieldStorage ): rval += "-> %s" % kwd[k] return rval
[docs] def echo_json( self, trans, **kwd ): """Echos parameters as JSON (debugging). Attempts to parse values passed as boolean, float, then int. Defaults to string. Non-recursive (will not parse lists). """ #TODO: use json rval = {} for k in kwd: rval[ k ] = kwd[k] try: if rval[ k ] in [ 'true', 'True', 'false', 'False' ]: rval[ k ] = string_as_bool( rval[ k ] ) rval[ k ] = float( rval[ k ] ) rval[ k ] = int( rval[ k ] ) except: pass return rval
[docs] def generate_error( self, trans, code=500 ): """Raises an exception (debugging). """ trans.response.status = code raise Exception( "Fake error!" )
[docs] def generate_json_error( self, trans, code=500 ): """Raises an exception (debugging). """ try: code = int( code ) except Exception, exc: code = 500 if code == 502: raise HTTPBadGateway() trans.response.status = code return { 'error': 'Fake error!' }