Source code for galaxy.webapps.galaxy.controllers.user

Contains the user interface in the Universe class

import glob
import logging
import os
import random
import socket
import urllib

from datetime import datetime, timedelta

from galaxy import model
from galaxy import util
from galaxy import web
from galaxy.model.orm import and_, or_
from import (transform_publicname,
from galaxy.util import biostar, hash_util, docstring_trim, listify
from galaxy.util.json import dumps, loads
from galaxy.web import url_for
from galaxy.web.base.controller import (BaseUIController,
from galaxy.web.form_builder import build_select_field, CheckboxField
from galaxy.web.framework.helpers import escape, grids, time_ago

log = logging.getLogger( __name__ )

    This %s has been configured such that only users who are logged in may use it.%s

To reset your Galaxy password for the instance at %s, use the following link:

<a href="%s">%s</a>

If you did not make this request, no action is necessary on your part, though
you may want to notify an administrator.

If you're having trouble using the link when clicking it from email client, you
can also copy and paste it into your browser.

[docs]class UserOpenIDGrid( grids.Grid ): use_panels = False title = "OpenIDs linked to your account" model_class = model.UserOpenID template = '/user/openid_manage.mako' default_filter = { "openid": "All" } default_sort_key = "-create_time" columns = [ grids.TextColumn( "OpenID URL", key="openid", link=( lambda x: dict( action='openid_auth', login_button="Login", openid_url=x.openid if not x.provider else '', openid_provider=x.provider, auto_associate=True ) ) ), grids.GridColumn( "Created", key="create_time", format=time_ago ), ] operations = [ grids.GridOperation( "Delete", async_compatible=True ), ]
[docs] def build_initial_query( self, trans, **kwd ): return trans.sa_session.query( self.model_class ).filter( self.model_class.user_id == )
[docs]class User( BaseUIController, UsesFormDefinitionsMixin, CreatesUsersMixin, CreatesApiKeysMixin ): user_openid_grid = UserOpenIDGrid() installed_len_files = None @web.expose
[docs] def index( self, trans, cntrller, **kwd ): return trans.fill_template( '/user/index.mako', cntrller=cntrller )
[docs] def openid_auth( self, trans, **kwd ): '''Handles user request to access an OpenID provider''' if not return trans.show_error_message( 'OpenID authentication is not enabled in this instance of Galaxy' ) message = 'Unspecified failure authenticating via OpenID' openid_url = kwd.get( 'openid_url', '' ) openid_provider = kwd.get( 'openid_provider', '' ) if not openid_provider or openid_url: openid_provider = # empty fields cause validation errors redirect = kwd.get( 'redirect', '' ).strip() auto_associate = util.string_as_bool( kwd.get( 'auto_associate', False ) ) use_panels = util.string_as_bool( kwd.get( 'use_panels', False ) ) action = 'login' consumer = trans ) if openid_url: openid_provider_obj = openid_url ) else: openid_provider_obj = openid_provider ) if not openid_url and openid_provider == message = 'An OpenID provider was not specified' elif openid_provider_obj: if not redirect: redirect = ' ' process_url = trans.request.base.rstrip( '/' ) + url_for( controller='user', action='openid_process', redirect=redirect, openid_provider=openid_provider, auto_associate=auto_associate ) # None of these values can be empty, or else a verification error will occur request = None try: request = consumer.begin( openid_provider_obj.op_endpoint_url ) if request is None: message = 'No OpenID services are available at %s' % openid_provider_obj.op_endpoint_url except Exception, e: message = 'Failed to begin OpenID authentication: %s' % str( e ) if request is not None: trans, request, required=openid_provider_obj.sreg_required, optional=openid_provider_obj.sreg_optional ) if request.shouldSendRedirect(): redirect_url = request.redirectURL( trans.request.base, process_url ) trans, consumer ) return trans.response.send_redirect( redirect_url ) else: form = request.htmlMarkup( trans.request.base, process_url, form_tag_attrs={'id': 'openid_message', 'target': '_top'} ) trans, consumer ) return form return trans.response.send_redirect( url_for( controller='user', action=action, redirect=redirect, use_panels=use_panels, message=message, status='error' ) )
[docs] def openid_process( self, trans, **kwd ): '''Handle's response from OpenID Providers''' if not return trans.show_error_message( 'OpenID authentication is not enabled in this instance of Galaxy' ) auto_associate = util.string_as_bool( kwd.get( 'auto_associate', False ) ) action = 'login' if trans.user: action = 'openid_manage' if is not None: contact = '<a href="%s">support</a>' % else: contact = 'support' message = 'Verification failed for an unknown reason. Please contact %s for assistance.' % ( contact ) status = 'error' consumer = trans ) info = consumer.complete( kwd, trans.request.url ) display_identifier = info.getDisplayIdentifier() redirect = kwd.get( 'redirect', '' ).strip() openid_provider = kwd.get( 'openid_provider', None ) if info.status == and display_identifier: message = "Login via OpenID failed. The technical reason for this follows, please include this message in your email if you need to %s to resolve this problem: %s" % ( contact, info.message ) return trans.response.send_redirect( url_for( controller='user', action=action, use_panels=True, redirect=redirect, message=message, status='error' ) ) elif info.status == if info.endpoint.canonicalID: display_identifier = info.endpoint.canonicalID openid_provider_obj = openid_provider ) user_openid = trans.sa_session.query( ).filter( == display_identifier ).first() if not openid_provider_obj and user_openid and user_openid.provider: openid_provider_obj = user_openid.provider ) if not openid_provider_obj: openid_provider_obj = display_identifier ) if not user_openid: user_openid = session=trans.galaxy_session, openid=display_identifier ) if not user_openid.user: user_openid.session = trans.galaxy_session if not user_openid.provider and openid_provider: user_openid.provider = openid_provider if trans.user: if user_openid.user and != message = "The OpenID <strong>%s</strong> is already associated with another Galaxy account, <strong>%s</strong>. Please disassociate it from that account before attempting to associate it with a new account." % ( escape( display_identifier ), escape( ) ) if not and # Account activation is ON and the user is INACTIVE. if ( != 0 ): # grace period is ON if self.is_outside_grace_period( trans, trans.user.create_time ): # User is outside the grace period. Login is disabled and he will have the activation email resent. message, status = self.resend_verification_email( trans,, trans.user.username ) else: # User is within the grace period, let him log in. pass else: # Grace period is off. Login is disabled and user will have the activation email resent. message, status = self.resend_verification_email( trans,, trans.user.username ) elif not user_openid.user or user_openid.user == trans.user: if user_openid.provider = user_openid.session = trans.galaxy_session if not openid_provider_obj.never_associate_with_user: if not auto_associate and ( user_openid.user and == ): message = "The OpenID <strong>%s</strong> is already associated with your Galaxy account, <strong>%s</strong>." % ( escape( display_identifier ), escape( ) ) status = "warning" else: message = "The OpenID <strong>%s</strong> has been associated with your Galaxy account, <strong>%s</strong>." % ( escape( display_identifier ), escape( ) ) status = "done" user_openid.user = trans.user trans.sa_session.add( user_openid ) trans.sa_session.flush() trans.log_event( "User associated OpenID: %s" % display_identifier ) else: message = "The OpenID <strong>%s</strong> cannot be used to log into your Galaxy account, but any post authentication actions have been performed." % escape( ) status = "info" openid_provider_obj.post_authentication( trans,, info ) if redirect: message = '%s<br>Click <a href="%s"><strong>here</strong></a> to return to the page you were previously viewing.' % ( message, escape( self.__get_redirect_url( redirect ) ) ) if redirect and status != "error": return trans.response.send_redirect( self.__get_redirect_url( redirect ) ) return trans.response.send_redirect( url_for( controller='user', action='openid_manage', use_panels=True, redirect=redirect, message=message, status=status ) ) elif user_openid.user: trans.handle_user_login( user_openid.user ) trans.log_event( "User logged in via OpenID: %s" % display_identifier ) openid_provider_obj.post_authentication( trans,, info ) if not redirect: redirect = url_for( '/' ) redirect = self.__get_redirect_url( redirect ) return trans.response.send_redirect( redirect ) trans.sa_session.add( user_openid ) trans.sa_session.flush() message = "OpenID authentication was successful, but you need to associate your OpenID with a Galaxy account." sreg_resp = info ) try: sreg_username_name = openid_provider_obj.use_for.get( 'username' ) username = sreg_resp.get( sreg_username_name, '' ) except AttributeError: username = '' try: sreg_email_name = openid_provider_obj.use_for.get( 'email' ) email = sreg_resp.get( sreg_email_name, '' ) except AttributeError: email = '' # OpenID success, but user not logged in, and not previously associated return trans.response.send_redirect( url_for( controller='user', action='openid_associate', use_panels=True, redirect=redirect, username=username, email=email, message=message, status='warning' ) ) elif info.status == message = "Login via OpenID was cancelled by an action at the OpenID provider's site." status = "warning" elif info.status == if info.setup_url: return trans.response.send_redirect( info.setup_url ) else: message = "Unable to log in via OpenID. Setup at the provider is required before this OpenID can be used. Please visit your provider's site to complete this step." return trans.response.send_redirect( url_for( controller='user', action=action, use_panels=True, redirect=redirect, message=message, status=status ) )
[docs] def openid_associate( self, trans, cntrller='user', **kwd ): '''Associates a user with an OpenID log in''' if not return trans.show_error_message( 'OpenID authentication is not enabled in this instance of Galaxy' ) use_panels = util.string_as_bool( kwd.get( 'use_panels', False ) ) message = escape( kwd.get( 'message', '' ) ) status = kwd.get( 'status', 'done' ) email = kwd.get( 'email', '' ) username = kwd.get( 'username', '' ) redirect = kwd.get( 'redirect', '' ).strip() params = util.Params( kwd ) is_admin = cntrller == 'admin' and trans.user_is_admin() openids = trans.galaxy_session.openids user = None if not openids: return trans.show_error_message( 'You have not successfully completed an OpenID authentication in this session. You can do so on the <a href="%s">login</a> page.' % url_for( controller='user', action='login', use_panels=use_panels ) ) elif is_admin: return trans.show_error_message( 'Associating OpenIDs with accounts cannot be done by administrators.' ) if kwd.get( 'login_button', False ): message, status, user, success = self.__validate_login( trans, **kwd ) if success: openid_objs = [] for openid in openids: openid_provider_obj = openid.provider ) if not openid_provider_obj or not openid_provider_obj.never_associate_with_user: openid.user = user trans.sa_session.add( openid ) trans.log_event( "User associated OpenID: %s" % openid.openid ) if openid_provider_obj and openid_provider_obj.has_post_authentication_actions(): openid_objs.append( openid_provider_obj ) trans.sa_session.flush() if len( openid_objs ) == 1: return trans.response.send_redirect( url_for( controller='user', action='openid_auth', openid_provider=openid_objs[0].id, redirect=redirect, auto_associate=True ) ) elif openid_objs: message = 'You have authenticated with several OpenID providers, please click the following links to execute the post authentication actions. ' message = "%s<br/><ul>" % ( message ) for openid in openid_objs: message = '%s<li><a href="%s" target="_blank">%s</a></li>' % ( message, url_for( controller='user', action='openid_auth',, redirect=redirect, auto_associate=True ), ) message = "%s</ul>" % ( message ) return trans.response.send_redirect( url_for( controller='user', action='openid_manage', use_panels=use_panels, redirect=redirect, message=message, status='info' ) ) if redirect: return trans.response.send_redirect( redirect ) return trans.response.send_redirect( url_for( controller='user', action='openid_manage', use_panels=use_panels, redirect=redirect, message=message, status='info' ) ) if kwd.get( 'create_user_button', False ): password = kwd.get( 'password', '' ) confirm = kwd.get( 'confirm', '' ) subscribe = params.get( 'subscribe', '' ) subscribe_checked = CheckboxField.is_checked( subscribe ) error = '' if not and not trans.user_is_admin(): error = 'User registration is disabled. Please contact your local Galaxy administrator for an account.' else: # Check email and password validity error = self.__validate( trans, params, email, password, confirm, username ) if not error: # all the values are valid message, status, user, success = self.__register( trans, cntrller, subscribe_checked, **kwd ) if success: openid_objs = [] for openid in openids: openid_provider_obj = openid.provider ) if not openid_provider_obj: openid_provider_obj = openid.identifier ) if not openid_provider_obj.never_associate_with_user: openid.user = user trans.sa_session.add( openid ) trans.log_event( "User associated OpenID: %s" % openid.openid ) if openid_provider_obj.has_post_authentication_actions(): openid_objs.append( openid_provider_obj ) trans.sa_session.flush() if len( openid_objs ) == 1: return trans.response.send_redirect( url_for( controller='user', action='openid_auth', openid_provider=openid_objs[0].id, redirect=redirect, auto_associate=True ) ) elif openid_objs: message = 'You have authenticated with several OpenID providers, please click the following links to execute the post authentication actions. ' message = "%s<br/><ul>" % ( message ) for openid in openid_objs: message = '%s<li><a href="%s" target="_blank">%s</a></li>' % ( message, url_for( controller='user', action='openid_auth',, redirect=redirect, auto_associate=True ), ) message = "%s</ul>" % ( message ) return trans.response.send_redirect( url_for( controller='user', action='openid_manage', use_panels=True, redirect=redirect, message=message, status='info' ) ) if redirect: return trans.response.send_redirect( redirect ) return trans.response.send_redirect( url_for( controller='user', action='openid_manage', use_panels=use_panels, redirect=redirect, message=message, status='info' ) ) else: message = error status = 'error' if == 'galaxy': user_type_form_definition = self.__get_user_type_form_definition( trans, user=user, **kwd ) user_type_fd_id = params.get( 'user_type_fd_id', 'none' ) if user_type_fd_id == 'none' and user_type_form_definition is not None: user_type_fd_id = ) user_type_fd_id_select_field = self.__build_user_type_fd_id_select_field( trans, selected_value=user_type_fd_id ) widgets = self.__get_widgets( trans, user_type_form_definition, user=user, **kwd ) else: user_type_fd_id_select_field = None user_type_form_definition = None widgets = [] return trans.fill_template( '/user/openid_associate.mako', cntrller=cntrller, email=email, password='', confirm='', username=transform_publicname( trans, username ), header='', use_panels=use_panels, redirect=redirect, refresh_frames=[], message=message, status=status, active_view="user", subscribe_checked=False, user_type_fd_id_select_field=user_type_fd_id_select_field, user_type_form_definition=user_type_form_definition, widgets=widgets, openids=openids )
@web.expose @web.require_login( 'manage OpenIDs' )
[docs] def openid_disassociate( self, trans, **kwd ): '''Disassociates a user with an OpenID''' if not return trans.show_error_message( 'OpenID authentication is not enabled in this instance of Galaxy' ) params = util.Params( kwd ) ids = params.get( 'id', None ) message = params.get( 'message', None ) status = params.get( 'status', None ) use_panels = params.get( 'use_panels', False ) user_openids = [] if not ids: message = 'You must select at least one OpenID to disassociate from your Galaxy account.' status = 'error' else: ids = util.listify( ) for id in ids: id = id ) user_openid = trans.sa_session.query( ).get( int( id ) ) if not user_openid or ( != user_openid.user_id ): message = 'The selected OpenID(s) are not associated with your Galaxy account.' status = 'error' user_openids = [] break user_openids.append( user_openid ) if user_openids: deleted_urls = [] for user_openid in user_openids: trans.sa_session.delete( user_openid ) deleted_urls.append( user_openid.openid ) trans.sa_session.flush() for deleted_url in deleted_urls: trans.log_event( "User disassociated OpenID: %s" % deleted_url ) message = '%s OpenIDs were disassociated from your Galaxy account.' % len( ids ) status = 'done' return trans.response.send_redirect( url_for( controller='user', action='openid_manage', use_panels=use_panels, message=message, status=status ) )
@web.expose @web.require_login( 'manage OpenIDs' )
[docs] def openid_manage( self, trans, **kwd ): '''Manage OpenIDs for user''' if not return trans.show_error_message( 'OpenID authentication is not enabled in this instance of Galaxy' ) use_panels = kwd.get( 'use_panels', False ) if 'operation' in kwd: operation = kwd['operation'].lower() if operation == "delete": return trans.response.send_redirect( url_for( controller='user', action='openid_disassociate', use_panels=use_panels, id=kwd['id'] ) ) kwd['redirect'] = kwd.get( 'redirect', url_for( controller='user', action='openid_manage', use_panels=True ) ).strip() kwd['openid_providers'] = return self.user_openid_grid( trans, **kwd )
[docs] def login( self, trans, refresh_frames=[], **kwd ): '''Handle Galaxy Log in''' redirect = self.__get_redirect_url( kwd.get( 'redirect', trans.request.referer ).strip() ) redirect_url = '' # always start with redirect_url being empty use_panels = util.string_as_bool( kwd.get( 'use_panels', False ) ) message = kwd.get( 'message', '' ) status = kwd.get( 'status', 'done' ) header = '' user = trans.user login = kwd.get( 'login', '' ) if user: # Already logged in. redirect_url = redirect message = 'You are already logged in.' status = 'info' elif kwd.get( 'login_button', False ): if == 'galaxy' and not refresh_frames: if refresh_frames = [ 'masthead', 'history', 'tools' ] else: refresh_frames = [ 'masthead', 'history' ] message, status, user, success = self.__validate_login( trans, **kwd ) if success: redirect_url = redirect if not user and if create_account_str = " If you don't already have an account, <a href='%s'>you may create one</a>." % \ web.url_for( controller='user', action='create', cntrller='user' ) if == 'galaxy': header = REQUIRE_LOGIN_TEMPLATE % ( "Galaxy instance", create_account_str ) else: header = REQUIRE_LOGIN_TEMPLATE % ( "Galaxy tool shed", create_account_str ) else: if == 'galaxy': header = REQUIRE_LOGIN_TEMPLATE % ( "Galaxy instance", "" ) else: header = REQUIRE_LOGIN_TEMPLATE % ( "Galaxy tool shed", "" ) return trans.fill_template( '/user/login.mako', login=login, header=header, use_panels=use_panels, redirect_url=redirect_url, redirect=redirect, refresh_frames=refresh_frames, message=message, status=status,, form_input_auto_focus=True, active_view="user" )
def __validate_login( self, trans, **kwd ): """Validates numerous cases that might happen during the login time.""" status = kwd.get( 'status', 'error' ) login = kwd.get( 'login', '' ) password = kwd.get( 'password', '' ) redirect = kwd.get( 'redirect', trans.request.referer ).strip() success = False user = trans.sa_session.query( ).filter(or_( == login, == login )).first() log.debug(" %s" % if not user: autoreg =, login, password) if autoreg[0]: kwd['email'] = autoreg[1] kwd['username'] = autoreg[2] params = util.Params( kwd ) message = validate_email( trans, kwd['email'] ) #self.__validate( trans, params, email, password, password, username ) if not message: message, status, user, success = self.__register( trans, 'user', False, **kwd ) if success: # The handle_user_login() method has a call to the history_set_default_permissions() method # (needed when logging in with a history), user needs to have default permissions set before logging in trans.handle_user_login( user ) trans.log_event( "User (auto) created a new account" ) trans.log_event( "User logged in" ) else: message = "Auto-registration failed, contact your local Galaxy administrator. %s" % message else: message = "Auto-registration failed, contact your local Galaxy administrator. %s" % message else: message = "No such user or invalid password" elif user.deleted: message = "This account has been marked deleted, contact your local Galaxy administrator to restore the account." if is not None: message += ' Contact: %s' % elif user.external: message = "This account was created for use with an external authentication method, contact your local Galaxy administrator to activate it." if is not None: message += ' Contact: %s' % elif not, password): message = "Invalid password" elif and not # activation is ON and the user is INACTIVE if ( != 0 ): # grace period is ON if self.is_outside_grace_period( trans, user.create_time ): # User is outside the grace period. Login is disabled and he will have the activation email resent. message, status = self.resend_verification_email( trans,, user.username ) else: # User is within the grace period, let him log in. message, success, status = self.proceed_login( trans, user, redirect ) else: # Grace period is off. Login is disabled and user will have the activation email resent. message, status = self.resend_verification_email( trans,, user.username ) else: # activation is OFF message, success, status = self.proceed_login( trans, user, redirect ) return ( message, status, user, success )
[docs] def proceed_login( self, trans, user, redirect ): """ Function processes user login. It is called in case all the login requirements are valid. """ message = '' trans.handle_user_login( user ) if == 'galaxy': trans.log_event( "User logged in" ) message = 'You are now logged in as %s.<br>You can <a target="_top" href="%s">go back to the page you were visiting</a> or <a target="_top" href="%s">go to the home page</a>.' % \ (, redirect, url_for( '/' ) ) if message += ' <a target="_top" href="%s">Click here</a> to continue to the home page.' % web.url_for( controller="root", action="welcome" ) success = True status = 'done' return message, success, status
[docs] def resend_verification( self, trans ): """ Exposed function for use outside of the class. E.g. when user click on the resend link in the masthead. """ message, status = self.resend_verification_email( trans, None, None ) if status == 'done': return trans.show_ok_message( message ) else: return trans.show_error_message( message )
[docs] def resend_verification_email( self, trans, email, username ): """ Function resends the verification email in case user wants to log in with an inactive account or he clicks the resend link. """ if email is None: # User is coming from outside registration form, load email from trans email = if username is None: # User is coming from outside registration form, load email from trans username = trans.user.username is_activation_sent = self.send_verification_email( trans, email, username ) if is_activation_sent: message = 'This account has not been activated yet. The activation link has been sent again. Please check your email address <b>%s</b> including the spam/trash folder.<br><a target="_top" href="%s">Return to the home page</a>.' % ( escape( email ), url_for( '/' ) ) status = 'error' else: message = 'This account has not been activated yet but we are unable to send the activation link. Please contact your local Galaxy administrator.<br><a target="_top" href="%s">Return to the home page</a>.' % url_for( '/' ) status = 'error' if is not None: message += '<br>Error contact: %s' % return message, status
[docs] def is_outside_grace_period( self, trans, create_time ): """ Function checks whether the user is outside the config-defined grace period for inactive accounts. """ # Activation is forced and the user is not active yet. Check the grace period. activation_grace_period = # Default value is 3 hours. if activation_grace_period is None: activation_grace_period = 3 delta = timedelta( hours=int( activation_grace_period ) ) time_difference = datetime.utcnow() - create_time return ( time_difference > delta or activation_grace_period == 0 )
[docs] def logout( self, trans, logout_all=False ): if == 'galaxy': if refresh_frames = [ 'masthead', 'history', 'tools' ] else: refresh_frames = [ 'masthead', 'history' ] # Since logging an event requires a session, we'll log prior to ending the session trans.log_event( "User logged out" ) else: refresh_frames = [ 'masthead' ] trans.handle_user_logout( logout_all=logout_all ) message = 'You have been logged out.<br>To log in again <a target="_top" href="%s">go to the home page</a>.' % \ ( url_for( '/' ) ) if biostar.biostar_logged_in( trans ): biostar_url = biostar.biostar_logout( trans ) if biostar_url: # TODO: It would be better if we automatically logged this user out of biostar message += '<br>To logout of Biostar, please click <a href="%s" target="_blank">here</a>.' % ( biostar_url ) if and trans.response.send_redirect( else: return trans.fill_template('/user/logout.mako', refresh_frames=refresh_frames, message=message, status='done', active_view="user" )
[docs] def create( self, trans, cntrller='user', redirect_url='', refresh_frames=[], **kwd ): params = util.Params( kwd ) # If the honeypot field is not empty we are dealing with a bot. honeypot_field = params.get( 'bear_field', '' ) if honeypot_field != '': return trans.show_error_message( "You've been flagged as a possible bot. If you are not, please try registering again and fill the form out carefully. <a target=\"_top\" href=\"%s\">Go to the home page</a>." ) % url_for( '/' ) message = util.restore_text( params.get( 'message', '' ) ) status = params.get( 'status', 'done' ) use_panels = util.string_as_bool( kwd.get( 'use_panels', True ) ) email = util.restore_text( params.get( 'email', '' ) ) # Do not sanitize passwords, so take from kwd # instead of params ( which were sanitized ) password = kwd.get( 'password', '' ) confirm = kwd.get( 'confirm', '' ) username = util.restore_text( params.get( 'username', '' ) ) subscribe = params.get( 'subscribe', '' ) subscribe_checked = CheckboxField.is_checked( subscribe ) redirect = kwd.get( 'redirect', trans.request.referer ).strip() is_admin = cntrller == 'admin' and trans.user_is_admin if not and not trans.user_is_admin(): message = 'User registration is disabled. Please contact your local Galaxy administrator for an account.' if is not None: message += ' Contact: %s' % status = 'error' else: # check user is allowed to register message, status =, username, password) if message == '': if not refresh_frames: if == 'galaxy': if refresh_frames = [ 'masthead', 'history', 'tools' ] else: refresh_frames = [ 'masthead', 'history' ] else: refresh_frames = [ 'masthead' ] # Create the user, save all the user info and login to Galaxy if params.get( 'create_user_button', False ): # Check email and password validity message = self.__validate( trans, params, email, password, confirm, username ) if not message: # All the values are valid message, status, user, success = self.__register( trans, cntrller, subscribe_checked, **kwd ) if == 'tool_shed': redirect_url = url_for( '/' ) if success and not is_admin: # The handle_user_login() method has a call to the history_set_default_permissions() method # (needed when logging in with a history), user needs to have default permissions set before logging in trans.handle_user_login( user ) trans.log_event( "User created a new account" ) trans.log_event( "User logged in" ) if success and is_admin: message = 'Created new user account (%s)' % escape( ) trans.response.send_redirect( web.url_for( controller='admin', action='users', cntrller=cntrller, message=message, status=status ) ) else: status = 'error' if == 'galaxy': user_type_form_definition = self.__get_user_type_form_definition( trans, user=None, **kwd ) user_type_fd_id = params.get( 'user_type_fd_id', 'none' ) if user_type_fd_id == 'none' and user_type_form_definition is not None: user_type_fd_id = ) user_type_fd_id_select_field = self.__build_user_type_fd_id_select_field( trans, selected_value=user_type_fd_id ) widgets = self.__get_widgets( trans, user_type_form_definition, user=None, **kwd ) # Warning message that is shown on the registration page. registration_warning_message = else: user_type_fd_id_select_field = None user_type_form_definition = None widgets = [] registration_warning_message = None return trans.fill_template( '/user/register.mako', cntrller=cntrller, email=email, username=transform_publicname( trans, username ), subscribe_checked=subscribe_checked, user_type_fd_id_select_field=user_type_fd_id_select_field, user_type_form_definition=user_type_form_definition, widgets=widgets, use_panels=use_panels, redirect=redirect, redirect_url=redirect_url, refresh_frames=refresh_frames, registration_warning_message=registration_warning_message, message=message, status=status )
def __register( self, trans, cntrller, subscribe_checked, **kwd ): email = util.restore_text( kwd.get( 'email', '' ) ) password = kwd.get( 'password', '' ) username = util.restore_text( kwd.get( 'username', '' ) ) message = escape( kwd.get( 'message', '' ) ) status = kwd.get( 'status', 'done' ) is_admin = cntrller == 'admin' and trans.user_is_admin() user = self.create_user( trans=trans, email=email, username=username, password=password ) error = '' success = True if == 'galaxy': # Save other information associated with the user, if any user_info_forms = self.get_all_forms( trans, filter=dict( deleted=False ), ) # If there are no user forms available then there is nothing to save if user_info_forms: user_type_fd_id = kwd.get( 'user_type_fd_id', 'none' ) if user_type_fd_id not in [ 'none' ]: user_type_form_definition = trans.sa_session.query( ).get( user_type_fd_id ) ) values = self.get_form_values( trans, user, user_type_form_definition, **kwd ) form_values = user_type_form_definition, values ) trans.sa_session.add( form_values ) trans.sa_session.flush() user.values = form_values trans.sa_session.add( user ) trans.sa_session.flush() if subscribe_checked: # subscribe user to email list if is None: error = "Now logged in as " + + ". However, subscribing to the mailing list has failed because mail is not configured for this Galaxy instance. <br>Please contact your local Galaxy administrator." else: body = 'Join Mailing list.\n' to = frm = email subject = 'Join Mailing List' try: util.send_mail( frm, to, subject, body, ) except: error = "Now logged in as " + + ". However, subscribing to the mailing list has failed." if not error and not is_admin: # The handle_user_login() method has a call to the history_set_default_permissions() method # (needed when logging in with a history), user needs to have default permissions set before logging in trans.handle_user_login( user ) trans.log_event( "User created a new account" ) trans.log_event( "User logged in" ) elif not error: trans.response.send_redirect( web.url_for( controller='admin', action='users', message='Created new user account (%s)' %, status=status ) ) if error: message = error status = 'error' success = False else: if == 'galaxy' and is_activation_sent = self.send_verification_email( trans, email, username ) if is_activation_sent: message = 'Now logged in as %s.<br>Verification email has been sent to your email address. Please verify it by clicking the activation link in the email.<br>Please check your spam/trash folder in case you cannot find the message.<br><a target="_top" href="%s">Return to the home page.</a>' % ( escape( ), url_for( '/' ) ) success = True else: message = 'Unable to send activation email, please contact your local Galaxy administrator.' if is not None: message += ' Contact: %s' % success = False else: # User activation is OFF, proceed without sending the activation email. message = 'Now logged in as %s.<br><a target="_top" href="%s">Return to the home page.</a>' % ( escape( ), url_for( '/' ) ) success = True return ( message, status, user, success )
[docs] def send_verification_email( self, trans, email, username ): """ Send the verification email containing the activation link to the user's email. """ if username is None: username = trans.user.username activation_link = self.prepare_activation_link( trans, escape( email ) ) body = ("Hello %s,\n\n" "In order to complete the activation process for %s begun on %s at %s, please click on the following link to verify your account:\n\n" "%s \n\n" "By clicking on the above link and opening a Galaxy account you are also confirming that you have read and agreed to Galaxy's Terms and Conditions for use of this service (%s). This includes a quota limit of one account per user. Attempts to subvert this limit by creating multiple accounts or through any other method may result in termination of all associated accounts and data.\n\n" "Please contact us if you need help with your account at: %s. You can also browse resources available at: %s. \n\n" "More about the Galaxy Project can be found at\n\n" "Your Galaxy Team" % (escape( username ), escape( email ), datetime.utcnow().strftime( "%D"),, activation_link,,, to = email frm = subject = 'Galaxy Account Activation' try: util.send_mail( frm, to, subject, body, ) return True except: return False
[docs] def get_activation_token( self, trans, email ): """ Check for the activation token. Create new activation token and store it in the database if no token found. """ user = trans.sa_session.query( ).filter( == email ).first() activation_token = user.activation_token if activation_token is None: activation_token = hash_util.new_secure_hash( str( random.getrandbits( 256 ) ) ) user.activation_token = activation_token trans.sa_session.add( user ) trans.sa_session.flush() return activation_token
[docs] def activate( self, trans, **kwd ): """ Check whether token fits the user and then activate the user's account. """ params = util.Params( kwd, sanitize=False ) email = urllib.unquote( params.get( 'email', None ) ) activation_token = params.get( 'activation_token', None ) if email is None or activation_token is None: # We don't have the email or activation_token, show error. return trans.show_error_message( "You are using an invalid activation link. Try to log in and we will send you a new activation email. <br><a href='%s'>Go to login page.</a>" ) % web.url_for( controller="root", action="index" ) else: # Find the user user = trans.sa_session.query( ).filter( == email ).first() # If the user is active already don't try to activate if is True: return trans.show_ok_message( "Your account is already active. Nothing has changed. <br><a href='%s'>Go to login page.</a>" ) % web.url_for( controller='root', action='index' ) if user.activation_token == activation_token: user.activation_token = None = True trans.sa_session.add( user ) trans.sa_session.flush() return trans.show_ok_message( "Your account has been successfully activated! <br><a href='%s'>Go to login page.</a>" ) % web.url_for( controller='root', action='index' ) else: # Tokens don't match. Activation is denied. return trans.show_error_message( "You are using an invalid activation link. Try to log in and we will send you a new activation email. <br><a href='%s'>Go to login page.</a>" ) % web.url_for( controller='root', action='index' ) return
def __get_user_type_form_definition( self, trans, user=None, **kwd ): params = util.Params( kwd ) if user and user.values: user_type_fd_id = ) else: user_type_fd_id = params.get( 'user_type_fd_id', 'none' ) if user_type_fd_id not in [ 'none' ]: user_type_form_definition = trans.sa_session.query( ).get( user_type_fd_id ) ) else: user_type_form_definition = None return user_type_form_definition def __get_widgets( self, trans, user_type_form_definition, user=None, **kwd ): widgets = [] if user_type_form_definition: if user: if user.values: widgets = user_type_form_definition.get_widgets( user=user, contents=user.values.content, **kwd ) else: widgets = user_type_form_definition.get_widgets( None, contents={}, **kwd ) else: widgets = user_type_form_definition.get_widgets( None, contents={}, **kwd ) return widgets @web.expose
[docs] def manage_user_info( self, trans, cntrller, **kwd ): '''Manage a user's login, password, public username, type, addresses, etc.''' params = util.Params( kwd ) user_id = params.get( 'id', None ) if user_id: user = trans.sa_session.query( ).get( user_id ) ) else: user = trans.user if not user: raise AssertionError("The user id (%s) is not valid" % str( user_id )) email = util.restore_text( params.get( 'email', ) ) username = util.restore_text( params.get( 'username', '' ) ) if not username: username = user.username message = escape( util.restore_text( params.get( 'message', '' ) ) ) status = params.get( 'status', 'done' ) if == 'galaxy': user_type_form_definition = self.__get_user_type_form_definition( trans, user=user, **kwd ) user_type_fd_id = params.get( 'user_type_fd_id', 'none' ) if user_type_fd_id == 'none' and user_type_form_definition is not None: user_type_fd_id = ) user_type_fd_id_select_field = self.__build_user_type_fd_id_select_field( trans, selected_value=user_type_fd_id ) widgets = self.__get_widgets( trans, user_type_form_definition, user=user, **kwd ) # user's addresses show_filter = util.restore_text( params.get( 'show_filter', 'Active' ) ) if show_filter == 'All': addresses = [address for address in user.addresses] elif show_filter == 'Deleted': addresses = [address for address in user.addresses if address.deleted] else: addresses = [address for address in user.addresses if not address.deleted] user_info_forms = self.get_all_forms( trans, filter=dict( deleted=False ), ) return trans.fill_template( '/webapps/galaxy/user/manage_info.mako', cntrller=cntrller, user=user, email=email, username=username, user_type_fd_id_select_field=user_type_fd_id_select_field, user_info_forms=user_info_forms, user_type_form_definition=user_type_form_definition, user_type_fd_id=user_type_fd_id, widgets=widgets, addresses=addresses, show_filter=show_filter, message=message, status=status ) else: return trans.fill_template( '/webapps/tool_shed/user/manage_info.mako', cntrller=cntrller, user=user, email=email, username=username, message=message, status=status ) # For REMOTE_USER, we need the ability to just edit the username
@web.expose @web.require_login( "to manage the public name" )
[docs] def edit_username( self, trans, cntrller, **kwd ): params = util.Params( kwd ) is_admin = cntrller == 'admin' and trans.user_is_admin() message = util.restore_text( params.get( 'message', '' ) ) status = params.get( 'status', 'done' ) user_id = params.get( 'user_id', None ) if user_id and is_admin: user = trans.sa_session.query( ).get( user_id ) ) else: user = trans.user if user and params.get( 'change_username_button', False ): username = kwd.get( 'username', '' ) if username: message = validate_publicname( trans, username, user ) if message: status = 'error' else: user.username = username trans.sa_session.add( user ) trans.sa_session.flush() message = 'The username has been updated with the changes.' return trans.fill_template( '/user/username.mako', cntrller=cntrller, user=user, username=user.username, message=message, status=status )
[docs] def edit_info( self, trans, cntrller, **kwd ): """ Edit user information = username, email or password. """ params = util.Params( kwd ) is_admin = cntrller == 'admin' and trans.user_is_admin() message = util.restore_text( params.get( 'message', '' ) ) status = params.get( 'status', 'done' ) user_id = params.get( 'user_id', None ) if user_id and is_admin: user = trans.sa_session.query( ).get( user_id ) ) elif user_id and ( not trans.user or != user_id ) ): message = 'Invalid user id' status = 'error' user = None else: user = trans.user if user and params.get( 'login_info_button', False ): # Editing email and username email = util.restore_text( params.get( 'email', '' ) ) username = util.restore_text( params.get( 'username', '' ) ).lower() # Validate the new values for email and username message = validate_email( trans, email, user ) if not message and username: message = validate_publicname( trans, username, user ) if message: status = 'error' else: if ( != email ): # The user's private role name must match the user's login ( email ) private_role = user ) = email private_role.description = 'Private role for ' + email # Change the email itself = email trans.sa_session.add_all( ( user, private_role ) ) trans.sa_session.flush() if == 'galaxy' and = False trans.sa_session.add( user ) trans.sa_session.flush() is_activation_sent = self.send_verification_email( trans,, user.username ) if is_activation_sent: message = 'The login information has been updated with the changes.<br>Verification email has been sent to your new email address. Please verify it by clicking the activation link in the email.<br>Please check your spam/trash folder in case you cannot find the message.' else: message = 'Unable to send activation email, please contact your local Galaxy administrator.' if is not None: message += ' Contact: %s' % if ( user.username != username ): user.username = username trans.sa_session.add( user ) trans.sa_session.flush() message = 'The login information has been updated with the changes.' elif user and params.get( 'edit_user_info_button', False ): # Edit user information - webapp MUST BE 'galaxy' user_type_fd_id = params.get( 'user_type_fd_id', 'none' ) if user_type_fd_id not in [ 'none' ]: user_type_form_definition = trans.sa_session.query( ).get( user_type_fd_id ) ) elif user.values: user_type_form_definition = user.values.form_definition else: # User was created before any of the user_info forms were created user_type_form_definition = None if user_type_form_definition: values = self.get_form_values( trans, user, user_type_form_definition, **kwd ) else: values = {} flush_needed = False if user.values: # Editing the user info of an existing user with existing user info user.values.content = values trans.sa_session.add( user.values ) flush_needed = True elif values: form_values = trans.model.FormValues( user_type_form_definition, values ) trans.sa_session.add( form_values ) user.values = form_values flush_needed = True if flush_needed: trans.sa_session.add( user ) trans.sa_session.flush() message = "The user information has been updated with the changes." if user and == 'galaxy' and is_admin: kwd[ 'user_id' ] = ) kwd[ 'id' ] = user_id if message: kwd[ 'message' ] = util.sanitize_text( message ) if status: kwd[ 'status' ] = status return trans.response.send_redirect( web.url_for( controller='user', action='manage_user_info', cntrller=cntrller, **kwd ) )
[docs] def change_password( self, trans, token=None, **kwd): """ Provides a form with which one can change their password. If token is provided, don't require current password. """ status = None message = None user = None if kwd.get( 'change_password_button', False ): password = kwd.get( 'password', '' ) confirm = kwd.get( 'confirm', '' ) current = kwd.get( 'current', '' ) token_result = None if token: # If a token was supplied, validate and set user token_result = trans.sa_session.query( ).get(token) if token_result and token_result.expiration_time > user = token_result.user else: return trans.show_error_message("Invalid or expired password reset token, please request a new one.") else: # The user is changing their own password, validate their current password (ok, message) =, current ) if ok: user = trans.user else: status = 'error' if user: # Validate the new password message = validate_password( trans, password, confirm ) if message: status = 'error' else: # Save new password user.set_password_cleartext( password ) # if we used a token, invalidate it and log the user in. if token_result: trans.handle_user_login(token_result.user) token_result.expiration_time = trans.sa_session.add(token_result) # Invalidate all other sessions for other_galaxy_session in trans.sa_session.query( ) \ .filter( and_( ==, is True, != ) ): other_galaxy_session.is_valid = False trans.sa_session.add( other_galaxy_session ) trans.sa_session.add( user ) trans.sa_session.flush() trans.log_event( "User change password" ) return trans.show_ok_message('The password has been changed and any other existing Galaxy sessions have been logged out (but jobs in histories in those sessions will not be interrupted).') return trans.fill_template( '/user/change_password.mako', token=token, status=status, message=message )
[docs] def reset_password( self, trans, email=None, **kwd ): """Reset the user's password. Send an email with token that allows a password change.""" if is None: return trans.show_error_message( "Mail is not configured for this Galaxy instance " "and password reset information cannot be sent. " "Please contact your local Galaxy administrator." ) message = None status = 'done' if kwd.get( 'reset_password_button', False ): # Default to a non-userinfo-leaking response message message = ( "Your reset request for %s has been received. " "Please check your email account for more instructions. " "If you do not receive an email shortly, please contact an administrator." % ( escape( email ) ) ) reset_user = trans.sa_session.query( ).filter( == email ).first() if reset_user: prt = reset_user ) trans.sa_session.add( prt ) trans.sa_session.flush() host = ':' )[ 0 ] if host in [ 'localhost', '', '' ]: host = socket.getfqdn() reset_url = url_for( controller='user', action="change_password", token=prt.token, qualified=True) body = PASSWORD_RESET_TEMPLATE % ( host, reset_url, reset_url ) frm = if frm is None: frm = 'galaxy-no-reply@' + host subject = 'Galaxy Password Reset' try: util.send_mail( frm, email, subject, body, ) trans.sa_session.add( reset_user ) trans.sa_session.flush() trans.log_event( "User reset password: %s" % email ) except Exception: log.exception( 'Unable to reset password.' ) return trans.fill_template( '/user/reset_password.mako', message=message, status=status )
def __validate( self, trans, params, email, password, confirm, username ): # If coming from the tool shed webapp, we'll require a public user name if == 'tool_shed': if not username: return "A public user name is required in the tool shed." if username in [ 'repos' ]: return "The term <b>%s</b> is a reserved word in the tool shed, so it cannot be used as a public user name." % escape( username ) message = "\n".join( [ validate_email( trans, email ), validate_password( trans, password, confirm ), validate_publicname( trans, username ) ] ).rstrip() if not message: if == 'galaxy': if self.get_all_forms( trans, filter=dict( deleted=False ), ): user_type_fd_id = params.get( 'user_type_fd_id', 'none' ) if user_type_fd_id in [ 'none' ]: return "Select the user's type and information" return message @web.expose
[docs] def set_default_permissions( self, trans, cntrller, **kwd ): """Set the user's default permissions for the new histories""" params = util.Params( kwd ) message = util.restore_text( params.get( 'message', '' ) ) status = params.get( 'status', 'done' ) if trans.user: if 'update_roles_button' in kwd: p = util.Params( kwd ) permissions = {} for k, v in in_roles = p.get( k + '_in', [] ) if not isinstance( in_roles, list ): in_roles = [ in_roles ] in_roles = [ trans.sa_session.query( ).get( x ) for x in in_roles ] action = v.action ).action permissions[ action ] = in_roles trans.user, permissions ) message = 'Default new history permissions have been changed.' return trans.fill_template( 'user/permissions.mako', cntrller=cntrller, message=message, status=status ) else: # User not logged in, history group must be only public return trans.show_error_message( "You must be logged in to change your default permitted actions." )
@web.expose @web.require_login()
[docs] def toolbox_filters( self, trans, cntrller, **kwd ): """ Sets the user's default filters for the toolbox. Toolbox filters are specified in galaxy.ini. The user can activate them and the choice is stored in user_preferences. """ def get_filter_mapping( db_filters, config_filters ): """ Compare the allowed filters from the galaxy.ini config file with the previously saved or default filters from the database. We need that to toogle the checkboxes for the formular in the right way. Furthermore we extract all information associated to a filter to display them in the formular. """ filters = list() for filter_name in config_filters: if ":" in filter_name: # Should be a submodule of filters (e.g. examples:restrict_development_tools) (module_name, function_name) = filter_name.rsplit(":", 1) module_name = '' % module_name.strip() module = __import__( module_name, globals(), fromlist=['temp_module'] ) function = getattr( module, function_name.strip() ) else: # No module found it has to be explicitly imported. module = __import__( '', globals(), fromlist=['temp_module'] ) function = getattr( globals(), filter_name.strip() ) doc_string = docstring_trim( function.__doc__ ) split = doc_string.split('\n\n') if split: sdesc = split[0] else: log.error( 'No description specified in the __doc__ string for %s.' % filter_name ) if len(split) > 1: description = split[1] else: description = '' if filter_name in db_filters: filters.append( dict( filterpath=filter_name, short_desc=sdesc, desc=description, checked=True ) ) else: filters.append( dict( filterpath=filter_name, short_desc=sdesc, desc=description, checked=False ) ) return filters params = util.Params( kwd ) message = util.restore_text( params.get( 'message', '' ) ) status = params.get( 'status', 'done' ) user_id = params.get( 'user_id', False ) if user_id: user = trans.sa_session.query( ).get( user_id ) ) else: user = trans.user if user: saved_user_tool_filters = list() saved_user_section_filters = list() saved_user_label_filters = list() for name, value in user.preferences.items(): if name == 'toolbox_tool_filters': saved_user_tool_filters = listify( value, do_strip=True ) elif name == 'toolbox_section_filters': saved_user_section_filters = listify( value, do_strip=True ) elif name == 'toolbox_label_filters': saved_user_label_filters = listify( value, do_strip=True ) tool_filters = get_filter_mapping( saved_user_tool_filters, ) section_filters = get_filter_mapping( saved_user_section_filters, ) label_filters = get_filter_mapping( saved_user_label_filters, ) return trans.fill_template( 'user/toolbox_filters.mako', cntrller=cntrller, message=message, tool_filters=tool_filters, section_filters=section_filters, label_filters=label_filters, user=user, status=status ) else: # User not logged in, history group must be only public return trans.show_error_message( "You must be logged in to change private toolbox filters." )
@web.expose @web.require_login( "to change the private toolbox filters" )
[docs] def edit_toolbox_filters( self, trans, cntrller, **kwd ): params = util.Params( kwd ) message = util.restore_text( params.get( 'message', '' ) ) user_id = params.get( 'user_id', False ) if not user_id: # User must be logged in to create a new address return trans.show_error_message( "You must be logged in to change the ToolBox filters." ) user = trans.sa_session.query( ).get( user_id ) ) if params.get( 'edit_toolbox_filter_button', False ): tool_filters = list() section_filters = list() label_filters = list() for name, state in params.flatten(): if state == 'on': if name.startswith('t_'): tool_filters.append( name[2:] ) elif name.startswith('l_'): label_filters.append( name[2:] ) elif name.startswith('s_'): section_filters.append( name[2:] ) user.preferences['toolbox_tool_filters'] = ','.join( tool_filters ) user.preferences['toolbox_section_filters'] = ','.join( section_filters ) user.preferences['toolbox_label_filters'] = ','.join( label_filters ) trans.sa_session.add( user ) trans.sa_session.flush() message = 'ToolBox filters has been updated.' kwd = dict( message=message, status='done' ) # Display the ToolBox filters form with the current values filled in return self.toolbox_filters( trans, cntrller, **kwd )
@web.expose @web.require_login( "to get most recently used tool" ) @web.json_pretty
[docs] def get_most_recently_used_tool_async( self, trans ): """ Returns information about the most recently used tool. """ # Get most recently used tool. query = trans.sa_session.query( ).join( ) \ .filter( == trans.user ) \ .order_by( ).limit(1) tool_id = query[0][0] # Get first element in first row of query. tool = self.get_toolbox().get_tool( tool_id ) # Return tool info. tool_info = {"id":, "link": url_for( controller='tool_runner', ), "target":, "name":, # TODO: translate this using _() "minsizehint": tool.uihints.get( 'minwidth', -1 ), "description": tool.description} return tool_info
[docs] def manage_addresses(self, trans, **kwd): if trans.user: params = util.Params( kwd ) message = util.restore_text( params.get( 'message', '' ) ) status = params.get( 'status', 'done' ) show_filter = util.restore_text( params.get( 'show_filter', 'Active' ) ) if show_filter == 'All': addresses = [address for address in trans.user.addresses] elif show_filter == 'Deleted': addresses = [address for address in trans.user.addresses if address.deleted] else: addresses = [address for address in trans.user.addresses if not address.deleted] return trans.fill_template( 'user/address.mako', addresses=addresses, show_filter=show_filter, message=message, status=status) else: # User not logged in, history group must be only public return trans.show_error_message( "You must be logged in to change your default permitted actions." )
@web.require_login( "to add addresses" ) @web.expose
[docs] def new_address( self, trans, cntrller, **kwd ): params = util.Params( kwd ) message = util.restore_text( params.get( 'message', '' ) ) status = params.get( 'status', 'done' ) is_admin = cntrller == 'admin' and trans.user_is_admin() user_id = params.get( 'id', False ) if is_admin: if not user_id: return trans.show_error_message( "You must specify a user to add a new address to." ) user = trans.sa_session.query( ).get( user_id ) ) else: user = trans.user short_desc = util.restore_text( params.get( 'short_desc', '' ) ) name = util.restore_text( params.get( 'name', '' ) ) institution = util.restore_text( params.get( 'institution', '' ) ) address = util.restore_text( params.get( 'address', '' ) ) city = util.restore_text( params.get( 'city', '' ) ) state = util.restore_text( params.get( 'state', '' ) ) postal_code = util.restore_text( params.get( 'postal_code', '' ) ) country = util.restore_text( params.get( 'country', '' ) ) phone = util.restore_text( params.get( 'phone', '' ) ) ok = True if not and not is_admin: return trans.show_error_message( 'User registration is disabled. Please contact your local Galaxy administrator for an account.' ) if params.get( 'new_address_button', False ): if not short_desc: ok = False message = 'Enter a short description for this address' elif not name: ok = False message = 'Enter the name' elif not institution: ok = False message = 'Enter the institution associated with the user' elif not address: ok = False message = 'Enter the address' elif not city: ok = False message = 'Enter the city' elif not state: ok = False message = 'Enter the state/province/region' elif not postal_code: ok = False message = 'Enter the postal code' elif not country: ok = False message = 'Enter the country' if ok: user_address = trans.model.UserAddress( user=user, desc=short_desc, name=name, institution=institution, address=address, city=city, state=state, postal_code=postal_code, country=country, phone=phone ) trans.sa_session.add( user_address ) trans.sa_session.flush() message = 'Address (%s) has been added' % escape( user_address.desc ) new_kwd = dict( message=message, status=status ) if is_admin: new_kwd[ 'id' ] = ) return trans.response.send_redirect( web.url_for( controller='user', action='manage_user_info', cntrller=cntrller, **new_kwd ) ) # Display the address form with the current values filled in return trans.fill_template( 'user/new_address.mako', cntrller=cntrller, user=user, short_desc=short_desc, name=name, institution=institution, address=address, city=city, state=state, postal_code=postal_code, country=country, phone=phone, message=escape(message), status=status )
@web.require_login( "to edit addresses" ) @web.expose
[docs] def edit_address( self, trans, cntrller, **kwd ): params = util.Params( kwd ) message = util.restore_text( params.get( 'message', '' ) ) status = params.get( 'status', 'done' ) is_admin = cntrller == 'admin' and trans.user_is_admin() user_id = params.get( 'id', False ) if is_admin: if not user_id: return trans.show_error_message( "You must specify a user to add a new address to." ) user = trans.sa_session.query( ).get( user_id ) ) else: user = trans.user address_id = params.get( 'address_id', None ) if not address_id: return trans.show_error_message( "Invalid address id." ) address_obj = trans.sa_session.query( ).get( address_id ) ) if address_obj.user_id != return trans.show_error_message( "Invalid address id." ) if params.get( 'edit_address_button', False ): short_desc = util.restore_text( params.get( 'short_desc', '' ) ) name = util.restore_text( params.get( 'name', '' ) ) institution = util.restore_text( params.get( 'institution', '' ) ) address = util.restore_text( params.get( 'address', '' ) ) city = util.restore_text( params.get( 'city', '' ) ) state = util.restore_text( params.get( 'state', '' ) ) postal_code = util.restore_text( params.get( 'postal_code', '' ) ) country = util.restore_text( params.get( 'country', '' ) ) phone = util.restore_text( params.get( 'phone', '' ) ) ok = True if not short_desc: ok = False message = 'Enter a short description for this address' elif not name: ok = False message = 'Enter the name' elif not institution: ok = False message = 'Enter the institution associated with the user' elif not address: ok = False message = 'Enter the address' elif not city: ok = False message = 'Enter the city' elif not state: ok = False message = 'Enter the state/province/region' elif not postal_code: ok = False message = 'Enter the postal code' elif not country: ok = False message = 'Enter the country' if ok: address_obj.desc = short_desc = name address_obj.institution = institution address_obj.address = address = city address_obj.state = state address_obj.postal_code = postal_code = country = phone trans.sa_session.add( address_obj ) trans.sa_session.flush() message = 'Address (%s) has been updated.' % escape( address_obj.desc ) new_kwd = dict( message=message, status=status ) if is_admin: new_kwd[ 'id' ] = ) return trans.response.send_redirect( web.url_for( controller='user', action='manage_user_info', cntrller=cntrller, **new_kwd ) ) # Display the address form with the current values filled in return trans.fill_template( 'user/edit_address.mako', cntrller=cntrller, user=user, address_obj=address_obj, message=escape( message ), status=status )
@web.require_login( "to delete addresses" ) @web.expose
[docs] def delete_address( self, trans, cntrller, address_id=None, **kwd ): return self.__delete_undelete_address( trans, cntrller, 'delete', address_id=address_id, **kwd )
@web.require_login( "to undelete addresses" ) @web.expose
[docs] def undelete_address( self, trans, cntrller, address_id=None, **kwd ): return self.__delete_undelete_address( trans, cntrller, 'undelete', address_id=address_id, **kwd )
def __delete_undelete_address( self, trans, cntrller, op, address_id=None, **kwd ): is_admin = cntrller == 'admin' and trans.user_is_admin() user_id = kwd.get( 'id', False ) if is_admin: if not user_id: return trans.show_error_message( "You must specify a user to %s an address from." % op ) user = trans.sa_session.query( ).get( user_id ) ) else: user = trans.user try: user_address = trans.sa_session.query( ).get( address_id ) ) except: return trans.show_error_message( "Invalid address id." ) if user_address: if user_address.user_id != return trans.show_error_message( "Invalid address id." ) user_address.deleted = True if op == 'delete' else False trans.sa_session.add( user_address ) trans.sa_session.flush() message = 'Address (%s) %sd' % ( escape( user_address.desc ), op ) status = 'done' return trans.response.send_redirect( web.url_for( controller='user', action='manage_user_info', cntrller=cntrller, ), message=message, status=status ) ) @web.expose
[docs] def set_user_pref_async( self, trans, pref_name, pref_value ): """ Set a user preference asynchronously. If user is not logged in, do nothing. """ if trans.user: trans.log_action( trans.get_user(), "set_user_pref", "", { pref_name: pref_value } ) trans.user.preferences[pref_name] = pref_value trans.sa_session.flush()
[docs] def log_user_action_async( self, trans, action, context, params ): """ Log a user action asynchronously. If user is not logged in, do nothing. """ if trans.user: trans.log_action( trans.get_user(), action, context, params )
@web.expose @web.require_login()
[docs] def dbkeys( self, trans, **kwds ): """ Handle custom builds. """ # # Process arguments and add/delete build. # user = trans.user message = None lines_skipped = 0 if self.installed_len_files is None: installed_builds = [] for build in glob.glob( os.path.join(, "*.len") ): installed_builds.append( os.path.basename(build).split(".len")[0] ) self.installed_len_files = ", ".join(installed_builds) if 'dbkeys' not in user.preferences: dbkeys = {} else: dbkeys = loads(user.preferences['dbkeys']) if 'delete' in kwds: # Delete a build. key = kwds.get('key', '') if key and key in dbkeys: del dbkeys[key] elif 'add' in kwds: # Add new custom build. name = kwds.get('name', '') key = kwds.get('key', '') # Look for build's chrom info in len_file and len_text. len_file = kwds.get( 'len_file', None ) if getattr( len_file, "file", None ): # Check if it's a FieldStorage object len_text = else: len_text = kwds.get( 'len_text', None ) if not len_text: # Using FASTA from history. dataset_id = kwds.get('dataset_id', '') if not name or not key or not ( len_text or dataset_id ): message = "You must specify values for all the fields." elif key in dbkeys: message = "There is already a custom build with that key. Delete it first if you want to replace it." else: # Have everything needed; create new build. build_dict = { "name": name } if len_text: # Create new len file new_len = extension="len", create_dataset=True, sa_session=trans.sa_session ) trans.sa_session.add( new_len ) = name new_len.visible = False new_len.state = = "custom build .len file" trans.sa_session.flush() counter = 0 f = open(new_len.file_name, "w") # LEN files have format: # <chrom_name><tab><chrom_length> for line in len_text.split("\n"): lst = line.strip().rsplit(None, 1) # Splits at the last whitespace in the line if not lst or len(lst) < 2: lines_skipped += 1 continue chrom, length = lst[0], lst[1] try: length = int(length) except ValueError: lines_skipped += 1 continue counter += 1 f.write("%s\t%s\n" % (chrom, length)) f.close() build_dict.update( { "len":, "count": counter } ) else: dataset_id = dataset_id ) build_dict[ "fasta" ] = dataset_id dbkeys[key] = build_dict # Save builds. # TODO: use database table to save builds. user.preferences['dbkeys'] = dumps(dbkeys) trans.sa_session.flush() # # Display custom builds page. # # Add chrom/contig count to dbkeys dict. updated = False for key, attributes in dbkeys.items(): if 'count' in attributes: # Already have count, so do nothing. continue # Get len file. fasta_dataset = trans.sa_session.query( ).get( attributes[ 'fasta' ] ) len_dataset = fasta_dataset.get_converted_dataset( trans, "len" ) # HACK: need to request dataset again b/c get_converted_dataset() # doesn't return dataset (as it probably should). len_dataset = fasta_dataset.get_converted_dataset( trans, "len" ) if len_dataset.state == # Can't use len dataset. continue # Get chrom count file. chrom_count_dataset = len_dataset.get_converted_dataset( trans, "linecount" ) if not chrom_count_dataset or chrom_count_dataset.state != # No valid linecount dataset. continue else: # Set chrom count. try: chrom_count = int( open( chrom_count_dataset.file_name ).readline() ) attributes[ 'count' ] = chrom_count updated = True except Exception, e: log.error( "Failed to open chrom count dataset: %s", e ) if updated: user.preferences['dbkeys'] = dumps(dbkeys) trans.sa_session.flush() # Potential genome data for custom builds is limited to fasta datasets in current history for now. fasta_hdas = trans.sa_session.query( model.HistoryDatasetAssociation ) \ .filter_by( history=trans.history, extension="fasta", deleted=False ) \ .order_by( model.HistoryDatasetAssociation.hid.desc() ) return trans.fill_template( 'user/dbkeys.mako', user=user, dbkeys=dbkeys, message=message, installed_len_files=self.installed_len_files, lines_skipped=lines_skipped, fasta_hdas=fasta_hdas, use_panels=kwds.get( 'use_panels', False ) )
@web.expose @web.require_login()
[docs] def api_keys( self, trans, cntrller, **kwd ): params = util.Params( kwd ) message = escape( util.restore_text( params.get( 'message', '' ) ) ) status = params.get( 'status', 'done' ) if params.get( 'new_api_key_button', False ): self.create_api_key( trans, trans.user ) message = "Generated a new web API key" status = "done" return trans.fill_template( 'webapps/galaxy/user/api_keys.mako', cntrller=cntrller, user=trans.user, message=message, status=status )
def __get_redirect_url( self, redirect ): root_url = url_for( '/', qualified=True ) # compare urls, to prevent a redirect from pointing (directly) outside of galaxy # or to enter a logout/login loop if not util.compare_urls( root_url, redirect, compare_path=False ) or util.compare_urls( url_for( controller='user', action='logout', qualified=True ), redirect ): log.warning('Redirect URL is outside of Galaxy, will redirect to Galaxy root instead: %s', redirect) redirect = root_url elif util.compare_urls( url_for( controller='user', action='logout', qualified=True ), redirect ): redirect = root_url return redirect # ===== Methods for building SelectFields ================================ def __build_user_type_fd_id_select_field( self, trans, selected_value ): # Get all the user information forms user_info_forms = self.get_all_forms( trans, filter=dict( deleted=False ), form_type=trans.model.FormDefinition.types.USER_INFO ) return build_select_field( trans, objs=user_info_forms, label_attr='name', select_field_name='user_type_fd_id', initial_value='none', selected_value=selected_value, refresh_on_change=True )