Source code for tool_shed.util.common_util

import json
import logging
import os
import urllib2
from galaxy import util
from galaxy.util.odict import odict
from galaxy.web import url_for
from tool_shed.util import encoding_util
from tool_shed.util import xml_util

log = logging.getLogger( __name__ )


[docs]def accumulate_tool_dependencies( tool_shed_accessible, tool_dependencies, all_tool_dependencies ): if tool_shed_accessible: if tool_dependencies: for tool_dependency in tool_dependencies: if tool_dependency not in all_tool_dependencies: all_tool_dependencies.append( tool_dependency ) return all_tool_dependencies
[docs]def check_for_missing_tools( app, tool_panel_configs, latest_tool_migration_script_number ): # Get the 000x_tools.xml file associated with the current migrate_tools version number. tools_xml_file_path = os.path.abspath( os.path.join( 'scripts', 'migrate_tools', '%04d_tools.xml' % latest_tool_migration_script_number ) ) # Parse the XML and load the file attributes for later checking against the proprietary tool_panel_config. migrated_tool_configs_dict = odict() tree, error_message = xml_util.parse_xml( tools_xml_file_path ) if tree is None: return False, odict() root = tree.getroot() tool_shed = root.get( 'name' ) tool_shed_url = get_tool_shed_url_from_tool_shed_registry( app, tool_shed ) # The default behavior is that the tool shed is down. tool_shed_accessible = False missing_tool_configs_dict = odict() if tool_shed_url: for elem in root: if elem.tag == 'repository': repository_dependencies = [] all_tool_dependencies = [] repository_name = elem.get( 'name' ) changeset_revision = elem.get( 'changeset_revision' ) tool_shed_accessible, repository_dependencies_dict = get_repository_dependencies( app, tool_shed_url, repository_name, REPOSITORY_OWNER, changeset_revision ) if tool_shed_accessible: # Accumulate all tool dependencies defined for repository dependencies for display to the user. for rd_key, rd_tups in repository_dependencies_dict.items(): if rd_key in [ 'root_key', 'description' ]: continue for rd_tup in rd_tups: tool_shed, name, owner, changeset_revision, prior_installation_required, only_if_compiling_contained_td = \ parse_repository_dependency_tuple( rd_tup ) tool_shed_accessible, tool_dependencies = get_tool_dependencies( app, tool_shed_url, name, owner, changeset_revision ) all_tool_dependencies = accumulate_tool_dependencies( tool_shed_accessible, tool_dependencies, all_tool_dependencies ) tool_shed_accessible, tool_dependencies = get_tool_dependencies( app, tool_shed_url, repository_name, REPOSITORY_OWNER, changeset_revision ) all_tool_dependencies = accumulate_tool_dependencies( tool_shed_accessible, tool_dependencies, all_tool_dependencies ) for tool_elem in elem.findall( 'tool' ): tool_config_file_name = tool_elem.get( 'file' ) if tool_config_file_name: # We currently do nothing with repository dependencies except install them (we do not display repositories that will be # installed to the user). However, we'll store them in the following dictionary in case we choose to display them in the # future. dependencies_dict = dict( tool_dependencies=all_tool_dependencies, repository_dependencies=repository_dependencies ) migrated_tool_configs_dict[ tool_config_file_name ] = dependencies_dict else: break if tool_shed_accessible: # Parse the proprietary tool_panel_configs (the default is tool_conf.xml) and generate the list of missing tool config file names. for tool_panel_config in tool_panel_configs: tree, error_message = xml_util.parse_xml( tool_panel_config ) if tree: root = tree.getroot() for elem in root: if elem.tag == 'tool': missing_tool_configs_dict = check_tool_tag_set( elem, migrated_tool_configs_dict, missing_tool_configs_dict ) elif elem.tag == 'section': for section_elem in elem: if section_elem.tag == 'tool': missing_tool_configs_dict = check_tool_tag_set( section_elem, migrated_tool_configs_dict, missing_tool_configs_dict ) else: exception_msg = '\n\nThe entry for the main Galaxy tool shed at %s is missing from the %s file. ' % ( tool_shed, app.config.tool_sheds_config ) exception_msg += 'The entry for this tool shed must always be available in this file, so re-add it before attempting to start your Galaxy server.\n' raise Exception( exception_msg ) return tool_shed_accessible, missing_tool_configs_dict
[docs]def check_tool_tag_set( elem, migrated_tool_configs_dict, missing_tool_configs_dict ): file_path = elem.get( 'file', None ) if file_path: path, name = os.path.split( file_path ) for migrated_tool_config in migrated_tool_configs_dict.keys(): if migrated_tool_config in [ file_path, name ]: missing_tool_configs_dict[ name ] = migrated_tool_configs_dict[ migrated_tool_config ] return missing_tool_configs_dict
[docs]def generate_clone_url_for_installed_repository( app, repository ): """Generate the URL for cloning a repository that has been installed into a Galaxy instance.""" tool_shed_url = get_tool_shed_url_from_tool_shed_registry( app, str( repository.tool_shed ) ) return url_join( tool_shed_url, 'repos', str( repository.owner ), str( ) )
[docs]def generate_clone_url_for_repository_in_tool_shed( user, repository ): """Generate the URL for cloning a repository that is in the tool shed.""" base_url = url_for( '/', qualified=True ).rstrip( '/' ) if user: protocol, base = base_url.split( '://' ) username = '%s@' % user.username return '%s://%s%s/repos/%s/%s' % ( protocol, username, base, repository.user.username, ) else: return '%s/repos/%s/%s' % ( base_url, repository.user.username, )
[docs]def generate_clone_url_from_repo_info_tup( app, repo_info_tup ): """Generate the URL for cloning a repository given a tuple of toolshed, name, owner, changeset_revision.""" # Example tuple: ['http://localhost:9009', 'blast_datatypes', 'test', '461a4216e8ab', False] toolshed, name, owner, changeset_revision, prior_installation_required, only_if_compiling_contained_td = \ parse_repository_dependency_tuple( repo_info_tup ) tool_shed_url = get_tool_shed_url_from_tool_shed_registry( app, toolshed ) # Don't include the changeset_revision in clone urls. return url_join( tool_shed_url, 'repos', owner, name )
[docs]def get_non_shed_tool_panel_configs( app ): """Get the non-shed related tool panel configs - there can be more than one, and the default is tool_conf.xml.""" config_filenames = [] for config_filename in app.config.tool_configs: # Any config file that includes a tool_path attribute in the root tag set like the following is shed-related. # <toolbox tool_path="../shed_tools"> tree, error_message = xml_util.parse_xml( config_filename ) if tree is None: continue root = tree.getroot() tool_path = root.get( 'tool_path', None ) if tool_path is None: config_filenames.append( config_filename ) return config_filenames
[docs]def get_repository_dependencies( app, tool_shed_url, repository_name, repository_owner, changeset_revision ): repository_dependencies_dict = {} tool_shed_accessible = True url = '%s/repository/get_repository_dependencies?name=%s&owner=%s&changeset_revision=%s' % \ ( tool_shed_url, repository_name, repository_owner, changeset_revision ) try: raw_text = tool_shed_get( app, tool_shed_url, url ) tool_shed_accessible = True except Exception, e: tool_shed_accessible = False print "The URL\n%s\nraised the exception:\n%s\n" % ( url, str( e ) ) if tool_shed_accessible: if len( raw_text ) > 2: encoded_text = json.loads( raw_text ) repository_dependencies_dict = encoding_util.tool_shed_decode( encoded_text ) return tool_shed_accessible, repository_dependencies_dict
[docs]def get_protocol_from_tool_shed_url( tool_shed_url ): """Return the protocol from the received tool_shed_url if it exists.""" try: if tool_shed_url.find( '://' ) > 0: return tool_shed_url.split( '://' )[0].lower() except Exception, e: # We receive a lot of calls here where the tool_shed_url is None. The container_util uses # that value when creating a header row. If the tool_shed_url is not None, we have a problem. if tool_shed_url is not None: log.exception( "Handled exception getting the protocol from Tool Shed URL %s:\n%s" % ( str( tool_shed_url ), str( e ) ) ) # Default to HTTP protocol. return 'http'
[docs]def get_tool_dependencies( app, tool_shed_url, repository_name, repository_owner, changeset_revision ): tool_dependencies = [] tool_shed_accessible = True url = '%s/repository/get_tool_dependencies?name=%s&owner=%s&changeset_revision=%s' % \ ( tool_shed_url, repository_name, repository_owner, changeset_revision ) try: text = tool_shed_get( app, tool_shed_url, url ) tool_shed_accessible = True except Exception, e: tool_shed_accessible = False print "The URL\n%s\nraised the exception:\n%s\n" % ( url, str( e ) ) if tool_shed_accessible: if text: tool_dependencies_dict = encoding_util.tool_shed_decode( text ) for dependency_key, requirements_dict in tool_dependencies_dict.items(): tool_dependency_name = requirements_dict[ 'name' ] tool_dependency_version = requirements_dict[ 'version' ] tool_dependency_type = requirements_dict[ 'type' ] tool_dependencies.append( ( tool_dependency_name, tool_dependency_version, tool_dependency_type ) ) return tool_shed_accessible, tool_dependencies
[docs]def get_tool_shed_repository_ids( as_string=False, **kwd ): tsrid = kwd.get( 'tool_shed_repository_id', None ) tsridslist = util.listify( kwd.get( 'tool_shed_repository_ids', None ) ) if not tsridslist: tsridslist = util.listify( kwd.get( 'id', None ) ) if tsridslist is not None: if tsrid is not None and tsrid not in tsridslist: tsridslist.append( tsrid ) if as_string: return ','.join( tsridslist ) return tsridslist else: tsridslist = util.listify( kwd.get( 'ordered_tsr_ids', None ) ) if tsridslist is not None: if as_string: return ','.join( tsridslist ) return tsridslist if as_string: '' return []
[docs]def get_tool_shed_url_from_tool_shed_registry( app, tool_shed ): """ The value of tool_shed is something like: We need the URL to this tool shed, which is something like: """ cleaned_tool_shed = remove_protocol_from_tool_shed_url( tool_shed ) for shed_name, shed_url in app.tool_shed_registry.tool_sheds.items(): if shed_url.find( cleaned_tool_shed ) >= 0: if shed_url.endswith( '/' ): shed_url = shed_url.rstrip( '/' ) return shed_url # The tool shed from which the repository was originally installed must no longer be configured in tool_sheds_conf.xml. return None
[docs]def handle_galaxy_url( trans, **kwd ): galaxy_url = kwd.get( 'galaxy_url', None ) if galaxy_url: trans.set_cookie( galaxy_url, name='toolshedgalaxyurl' ) else: galaxy_url = trans.get_cookie( name='toolshedgalaxyurl' ) return galaxy_url
[docs]def handle_tool_shed_url_protocol( app, shed_url ): """Handle secure and insecure HTTP protocol since they may change over time.""" try: if == 'galaxy': url = remove_protocol_from_tool_shed_url( shed_url ) tool_shed_url = get_tool_shed_url_from_tool_shed_registry( app, url ) else: tool_shed_url = str( url_for( '/', qualified=True ) ).rstrip( '/' ) return tool_shed_url except Exception, e: # We receive a lot of calls here where the tool_shed_url is None. The container_util uses # that value when creating a header row. If the tool_shed_url is not None, we have a problem. if shed_url is not None: log.exception( "Handled exception removing protocol from URL %s:\n%s" % ( str( shed_url ), str( e ) ) ) return shed_url
[docs]def parse_repository_dependency_tuple( repository_dependency_tuple, contains_error=False ): # Default both prior_installation_required and only_if_compiling_contained_td to False in cases where metadata should be reset on the # repository containing the repository_dependency definition. prior_installation_required = 'False' only_if_compiling_contained_td = 'False' if contains_error: if len( repository_dependency_tuple ) == 5: tool_shed, name, owner, changeset_revision, error = repository_dependency_tuple elif len( repository_dependency_tuple ) == 6: tool_shed, name, owner, changeset_revision, prior_installation_required, error = repository_dependency_tuple elif len( repository_dependency_tuple ) == 7: tool_shed, name, owner, changeset_revision, prior_installation_required, only_if_compiling_contained_td, error = \ repository_dependency_tuple return tool_shed, name, owner, changeset_revision, prior_installation_required, only_if_compiling_contained_td, error else: if len( repository_dependency_tuple ) == 4: tool_shed, name, owner, changeset_revision = repository_dependency_tuple elif len( repository_dependency_tuple ) == 5: tool_shed, name, owner, changeset_revision, prior_installation_required = repository_dependency_tuple elif len( repository_dependency_tuple ) == 6: tool_shed, name, owner, changeset_revision, prior_installation_required, only_if_compiling_contained_td = repository_dependency_tuple return tool_shed, name, owner, changeset_revision, prior_installation_required, only_if_compiling_contained_td
[docs]def remove_port_from_tool_shed_url( tool_shed_url ): """Return a partial Tool Shed URL, eliminating the port if it exists.""" try: if tool_shed_url.find( ':' ) > 0: # Eliminate the port, if any, since it will result in an invalid directory name. new_tool_shed_url = tool_shed_url.split( ':' )[ 0 ] else: new_tool_shed_url = tool_shed_url return new_tool_shed_url.rstrip( '/' ) except Exception, e: # We receive a lot of calls here where the tool_shed_url is None. The container_util uses # that value when creating a header row. If the tool_shed_url is not None, we have a problem. if tool_shed_url is not None: log.exception( "Handled exception removing the port from Tool Shed URL %s:\n%s" % ( str( tool_shed_url ), str( e ) ) ) return tool_shed_url
[docs]def remove_protocol_and_port_from_tool_shed_url( tool_shed_url ): """Return a partial Tool Shed URL, eliminating the protocol and/or port if either exists.""" tool_shed = remove_protocol_from_tool_shed_url( tool_shed_url ) tool_shed = remove_port_from_tool_shed_url( tool_shed ) return tool_shed
[docs]def remove_protocol_and_user_from_clone_url( repository_clone_url ): """Return a URL that can be used to clone a repository, eliminating the protocol and user if either exists.""" if repository_clone_url.find( '@' ) > 0: # We have an url that includes an authenticated user, something like: # items = repository_clone_url.split( '@' ) tmp_url = items[ 1 ] elif repository_clone_url.find( '//' ) > 0: # We have an url that includes only a protocol, something like: # items = repository_clone_url.split( '//' ) tmp_url = items[ 1 ] else: tmp_url = repository_clone_url return tmp_url.rstrip( '/' )
[docs]def remove_protocol_from_tool_shed_url( tool_shed_url ): """Return a partial Tool Shed URL, eliminating the protocol if it exists.""" try: if tool_shed_url.find( '://' ) > 0: new_tool_shed_url = tool_shed_url.split( '://' )[1] else: new_tool_shed_url = tool_shed_url return new_tool_shed_url.rstrip( '/' ) except Exception, e: # We receive a lot of calls here where the tool_shed_url is None. The container_util uses # that value when creating a header row. If the tool_shed_url is not None, we have a problem. if tool_shed_url is not None: log.exception( "Handled exception removing the protocol from Tool Shed URL %s:\n%s" % ( str( tool_shed_url ), str( e ) ) ) return tool_shed_url
[docs]def tool_shed_get( app, tool_shed_url, uri ): """Make contact with the tool shed via the uri provided.""" registry = app.tool_shed_registry # urllib2 auto-detects system proxies, when passed a Proxyhandler. # Refer: proxy = urllib2.ProxyHandler() urlopener = urllib2.build_opener( proxy ) urllib2.install_opener( urlopener ) password_mgr = registry.password_manager_for_url( tool_shed_url ) if password_mgr is not None: auth_handler = urllib2.HTTPBasicAuthHandler( password_mgr ) urlopener.add_handler( auth_handler ) response = uri ) content = response.close() return content
[docs]def url_join( *args ): """Return a valid URL produced by appending a base URL and a set of request parameters.""" parts = [] for arg in args: if arg is not None: parts.append( arg.strip( '/' ) ) return '/'.join( parts )