Source code for galaxy.managers.collections_util

from galaxy import exceptions
from galaxy import web
from galaxy import model

import logging
log = logging.getLogger( __name__ )

ERROR_MESSAGE_UNKNOWN_SRC = "Unknown dataset source (src) %s."
ERROR_MESSAGE_NO_NESTED_IDENTIFIERS = "Dataset source new_collection requires nested element_identifiers for new collection."
ERROR_MESSAGE_NO_NAME = "Cannot load invalid dataset identifier - missing name - %s"
ERROR_MESSAGE_NO_COLLECTION_TYPE = "No collection_type define for nested collection %s."
ERROR_MESSAGE_INVALID_PARAMETER_FOUND = "Found invalid parameter %s in element identifier description %s."
ERROR_MESSAGE_DUPLICATED_IDENTIFIER_FOUND = "Found duplicated element identifier name %s."

[docs]def api_payload_to_create_params( payload ): """ Cleanup API payload to pass into dataset_collections. """ required_parameters = [ "collection_type", "element_identifiers" ] missing_parameters = [ p for p in required_parameters if p not in payload ] if missing_parameters: message = "Missing required parameters %s" % missing_parameters raise exceptions.ObjectAttributeMissingException( message ) params = dict( collection_type=payload.get( "collection_type" ), element_identifiers=payload.get( "element_identifiers" ), name=payload.get( "name", None ), ) return params
[docs]def validate_input_element_identifiers( element_identifiers ): """ Scan through the list of element identifiers supplied by the API consumer and verify the structure is valid. """ log.debug( "Validating %d element identifiers for collection creation." % len( element_identifiers ) ) identifier_names = set() for element_identifier in element_identifiers: if "__object__" in element_identifier: message = ERROR_MESSAGE_INVALID_PARAMETER_FOUND % ( "__model_object__", element_identifier ) raise exceptions.RequestParameterInvalidException( message ) if "name" not in element_identifier: message = ERROR_MESSAGE_NO_NAME % element_identifier raise exceptions.RequestParameterInvalidException( message ) name = element_identifier[ "name" ] if name in identifier_names: message = ERROR_MESSAGE_DUPLICATED_IDENTIFIER_FOUND % name raise exceptions.RequestParameterInvalidException( message ) else: identifier_names.add( name ) src = element_identifier.get( "src", "hda" ) if src not in [ "hda", "hdca", "ldda", "new_collection" ]: message = ERROR_MESSAGE_UNKNOWN_SRC % src raise exceptions.RequestParameterInvalidException( message ) if src == "new_collection": if "element_identifiers" not in element_identifier: message = ERROR_MESSAGE_NO_NESTED_IDENTIFIERS raise exceptions.RequestParameterInvalidException( ERROR_MESSAGE_NO_NESTED_IDENTIFIERS ) if "collection_type" not in element_identifier: message = ERROR_MESSAGE_NO_COLLECTION_TYPE % element_identifier raise exceptions.RequestParameterInvalidException( message ) validate_input_element_identifiers( element_identifier[ "element_identifiers" ] )
[docs]def dictify_dataset_collection_instance( dataset_colleciton_instance, parent, security, view="element" ): dict_value = dataset_colleciton_instance.to_dict( view=view ) encoded_id = security.encode_id( ) if isinstance( parent, model.History ): encoded_history_id = security.encode_id( ) dict_value[ 'url' ] = web.url_for( 'history_content_typed', history_id=encoded_history_id, id=encoded_id, type="dataset_collection" ) elif isinstance( parent, model.LibraryFolder ): encoded_library_id = security.encode_id( ) encoded_folder_id = security.encode_id( ) # TODO: Work in progress - this end-point is not right yet... dict_value[ 'url' ] = web.url_for( 'library_content', library_id=encoded_library_id, id=encoded_id, folder_id=encoded_folder_id ) if view == "element": dict_value[ 'elements' ] = map( dictify_element, dataset_colleciton_instance.collection.elements ) security.encode_all_ids( dict_value, recursive=True ) # TODO: Use Kyle's recusrive formulation of this. return dict_value
[docs]def dictify_element( element ): dictified = element.to_dict( view="element" ) object_detials = element.element_object.to_dict() if element.child_collection: # Recursively yield elements for each nested collection... object_detials[ "elements" ] = map( dictify_element, element.child_collection.elements ) dictified[ "object" ] = object_detials return dictified
__all__ = [ api_payload_to_create_params, dictify_dataset_collection_instance ]