Source code for galaxy.managers.workflows

from galaxy import model
from galaxy import exceptions
from galaxy.workflow import modules

[docs]class WorkflowsManager( object ): """ Handle CRUD type operaitons related to workflows. More interesting stuff regarding workflow execution, step sorting, etc... can be found in the galaxy.workflow module. """ def __init__( self, app ): = app
[docs] def check_security( self, trans, has_workflow, check_ownership=True, check_accessible=True): """ check accessibility or ownership of workflows, storedworkflows, and workflowinvocations. Throw an exception or returns True if user has needed level of access. """ if not check_ownership or check_accessible: return True # If given an invocation follow to workflow... if isinstance( has_workflow, model.WorkflowInvocation ): has_workflow = has_workflow.workflow # stored workflow contains security stuff - follow that workflow to # that unless given a stored workflow. if hasattr( has_workflow, "stored_workflow" ): stored_workflow = has_workflow.stored_workflow else: stored_workflow = has_workflow if stored_workflow.user != trans.user and not trans.user_is_admin(): if check_ownership: raise exceptions.ItemOwnershipException() # else check_accessible... if trans.sa_session.query( model.StoredWorkflowUserShareAssociation ).filter_by(user=trans.user, stored_workflow=stored_workflow ).count() == 0: raise exceptions.ItemAccessibilityException() return True
[docs] def get_invocation( self, trans, decoded_invocation_id ): try: workflow_invocation = trans.sa_session.query( ).get( decoded_invocation_id ) except Exception: raise exceptions.ObjectNotFound() self.check_security( trans, workflow_invocation, check_ownership=True, check_accessible=False ) return workflow_invocation
[docs] def cancel_invocation( self, trans, decoded_invocation_id ): workflow_invocation = self.get_invocation( trans, decoded_invocation_id ) cancelled = workflow_invocation.cancel() if cancelled: trans.sa_session.add( workflow_invocation ) trans.sa_session.flush() else: # TODO: More specific exception? raise exceptions.MessageException( "Cannot cancel an inactive workflow invocation." ) return workflow_invocation
[docs] def get_invocation_step( self, trans, decoded_workflow_invocation_step_id ): try: workflow_invocation_step = trans.sa_session.query( model.WorkflowInvocationStep ).get( decoded_workflow_invocation_step_id ) except Exception: raise exceptions.ObjectNotFound() self.check_security( trans, workflow_invocation_step.workflow_invocation, check_ownership=True, check_accessible=False ) return workflow_invocation_step
[docs] def update_invocation_step( self, trans, decoded_workflow_invocation_step_id, action ): if action is None: raise exceptions.RequestParameterMissingException( "Updating workflow invocation step requires an action parameter. " ) workflow_invocation_step = self.get_invocation_step( trans, decoded_workflow_invocation_step_id ) workflow_invocation = workflow_invocation_step.workflow_invocation if not raise exceptions.RequestParameterInvalidException( "Attempting to modify the state of an completed workflow invocation." ) step = workflow_invocation_step.workflow_step module = modules.module_factory.from_workflow_step( trans, step ) performed_action = module.do_invocation_step_action( step, action ) workflow_invocation_step.action = performed_action trans.sa_session.add( workflow_invocation_step ) trans.sa_session.flush() return workflow_invocation_step
[docs] def build_invocations_query( self, trans, decoded_stored_workflow_id ): try: stored_workflow = trans.sa_session.query( ).get( decoded_stored_workflow_id ) except Exception: raise exceptions.ObjectNotFound() self.check_security( trans, stored_workflow, check_ownership=True, check_accessible=False ) return trans.sa_session.query( model.WorkflowInvocation ).filter_by( workflow_id=stored_workflow.latest_workflow_id )