Source code for galaxy.model

Galaxy data model classes

Naming: try to use class names that have a distinct plural form so that
the relationship cardinalities are obvious (e.g. prefer Dataset to Data)

from galaxy import eggs

import codecs
import errno
import logging
import operator
import os
import pexpect
import json
import socket
import time
import numbers
from uuid import UUID, uuid4
from string import Template
from itertools import ifilter
from itertools import chain

import galaxy.datatypes
import galaxy.datatypes.registry
from galaxy.datatypes.metadata import MetadataCollection
from galaxy.model.item_attrs import Dictifiable, UsesAnnotations
from import get_permitted_actions
from galaxy.util import is_multi_byte, nice_size, Params, restore_text, send_mail
from galaxy.util import ready_name_for_url
from galaxy.util.bunch import Bunch
from galaxy.util.hash_util import new_secure_hash
from galaxy.util.directory_hash import directory_hash_id
from galaxy.util.sanitize_html import sanitize_html
from galaxy.web.framework.helpers import to_unicode
from galaxy.web.form_builder import (AddressField, CheckboxField, HistoryField,
        PasswordField, SelectField, TextArea, TextField, WorkflowField,
from galaxy.model.orm import and_, or_
from sqlalchemy.orm import object_session
from sqlalchemy.orm import joinedload
from sqlalchemy.sql.expression import func
from sqlalchemy import not_

log = logging.getLogger( __name__ )

datatypes_registry = galaxy.datatypes.registry.Registry()
# Default Value Required for unit tests

# When constructing filters with in for a fixed set of ids, maximum
# number of items to place in the IN statement. Different databases
# are going to have different limits so it is likely best to not let
# this be unlimited - filter in Python if over this limit.

[docs]class NoConverterException(Exception): def __init__(self, value): self.value = value def __str__(self): return repr(self.value)
[docs]class ConverterDependencyException(Exception): def __init__(self, value): self.value = value def __str__(self): return repr(self.value)
[docs]def set_datatypes_registry( d_registry ): """ Set up datatypes_registry """ global datatypes_registry datatypes_registry = d_registry
[docs]class HasName:
[docs] def get_display_name( self ): """ These objects have a name attribute can be either a string or a unicode object. If string, convert to unicode object assuming 'utf-8' format. """ name = if isinstance(name, str): name = unicode(name, 'utf-8') return name
[docs]class HasJobMetrics: def _init_metrics( self ): self.text_metrics = [] self.numeric_metrics = []
[docs] def add_metric( self, plugin, metric_name, metric_value ): if isinstance( plugin, str ): plugin = unicode( plugin, 'utf-8' ) if isinstance( metric_name, str ): metric_name = unicode( metric_name, 'utf-8' ) if isinstance( metric_value, numbers.Number ): metric = self._numeric_metric( plugin, metric_name, metric_value ) self.numeric_metrics.append( metric ) else: if isinstance( metric_value, str ): metric_value = unicode( metric_value, 'utf-8' ) if len( metric_value ) > 1022: # Truncate these values - not needed with sqlite # but other backends must need it. metric_value = metric_value[ :1022 ] metric = self._text_metric( plugin, metric_name, metric_value ) self.text_metrics.append( metric )
@property def metrics( self ): # TODO: Make iterable, concatenate with chain return self.text_metrics + self.numeric_metrics
[docs]class User( object, Dictifiable ): use_pbkdf2 = True """ Data for a Galaxy user or admin and relations to their histories, credentials, and roles. """ # attributes that will be accessed and returned when calling to_dict( view='collection' ) dict_collection_visible_keys = ( 'id', 'email' ) # attributes that will be accessed and returned when calling to_dict( view='element' ) dict_element_visible_keys = ( 'id', 'email', 'username', 'total_disk_usage', 'nice_total_disk_usage' ) def __init__( self, email=None, password=None ): = email self.password = password self.external = False self.deleted = False self.purged = False = False self.activation_token = None self.username = None # Relationships self.histories = [] self.credentials = [] #? self.roles = []
[docs] def set_password_cleartext( self, cleartext ): """ Set user password to the digest of `cleartext`. """ if User.use_pbkdf2: self.password = cleartext ) else: self.password = new_secure_hash( text_type=cleartext )
[docs] def check_password( self, cleartext ): """ Check if `cleartext` matches user password when hashed. """ return cleartext, self.password )
[docs] def all_roles( self ): """ Return a unique list of Roles associated with this user or any of their groups. """ roles = [ ura.role for ura in self.roles ] for group in [ for uga in self.groups ]: for role in [ gra.role for gra in group.roles ]: if role not in roles: roles.append( role ) return roles
[docs] def get_disk_usage( self, nice_size=False ): """ Return byte count of disk space used by user or a human-readable string if `nice_size` is `True`. """ rval = 0 if self.disk_usage is not None: rval = self.disk_usage if nice_size: rval = rval ) return rval
[docs] def set_disk_usage( self, bytes ): """ Manually set the disk space used by a user to `bytes`. """ self.disk_usage = bytes
total_disk_usage = property( get_disk_usage, set_disk_usage ) @property def nice_total_disk_usage( self ): """ Return byte count of disk space used in a human-readable string. """ return self.get_disk_usage( nice_size=True )
[docs] def calculate_disk_usage( self ): """ Return byte count total of disk space used by all non-purged, non-library HDAs in non-purged histories. """ # maintain a list so that we don't double count dataset_ids = [] total = 0 # this can be a huge number and can run out of memory, so we avoid the mappers db_session = object_session( self ) for history in db_session.query( History ).enable_eagerloads( False ).filter_by(, purged=False ).yield_per( 1000 ): for hda in db_session.query( HistoryDatasetAssociation ).enable_eagerloads( False ).filter_by(, purged=False ).yield_per( 1000 ): #TODO: def hda.counts_toward_disk_usage(): # return ( not self.dataset.purged and not self.dataset.library_associations ) if not in dataset_ids and not hda.dataset.purged and not hda.dataset.library_associations: dataset_ids.append( ) total += hda.dataset.get_total_size() return total
[docs] def user_template_environment( user ): """ >>> env = User.user_template_environment(None) >>> env['__user_email__'] 'Anonymous' >>> env['__user_id__'] 'Anonymous' >>> user = User('') >>> = 6 >>> user.username = 'foo2' >>> env = User.user_template_environment(user) >>> env['__user_id__'] '6' >>> env['__user_name__'] 'foo2' """ if user: user_id = '%d' % user_email = str( ) user_name = str( user.username ) else: user = None user_id = 'Anonymous' user_email = 'Anonymous' user_name = 'Anonymous' environment = {} environment[ '__user__' ] = user environment[ '__user_id__' ] = environment[ 'userId' ] = user_id environment[ '__user_email__' ] = environment[ 'userEmail' ] = user_email environment[ '__user_name__' ] = user_name return environment
[docs] def expand_user_properties( user, in_string ): """ """ environment = User.user_template_environment( user ) return Template( in_string ).safe_substitute( environment )
[docs]class BaseJobMetric( object ): def __init__( self, plugin, metric_name, metric_value ): self.plugin = plugin self.metric_name = metric_name self.metric_value = metric_value
[docs]class JobMetricText( BaseJobMetric ): pass
[docs]class JobMetricNumeric( BaseJobMetric ): pass
[docs]class TaskMetricText( BaseJobMetric ): pass
[docs]class TaskMetricNumeric( BaseJobMetric ): pass
[docs]class Job( object, HasJobMetrics, Dictifiable ): dict_collection_visible_keys = [ 'id', 'state', 'exit_code', 'update_time', 'create_time' ] dict_element_visible_keys = [ 'id', 'state', 'exit_code', 'update_time', 'create_time' ] """ A job represents a request to run a tool given input datasets, tool parameters, and output datasets. """ _numeric_metric = JobMetricNumeric _text_metric = JobMetricText states = Bunch( NEW = 'new', RESUBMITTED = 'resubmitted', UPLOAD = 'upload', WAITING = 'waiting', QUEUED = 'queued', RUNNING = 'running', OK = 'ok', ERROR = 'error', PAUSED = 'paused', DELETED = 'deleted', DELETED_NEW = 'deleted_new' ) # Please include an accessor (get/set pair) for any new columns/members. def __init__( self ): self.session_id = None self.user_id = None self.tool_id = None self.tool_version = None self.command_line = None self.param_filename = None self.parameters = [] self.input_datasets = [] self.output_datasets = [] self.input_dataset_collections = [] self.output_dataset_collections = [] self.input_library_datasets = [] self.output_library_datasets = [] self.state = Job.states.NEW = None self.job_runner_name = None self.job_runner_external_id = None self.destination_id = None self.destination_params = None self.post_job_actions = [] self.imported = False self.handler = None self.exit_code = None self._init_metrics() self.state_history.append( JobStateHistory( self ) ) @property def finished( self ): states = self.states return self.state in [ states.OK, states.ERROR, states.DELETED, states.DELETED_NEW, ] # TODO: Add accessors for members defined in SQL Alchemy for the Job table and # for the mapper defined to the Job table.
[docs] def get_external_output_metadata( self ): """ The external_output_metadata is currently a reference from Job to JobExternalOutputMetadata. It exists for a job but not a task. """ return self.external_output_metadata
[docs] def get_session_id( self ): return self.session_id
[docs] def get_user_id( self ): return self.user_id
[docs] def get_tool_id( self ): return self.tool_id
[docs] def get_tool_version( self ): return self.tool_version
[docs] def get_command_line( self ): return self.command_line
[docs] def get_param_filename( self ): return self.param_filename
[docs] def get_parameters( self ): return self.parameters
[docs] def get_input_datasets( self ): return self.input_datasets
[docs] def get_output_datasets( self ): return self.output_datasets
[docs] def get_input_library_datasets( self ): return self.input_library_datasets
[docs] def get_output_library_datasets( self ): return self.output_library_datasets
[docs] def get_state( self ): return self.state
[docs] def get_info( self ): return
[docs] def get_job_runner_name( self ): # This differs from the Task class in that job_runner_name is # accessed instead of task_runner_name. Note that the field # runner_name is not the same thing. return self.job_runner_name
[docs] def get_job_runner_external_id( self ): # This is different from the Task just in the member accessed: return self.job_runner_external_id
[docs] def get_post_job_actions( self ): return self.post_job_actions
[docs] def get_imported( self ): return self.imported
[docs] def get_handler( self ): return self.handler
[docs] def get_params( self ): return self.params
[docs] def get_user( self ): # This is defined in the SQL Alchemy mapper as a relation to the User. return self.user
[docs] def get_id( self ): # This is defined in the SQL Alchemy's Job table (and not in the model). return
[docs] def get_tasks( self ): # The tasks member is pert of a reference in the SQL Alchemy schema: return self.tasks
[docs] def get_id_tag( self ): """ Return a tag that can be useful in identifying a Job. This returns the Job's get_id """ return "%s" %;
[docs] def set_session_id( self, session_id ): self.session_id = session_id
[docs] def set_user_id( self, user_id ): self.user_id = user_id
[docs] def set_tool_id( self, tool_id ): self.tool_id = tool_id
[docs] def set_tool_version( self, tool_version ): self.tool_version = tool_version
[docs] def set_command_line( self, command_line ): self.command_line = command_line
[docs] def set_param_filename( self, param_filename ): self.param_filename = param_filename
[docs] def set_parameters( self, parameters ): self.parameters = parameters
[docs] def set_input_datasets( self, input_datasets ): self.input_datasets = input_datasets
[docs] def set_output_datasets( self, output_datasets ): self.output_datasets = output_datasets
[docs] def set_input_library_datasets( self, input_library_datasets ): self.input_library_datasets = input_library_datasets
[docs] def set_output_library_datasets( self, output_library_datasets ): self.output_library_datasets = output_library_datasets
[docs] def set_info( self, info ): = info
[docs] def set_runner_name( self, job_runner_name ): self.job_runner_name = job_runner_name
[docs] def get_job( self ): # Added so job and task have same interface (.get_job() ) to get at # underlying job object. return self
[docs] def set_runner_external_id( self, job_runner_external_id ): self.job_runner_external_id = job_runner_external_id
[docs] def set_post_job_actions( self, post_job_actions ): self.post_job_actions = post_job_actions
[docs] def set_imported( self, imported ): self.imported = imported
[docs] def set_handler( self, handler ): self.handler = handler
[docs] def set_params( self, params ): self.params = params
[docs] def add_parameter( self, name, value ): self.parameters.append( JobParameter( name, value ) )
[docs] def add_input_dataset( self, name, dataset ): self.input_datasets.append( JobToInputDatasetAssociation( name, dataset ) )
[docs] def add_output_dataset( self, name, dataset ): self.output_datasets.append( JobToOutputDatasetAssociation( name, dataset ) )
[docs] def add_input_dataset_collection( self, name, dataset ): self.input_dataset_collections.append( JobToInputDatasetCollectionAssociation( name, dataset ) )
[docs] def add_output_dataset_collection( self, name, dataset ): self.output_dataset_collections.append( JobToOutputDatasetCollectionAssociation( name, dataset ) )
[docs] def add_input_library_dataset( self, name, dataset ): self.input_library_datasets.append( JobToInputLibraryDatasetAssociation( name, dataset ) )
[docs] def add_output_library_dataset( self, name, dataset ): self.output_library_datasets.append( JobToOutputLibraryDatasetAssociation( name, dataset ) )
[docs] def add_post_job_action(self, pja): self.post_job_actions.append( PostJobActionAssociation( pja, self ) )
[docs] def set_state( self, state ): """ Save state history """ self.state = state self.state_history.append( JobStateHistory( self ) )
[docs] def get_param_values( self, app, ignore_errors=False ): """ Read encoded parameter values from the database and turn back into a dict of tool parameter values. """ param_dict = self.raw_param_dict() tool = app.toolbox.get_tool( self.tool_id ) param_dict = tool.params_from_strings( param_dict, app, ignore_errors=ignore_errors ) return param_dict
[docs] def raw_param_dict( self ): param_dict = dict( [ (, p.value ) for p in self.parameters ] ) return param_dict
[docs] def check_if_output_datasets_deleted( self ): """ Return true if all of the output datasets associated with this job are in the deleted state """ for dataset_assoc in self.output_datasets: dataset = dataset_assoc.dataset # only the originator of the job can delete a dataset to cause # cancellation of the job, no need to loop through history_associations if not dataset.deleted: return False return True
[docs] def mark_deleted( self, track_jobs_in_database=False ): """ Mark this job as deleted, and mark any output datasets as discarded. """ if track_jobs_in_database: self.state = Job.states.DELETED_NEW else: self.state = Job.states.DELETED = "Job output deleted by user before job completed." for dataset_assoc in self.output_datasets: dataset = dataset_assoc.dataset dataset.deleted = True dataset.state = dataset.states.DISCARDED for dataset in dataset.dataset.history_associations: # propagate info across shared datasets dataset.deleted = True dataset.blurb = 'deleted' dataset.peek = 'Job deleted' = 'Job output deleted by user before job completed'
[docs] def to_dict( self, view='collection' ): rval = super( Job, self ).to_dict( view=view ) rval['tool_id'] = self.tool_id if view == 'element': param_dict = dict( [ (, p.value ) for p in self.parameters ] ) rval['params'] = param_dict input_dict = {} for i in self.input_datasets: if i.dataset is not None: input_dict[] = {"id" :, "src" : "hda"} for i in self.input_library_datasets: if i.dataset is not None: input_dict[] = {"id" :, "src" : "ldda"} for k in input_dict: if k in param_dict: del param_dict[k] rval['inputs'] = input_dict output_dict = {} for i in self.output_datasets: if i.dataset is not None: output_dict[] = {"id" :, "src" : "hda"} for i in self.output_library_datasets: if i.dataset is not None: output_dict[] = {"id" :, "src" : "ldda"} rval['outputs'] = output_dict return rval
[docs] def set_final_state( self, final_state ): self.set_state( final_state ) if self.workflow_invocation_step: self.workflow_invocation_step.update()
[docs]class Task( object, HasJobMetrics ): """ A task represents a single component of a job. """ _numeric_metric = TaskMetricNumeric _text_metric = TaskMetricText states = Bunch( NEW = 'new', WAITING = 'waiting', QUEUED = 'queued', RUNNING = 'running', OK = 'ok', ERROR = 'error', DELETED = 'deleted' ) # Please include an accessor (get/set pair) for any new columns/members. def __init__( self, job, working_directory, prepare_files_cmd ): self.command_line = None self.parameters = [] self.state = Task.states.NEW = None self.working_directory = working_directory self.task_runner_name = None self.task_runner_external_id = None self.job = job self.stdout = "" self.stderr = "" self.exit_code = None self.prepare_input_files_cmd = prepare_files_cmd self._init_metrics()
[docs] def get_param_values( self, app ): """ Read encoded parameter values from the database and turn back into a dict of tool parameter values. """ param_dict = dict( [ (, p.value ) for p in self.parent_job.parameters ] ) tool = app.toolbox.get_tool( self.tool_id ) param_dict = tool.params_from_strings( param_dict, app ) return param_dict
[docs] def get_id( self ): # This is defined in the SQL Alchemy schema: return
[docs] def get_id_tag( self ): """ Return an id tag suitable for identifying the task. This combines the task's job id and the task's own id. """ return "%s_%s" % ( self.job.get_id(), self.get_id() )
[docs] def get_command_line( self ): return self.command_line
[docs] def get_parameters( self ): return self.parameters
[docs] def get_state( self ): return self.state
[docs] def get_info( self ): return
[docs] def get_working_directory( self ): return self.working_directory
[docs] def get_task_runner_name( self ): return self.task_runner_name
[docs] def get_task_runner_external_id( self ): return self.task_runner_external_id
[docs] def get_job( self ): return self.job
[docs] def get_stdout( self ): return self.stdout
[docs] def get_stderr( self ): return self.stderr
[docs] def get_prepare_input_files_cmd( self ): return self.prepare_input_files_cmd # The following accessors are for members that are in the Job class but # not in the Task class. So they can either refer to the parent Job # or return None, depending on whether Tasks need to point to the parent # (e.g., for a session) or never use the member (e.g., external output # metdata). These can be filled in as needed.
[docs] def get_external_output_metadata( self ): """ The external_output_metadata is currently a backref to JobExternalOutputMetadata. It exists for a job but not a task, and when a task is cancelled its corresponding parent Job will be cancelled. So None is returned now, but that could be changed to self.get_job().get_external_output_metadata(). """ return None
[docs] def get_job_runner_name( self ): """ Since runners currently access Tasks the same way they access Jobs, this method just refers to *this* instance's runner. """ return self.task_runner_name
[docs] def get_job_runner_external_id( self ): """ Runners will use the same methods to get information about the Task class as they will about the Job class, so this method just returns the task's external id. """ # TODO: Merge into get_runner_external_id. return self.task_runner_external_id
[docs] def get_session_id( self ): # The Job's galaxy session is equal to the Job's session, so the # Job's session is the same as the Task's session. return self.get_job().get_session_id()
[docs] def set_id( self, id ): # This is defined in the SQL Alchemy's mapper and not here. # This should never be called. = id
[docs] def set_command_line( self, command_line ): self.command_line = command_line
[docs] def set_parameters( self, parameters ): self.parameters = parameters
[docs] def set_state( self, state ): self.state = state
[docs] def set_info( self, info ): = info
[docs] def set_working_directory( self, working_directory ): self.working_directory = working_directory
[docs] def set_task_runner_name( self, task_runner_name ): self.task_runner_name = task_runner_name
[docs] def set_job_runner_external_id( self, task_runner_external_id ): # This method is available for runners that do not want/need to # differentiate between the kinds of Runnable things (Jobs and Tasks) # that they're using. log.debug( "Task %d: Set external id to %s" % (, task_runner_external_id ) ) self.task_runner_external_id = task_runner_external_id
[docs] def set_task_runner_external_id( self, task_runner_external_id ): self.task_runner_external_id = task_runner_external_id
[docs] def set_job( self, job ): self.job = job
[docs] def set_stdout( self, stdout ): self.stdout = stdout
[docs] def set_stderr( self, stderr ): self.stderr = stderr
[docs] def set_prepare_input_files_cmd( self, prepare_input_files_cmd ): self.prepare_input_files_cmd = prepare_input_files_cmd
[docs]class JobParameter( object ): def __init__( self, name, value ): = name self.value = value
[docs]class JobToInputDatasetAssociation( object ): def __init__( self, name, dataset ): = name self.dataset = dataset
[docs]class JobToOutputDatasetAssociation( object ): def __init__( self, name, dataset ): = name self.dataset = dataset
[docs]class JobToInputDatasetCollectionAssociation( object ): def __init__( self, name, dataset ): = name self.dataset = dataset
[docs]class JobToOutputDatasetCollectionAssociation( object ): def __init__( self, name, dataset_collection ): = name self.dataset_collection = dataset_collection
[docs]class JobToInputLibraryDatasetAssociation( object ): def __init__( self, name, dataset ): = name self.dataset = dataset
[docs]class JobToOutputLibraryDatasetAssociation( object ): def __init__( self, name, dataset ): = name self.dataset = dataset
[docs]class JobStateHistory( object ): def __init__( self, job ): self.job = job self.state = job.state =
[docs]class ImplicitlyCreatedDatasetCollectionInput( object ): def __init__( self, name, input_dataset_collection ): = name self.input_dataset_collection = input_dataset_collection
[docs]class PostJobAction( object ): def __init__( self, action_type, workflow_step, output_name = None, action_arguments = None): self.action_type = action_type self.output_name = output_name self.action_arguments = action_arguments self.workflow_step = workflow_step
[docs]class PostJobActionAssociation( object ): def __init__(self, pja, job): self.job = job self.post_job_action = pja
[docs]class JobExternalOutputMetadata( object ): def __init__( self, job = None, dataset = None ): self.job = job if isinstance( dataset, galaxy.model.HistoryDatasetAssociation ): self.history_dataset_association = dataset elif isinstance( dataset, galaxy.model.LibraryDatasetDatasetAssociation ): self.library_dataset_dataset_association = dataset @property def dataset( self ): if self.history_dataset_association: return self.history_dataset_association elif self.library_dataset_dataset_association: return self.library_dataset_dataset_association return None
[docs]class JobExportHistoryArchive( object ): def __init__( self, job=None, history=None, dataset=None, compressed=False, \ history_attrs_filename=None, datasets_attrs_filename=None, jobs_attrs_filename=None ): self.job = job self.history = history self.dataset = dataset self.compressed = compressed self.history_attrs_filename = history_attrs_filename self.datasets_attrs_filename = datasets_attrs_filename self.jobs_attrs_filename = jobs_attrs_filename @property def up_to_date( self ): """ Return False, if a new export should be generated for corresponding history. """ job = self.job return job.state not in [ Job.states.ERROR, Job.states.DELETED ] \ and job.update_time > self.history.update_time @property def ready( self ): return self.job.state == Job.states.OK @property def preparing( self ): return self.job.state in [ Job.states.RUNNING, Job.states.QUEUED, Job.states.WAITING ] @property def export_name( self ): # Stream archive. hname = ready_name_for_url( ) hname = "Galaxy-History-%s.tar" % ( hname ) if self.compressed: hname += ".gz" return hname
[docs]class JobImportHistoryArchive( object ): def __init__( self, job=None, history=None, archive_dir=None ): self.job = job self.history = history self.archive_dir=archive_dir
[docs]class GenomeIndexToolData( object ): def __init__( self, job=None, params=None, dataset=None, deferred_job=None, \ transfer_job=None, fasta_path=None, created_time=None, modified_time=None, \ dbkey=None, user=None, indexer=None ): self.job = job self.dataset = dataset self.fasta_path = fasta_path self.user = user self.indexer = indexer self.created_time = created_time self.modified_time = modified_time self.deferred = deferred_job self.transfer = transfer_job
[docs]class DeferredJob( object ): states = Bunch( NEW = 'new', WAITING = 'waiting', QUEUED = 'queued', RUNNING = 'running', OK = 'ok', ERROR = 'error' ) def __init__( self, state=None, plugin=None, params=None ): self.state = state self.plugin = plugin self.params = params
[docs] def get_check_interval( self ): if not hasattr( self, '_check_interval' ): self._check_interval = None return self._check_interval
[docs] def set_check_interval( self, seconds ): self._check_interval = seconds
check_interval = property( get_check_interval, set_check_interval )
[docs] def get_last_check( self ): if not hasattr( self, '_last_check' ): self._last_check = 0 return self._last_check
[docs] def set_last_check( self, seconds ): try: self._last_check = int( seconds ) except: self._last_check = time.time()
last_check = property( get_last_check, set_last_check ) @property def is_check_time( self ): if self.check_interval is None: return True elif ( int( time.time() ) - self.last_check ) > self.check_interval: return True else: return False
[docs]class Group( object, Dictifiable ): dict_collection_visible_keys = ( 'id', 'name' ) dict_element_visible_keys = ( 'id', 'name' ) def __init__( self, name = None ): = name self.deleted = False
[docs]class UserGroupAssociation( object ): def __init__( self, user, group ): self.user = user = group
[docs]class History( object, Dictifiable, UsesAnnotations, HasName ): dict_collection_visible_keys = ( 'id', 'name', 'published', 'deleted' ) dict_element_visible_keys = ( 'id', 'name', 'genome_build', 'deleted', 'purged', 'update_time', 'published', 'importable', 'slug', 'empty' ) default_name = 'Unnamed history' def __init__( self, id=None, name=None, user=None ): = id = name or History.default_name self.deleted = False self.purged = False self.importing = False self.genome_build = None self.published = False # Relationships self.user = user self.datasets = [] self.galaxy_sessions = [] self.tags = [] @property def empty( self ): return self.hid_counter == 1 def _next_hid( self ): # this is overriden in db_next_hid() method if len( self.datasets ) == 0: return 1 else: last_hid = 0 for dataset in self.datasets: if dataset.hid > last_hid: last_hid = dataset.hid return last_hid + 1
[docs] def add_galaxy_session( self, galaxy_session, association=None ): if association is None: self.galaxy_sessions.append( GalaxySessionToHistoryAssociation( galaxy_session, self ) ) else: self.galaxy_sessions.append( association )
[docs] def add_dataset( self, dataset, parent_id=None, genome_build=None, set_hid=True, quota=True ): if isinstance( dataset, Dataset ): dataset = HistoryDatasetAssociation(dataset=dataset) object_session( self ).add( dataset ) object_session( self ).flush() elif not isinstance( dataset, HistoryDatasetAssociation ): raise TypeError, ( "You can only add Dataset and HistoryDatasetAssociation instances to a history" + " ( you tried to add %s )." % str( dataset ) ) if parent_id: for data in self.datasets: if == parent_id: dataset.hid = data.hid break else: if set_hid: dataset.hid = self._next_hid() else: if set_hid: dataset.hid = self._next_hid() if quota and self.user: self.user.total_disk_usage += dataset.quota_amount( self.user ) dataset.history = self if genome_build not in [None, '?']: self.genome_build = genome_build self.datasets.append( dataset ) return dataset
[docs] def add_dataset_collection( self, history_dataset_collection, set_hid=True ): if set_hid: history_dataset_collection.hid = self._next_hid() history_dataset_collection.history = self # TODO: quota? self.dataset_collections.append( history_dataset_collection ) return history_dataset_collection
[docs] def copy( self, name=None, target_user=None, activatable=False, all_datasets=False ): """ Return a copy of this history using the given `name` and `target_user`. If `activatable`, copy only non-deleted datasets. If `all_datasets`, copy non-deleted, deleted, and purged datasets. """ # Create new history. if not name: name = if not target_user: target_user = self.user quota = True if target_user == self.user: quota = False new_history = History( name=name, user=target_user ) db_session = object_session( self ) db_session.add( new_history ) db_session.flush() # Copy annotation. self.copy_item_annotation( db_session, self.user, self, target_user, new_history ) # Copy Tags new_history.copy_tags_from(target_user=target_user, source_history=self) # Copy HDAs. if activatable: hdas = self.activatable_datasets elif all_datasets: hdas = self.datasets else: hdas = self.active_datasets for hda in hdas: # Copy HDA. new_hda = hda.copy( copy_children=True ) new_history.add_dataset( new_hda, set_hid = False, quota=quota ) db_session.add( new_hda ) db_session.flush() # Copy annotation. self.copy_item_annotation( db_session, self.user, hda, target_user, new_hda ) # Copy history dataset collections if all_datasets: hdcas = self.dataset_collections else: hdcas = self.active_dataset_collections for hdca in hdcas: new_hdca = hdca.copy( ) new_history.add_dataset_collection( new_hdca, set_hid=False ) db_session.add( new_hdca ) db_session.flush() # Copy annotation. self.copy_item_annotation( db_session, self.user, hdca, target_user, new_hdca ) new_history.hid_counter = self.hid_counter db_session.add( new_history ) db_session.flush() return new_history
@property def activatable_datasets( self ): # This needs to be a list return [ hda for hda in self.datasets if not hda.dataset.deleted ]
[docs] def to_dict( self, view='collection', value_mapper = None ): # Get basic value. rval = super( History, self ).to_dict( view=view, value_mapper=value_mapper ) # Add tags. tags_str_list = [] for tag in self.tags: tag_str = tag.user_tname if tag.value is not None: tag_str += ":" + tag.user_value tags_str_list.append( tag_str ) rval[ 'tags' ] = tags_str_list if view == 'element': rval[ 'size' ] = int( self.get_disk_size() ) return rval
[docs] def set_from_dict( self, new_data ): #AKA: set_api_value """ Set object attributes to the values in dictionary new_data limiting to only those keys in dict_element_visible_keys. Returns a dictionary of the keys, values that have been changed. """ # precondition: keys are proper, values are parsed and validated changed = {} # unknown keys are ignored here for key in [ k for k in new_data.keys() if k in self.dict_element_visible_keys ]: new_val = new_data[ key ] old_val = self.__getattribute__( key ) if new_val == old_val: continue self.__setattr__( key, new_val ) changed[ key ] = new_val return changed
@property def latest_export( self ): exports = self.exports return exports and exports[ 0 ] @property def get_disk_size_bytes( self ): return self.get_disk_size( nice_size=False )
[docs] def unhide_datasets( self ): for dataset in self.datasets: dataset.mark_unhidden()
[docs] def resume_paused_jobs( self ): for dataset in self.datasets: job = dataset.creating_job if job is not None and job.state == Job.states.PAUSED: job.set_state(Job.states.NEW)
[docs] def get_disk_size( self, nice_size=False ): # unique datasets only db_session = object_session( self ) rval = db_session.query( func.sum( db_session.query( HistoryDatasetAssociation.dataset_id, Dataset.total_size ).join( Dataset ) .filter( HistoryDatasetAssociation.table.c.history_id == ) .filter( HistoryDatasetAssociation.purged != True ) .filter( Dataset.purged != True ) .distinct().subquery().c.total_size ) ).first()[0] if rval is None: rval = 0 if nice_size: rval = rval ) return rval
@property def active_datasets_children_and_roles( self ): if not hasattr(self, '_active_datasets_children_and_roles'): db_session = object_session( self ) query = db_session.query( HistoryDatasetAssociation ).filter( HistoryDatasetAssociation.table.c.history_id == ). \ filter( not_( HistoryDatasetAssociation.deleted ) ). \ order_by( HistoryDatasetAssociation.table.c.hid.asc() ). \ options( joinedload("children"), joinedload("dataset"), joinedload("dataset.actions"), joinedload("dataset.actions.role"), ) self._active_datasets_children_and_roles = query.all() return self._active_datasets_children_and_roles @property def active_contents( self ): """ Return all active contents ordered by hid. """ return self.contents_iter( types=[ "dataset", "dataset_collection" ], deleted=False, visible=True )
[docs] def contents_iter( self, **kwds ): """ Fetch filtered list of contents of history. """ default_contents_types = [ 'dataset', ] types = kwds.get('types', default_contents_types) iters = [] if 'dataset' in types: iters.append( self.__dataset_contents_iter( **kwds ) ) if 'dataset_collection' in types: iters.append( self.__collection_contents_iter( **kwds ) ) return galaxy.util.merge_sorted_iterables( operator.attrgetter( "hid" ), *iters )
def __dataset_contents_iter(self, **kwds): return self.__filter_contents( HistoryDatasetAssociation, **kwds ) def __filter_contents( self, content_class, **kwds ): db_session = object_session( self ) assert db_session != None query = db_session.query( content_class ).filter( content_class.table.c.history_id == ) query = query.order_by( content_class.table.c.hid.asc() ) python_filter = None deleted = galaxy.util.string_as_bool_or_none( kwds.get( 'deleted', None ) ) if deleted is not None: query = query.filter( content_class.deleted == deleted ) visible = galaxy.util.string_as_bool_or_none( kwds.get( 'visible', None ) ) if visible is not None: query = query.filter( content_class.visible == visible ) if 'ids' in kwds: ids = kwds['ids'] max_in_filter_length = kwds.get('max_in_filter_length', MAX_IN_FILTER_LENGTH) if len(ids) < max_in_filter_length: query = query.filter( ) else: python_filter = lambda content: in ids if python_filter: return ifilter(python_filter, query) else: return query def __collection_contents_iter( self, **kwds ): return self.__filter_contents( HistoryDatasetCollectionAssociation, **kwds )
[docs] def copy_tags_from(self,target_user,source_history): for src_shta in source_history.tags: new_shta = src_shta.copy() new_shta.user = target_user self.tags.append(new_shta)
[docs]class HistoryUserShareAssociation( object ): def __init__( self ): self.history = None self.user = None
[docs]class UserRoleAssociation( object ): def __init__( self, user, role ): self.user = user self.role = role
[docs]class GroupRoleAssociation( object ): def __init__( self, group, role ): = group self.role = role
[docs]class Role( object, Dictifiable ): dict_collection_visible_keys = ( 'id', 'name' ) dict_element_visible_keys = ( 'id', 'name', 'description', 'type' ) private_id = None types = Bunch( PRIVATE = 'private', SYSTEM = 'system', USER = 'user', ADMIN = 'admin', SHARING = 'sharing' ) def __init__( self, name="", description="", type="system", deleted=False ): = name self.description = description self.type = type self.deleted = deleted
[docs]class UserQuotaAssociation( object, Dictifiable ): dict_element_visible_keys = ( 'user', ) def __init__( self, user, quota ): self.user = user self.quota = quota
[docs]class GroupQuotaAssociation( object, Dictifiable ): dict_element_visible_keys = ( 'group', ) def __init__( self, group, quota ): = group self.quota = quota
[docs]class Quota( object, Dictifiable ): dict_collection_visible_keys = ( 'id', 'name' ) dict_element_visible_keys = ( 'id', 'name', 'description', 'bytes', 'operation', 'display_amount', 'default', 'users', 'groups' ) valid_operations = ( '+', '-', '=' ) def __init__( self, name="", description="", amount=0, operation="=" ): = name self.description = description if amount is None: self.bytes = -1 else: self.bytes = amount self.operation = operation
[docs] def get_amount( self ): if self.bytes == -1: return None return self.bytes
[docs] def set_amount( self, amount ): if amount is None: self.bytes = -1 else: self.bytes = amount
amount = property( get_amount, set_amount ) @property def display_amount( self ): if self.bytes == -1: return "unlimited" else: return nice_size( self.bytes )
[docs]class DefaultQuotaAssociation( Quota, Dictifiable ): dict_element_visible_keys = ( 'type', ) types = Bunch( UNREGISTERED = 'unregistered', REGISTERED = 'registered' ) def __init__( self, type, quota ): assert type in self.types.__dict__.values(), 'Invalid type' self.type = type self.quota = quota
[docs]class DatasetPermissions( object ): def __init__( self, action, dataset, role ): self.action = action self.dataset = dataset self.role = role
[docs]class LibraryPermissions( object ): def __init__( self, action, library_item, role ): self.action = action if isinstance( library_item, Library ): self.library = library_item else: raise "Invalid Library specified: %s" % library_item.__class__.__name__ self.role = role
[docs]class LibraryFolderPermissions( object ): def __init__( self, action, library_item, role ): self.action = action if isinstance( library_item, LibraryFolder ): self.folder = library_item else: raise "Invalid LibraryFolder specified: %s" % library_item.__class__.__name__ self.role = role
[docs]class LibraryDatasetPermissions( object ): def __init__( self, action, library_item, role ): self.action = action if isinstance( library_item, LibraryDataset ): self.library_dataset = library_item else: raise "Invalid LibraryDataset specified: %s" % library_item.__class__.__name__ self.role = role
[docs]class LibraryDatasetDatasetAssociationPermissions( object ): def __init__( self, action, library_item, role ): self.action = action if isinstance( library_item, LibraryDatasetDatasetAssociation ): self.library_dataset_dataset_association = library_item else: raise "Invalid LibraryDatasetDatasetAssociation specified: %s" % library_item.__class__.__name__ self.role = role
[docs]class DefaultUserPermissions( object ): def __init__( self, user, action, role ): self.user = user self.action = action self.role = role
[docs]class DefaultHistoryPermissions( object ): def __init__( self, history, action, role ): self.history = history self.action = action self.role = role
[docs]class Dataset( object ): states = Bunch( NEW = 'new', UPLOAD = 'upload', QUEUED = 'queued', RUNNING = 'running', OK = 'ok', EMPTY = 'empty', ERROR = 'error', DISCARDED = 'discarded', PAUSED = 'paused', SETTING_METADATA = 'setting_metadata', FAILED_METADATA = 'failed_metadata', RESUBMITTED = 'resubmitted' ) # failed_metadata and resubmitted are only valid as DatasetInstance states currently conversion_messages = Bunch( PENDING = "pending", NO_DATA = "no data", NO_CHROMOSOME = "no chromosome", NO_CONVERTER = "no converter", NO_TOOL = "no tool", DATA = "data", ERROR = "error", OK = "ok" ) permitted_actions = get_permitted_actions( filter='DATASET' ) file_path = "/tmp/" object_store = None # This get initialized in (method init) by engine = None def __init__( self, id=None, state=None, external_filename=None, extra_files_path=None, file_size=None, purgable=True, uuid=None ): = id self.state = state self.deleted = False self.purged = False self.purgable = purgable self.external_filename = external_filename self.external_extra_files_path = None self._extra_files_path = extra_files_path self.file_size = file_size if uuid is None: self.uuid = uuid4() else: self.uuid = UUID(str(uuid))
[docs] def get_file_name( self ): if not self.external_filename: assert is not None, "ID must be set before filename used (commit the object)" assert self.object_store is not None, "Object Store has not been initialized for dataset %s" % filename = self.object_store.get_filename( self ) return filename else: filename = self.external_filename # Make filename absolute return os.path.abspath( filename )
[docs] def set_file_name ( self, filename ): if not filename: self.external_filename = None else: self.external_filename = filename
file_name = property( get_file_name, set_file_name )
[docs] def get_extra_files_path( self ): # Unlike get_file_name - external_extra_files_path is not backed by an # actual database column so if SA instantiates this object - the # attribute won't exist yet. if not getattr( self, "external_extra_files_path", None ): return self.object_store.get_filename( self, dir_only=True, extra_dir=self._extra_files_path or "dataset_%d_files" % ) else: return os.path.abspath( self.external_extra_files_path )
[docs] def set_extra_files_path( self, extra_files_path ): if not extra_files_path: self.external_extra_files_path = None else: self.external_extra_files_path = extra_files_path
extra_files_path = property( get_extra_files_path, set_extra_files_path) def _calculate_size( self ): if self.external_filename: try: return os.path.getsize(self.external_filename) except OSError: return 0 else: return self.object_store.size(self)
[docs] def get_size( self, nice_size=False ): """Returns the size of the data on disk""" if self.file_size: if nice_size: return self.file_size ) else: return self.file_size else: if nice_size: return self._calculate_size() ) else: return self._calculate_size()
[docs] def set_size( self ): """Returns the size of the data on disk""" if not self.file_size: self.file_size = self._calculate_size()
[docs] def get_total_size( self ): if self.total_size is not None: return self.total_size if self.file_size: # for backwards compatibility, set if unset self.set_total_size() db_session = object_session( self ) db_session.flush() return self.total_size return 0
[docs] def set_total_size( self ): if self.file_size is None: self.set_size() self.total_size = self.file_size or 0 if self.object_store.exists(self, extra_dir=self._extra_files_path or "dataset_%d_files" %, dir_only=True): for root, dirs, files in os.walk( self.extra_files_path ): self.total_size += sum( [ os.path.getsize( os.path.join( root, file ) ) for file in files if os.path.exists( os.path.join( root, file ) ) ] )
[docs] def has_data( self ): """Detects whether there is any data""" return self.get_size() > 0
[docs] def mark_deleted( self, include_children=True ): self.deleted = True
[docs] def is_multi_byte( self ): if not self.has_data(): return False try: return is_multi_byte( self.file_name, 'r', 'utf-8' ).read( 100 ) ) except UnicodeDecodeError: return False # FIXME: sqlalchemy will replace this
def _delete(self): """Remove the file that corresponds to this data""" self.object_store.delete(self) @property def user_can_purge( self ): return self.purged == False \ and not bool( self.library_associations ) \ and len( self.history_associations ) == len( self.purged_history_associations )
[docs] def full_delete( self ): """Remove the file and extra files, marks deleted and purged""" # os.unlink( self.file_name ) self.object_store.delete(self) if self.object_store.exists(self, extra_dir=self._extra_files_path or "dataset_%d_files" %, dir_only=True): self.object_store.delete(self, entire_dir=True, extra_dir=self._extra_files_path or "dataset_%d_files" %, dir_only=True) # if os.path.exists( self.extra_files_path ): # shutil.rmtree( self.extra_files_path ) # TODO: purge metadata files self.deleted = True self.purged = True
[docs] def get_access_roles( self, trans ): roles = [] for dp in self.actions: if dp.action == roles.append( dp.role ) return roles
[docs] def get_manage_permissions_roles( self, trans ): roles = [] for dp in self.actions: if dp.action == roles.append( dp.role ) return roles
[docs] def has_manage_permissions_roles( self, trans ): for dp in self.actions: if dp.action == return True return False
[docs]class DatasetInstance( object ): """A base class for all 'dataset instances', HDAs, LDAs, etc""" states = Dataset.states conversion_messages = Dataset.conversion_messages permitted_actions = Dataset.permitted_actions def __init__( self, id=None, hid=None, name=None, info=None, blurb=None, peek=None, tool_version=None, extension=None, dbkey=None, metadata=None, history=None, dataset=None, deleted=False, designation=None, parent_id=None, validation_errors=None, visible=True, create_dataset=False, sa_session=None, extended_metadata=None ): = name or "Unnamed dataset" = id = info self.blurb = blurb self.peek = peek self.tool_version = tool_version self.extension = extension self.designation = designation self.metadata = metadata or dict() self.extended_metadata = extended_metadata if dbkey: #dbkey is stored in metadata, only set if non-zero, or else we could clobber one supplied by input 'metadata' self.dbkey = dbkey self.deleted = deleted self.visible = visible # Relationships if not dataset and create_dataset: # Had to pass the sqlalchemy session in order to create a new dataset dataset = Dataset( state=Dataset.states.NEW ) sa_session.add( dataset ) sa_session.flush() self.dataset = dataset self.parent_id = parent_id self.validation_errors = validation_errors @property def ext( self ): return self.extension
[docs] def get_dataset_state( self ): #self._state is currently only used when setting metadata externally #leave setting the state as-is, we'll currently handle this specially in the external metadata code if self._state: return self._state return self.dataset.state
[docs] def set_dataset_state ( self, state ): self.dataset.state = state object_session( self ).add( self.dataset ) object_session( self ).flush() #flush here, because hda.flush() won't flush the Dataset object
state = property( get_dataset_state, set_dataset_state )
[docs] def get_file_name( self ): return self.dataset.get_file_name()
[docs] def set_file_name (self, filename): return self.dataset.set_file_name( filename )
file_name = property( get_file_name, set_file_name ) @property def extra_files_path( self ): return self.dataset.extra_files_path @property def datatype( self ): return datatypes_registry.get_datatype_by_extension( self.extension )
[docs] def get_metadata( self ): if not hasattr( self, '_metadata_collection' ) or self._metadata_collection.parent != self: #using weakref to store parent (to prevent circ ref), does a Session.clear() cause parent to be invalidated, while still copying over this non-database attribute? self._metadata_collection = MetadataCollection( self ) return self._metadata_collection
[docs] def set_metadata( self, bunch ): # Needs to accept a MetadataCollection, a bunch, or a dict self._metadata = self.metadata.make_dict_copy( bunch )
metadata = property( get_metadata, set_metadata ) # This provide backwards compatibility with using the old dbkey # field in the database. That field now maps to "old_dbkey" (see
[docs] def get_dbkey( self ): dbkey = self.metadata.dbkey if not isinstance(dbkey, list): dbkey = [dbkey] if dbkey in [[None], []]: return "?" return dbkey[0]
[docs] def set_dbkey( self, value ): if "dbkey" in self.datatype.metadata_spec: if not isinstance(value, list): self.metadata.dbkey = [value] else: self.metadata.dbkey = value
dbkey = property( get_dbkey, set_dbkey )
[docs] def change_datatype( self, new_ext ): self.clear_associated_files() datatypes_registry.change_datatype( self, new_ext )
[docs] def get_size( self, nice_size=False ): """Returns the size of the data on disk""" if nice_size: return self.dataset.get_size() ) return self.dataset.get_size()
[docs] def set_size( self ): """Returns the size of the data on disk""" return self.dataset.set_size()
[docs] def get_total_size( self ): return self.dataset.get_total_size()
[docs] def set_total_size( self ): return self.dataset.set_total_size()
[docs] def has_data( self ): """Detects whether there is any data""" return self.dataset.has_data()
[docs] def get_raw_data( self ): """Returns the full data. To stream it open the file_name and read/write as needed""" return self.datatype.get_raw_data( self )
[docs] def write_from_stream( self, stream ): """Writes data from a stream""" self.datatype.write_from_stream(self, stream)
[docs] def set_raw_data( self, data ): """Saves the data on the disc""" self.datatype.set_raw_data(self, data)
[docs] def get_mime( self ): """Returns the mime type of the data""" try: return datatypes_registry.get_mimetype_by_extension( self.extension.lower() ) except AttributeError: # extension is None return 'data'
[docs] def is_multi_byte( self ): """Data consists of multi-byte characters""" return self.dataset.is_multi_byte()
[docs] def set_peek( self, is_multi_byte=False ): return self.datatype.set_peek( self, is_multi_byte=is_multi_byte )
[docs] def init_meta( self, copy_from=None ): return self.datatype.init_meta( self, copy_from=copy_from )
[docs] def set_meta( self, **kwd ): self.clear_associated_files( metadata_safe = True ) return self.datatype.set_meta( self, **kwd )
[docs] def missing_meta( self, **kwd ): return self.datatype.missing_meta( self, **kwd )
[docs] def as_display_type( self, type, **kwd ): return self.datatype.as_display_type( self, type, **kwd )
[docs] def display_peek( self ): return self.datatype.display_peek( self )
[docs] def display_name( self ): return self.datatype.display_name( self )
[docs] def display_info( self ): return self.datatype.display_info( self )
[docs] def get_converted_files_by_type( self, file_type ): for assoc in self.implicitly_converted_datasets: if not assoc.deleted and assoc.type == file_type: if assoc.dataset: return assoc.dataset return assoc.dataset_ldda return None
[docs] def get_converted_dataset_deps(self, trans, target_ext): """ Returns dict of { "dependency" => HDA } """ # List of string of dependencies try: depends_list =[self.extension][target_ext] except KeyError: depends_list = [] return dict([ (dep, self.get_converted_dataset(trans, dep)) for dep in depends_list ])
[docs] def get_converted_dataset(self, trans, target_ext): """ Return converted dataset(s) if they exist, along with a dict of dependencies. If not converted yet, do so and return None (the first time). If unconvertible, raise exception. """ # See if we can convert the dataset if target_ext not in self.get_converter_types(): raise NoConverterException("Conversion from '%s' to '%s' not possible" % (self.extension, target_ext) ) deps = {} # List of string of dependencies try: depends_list =[self.extension][target_ext] except KeyError: depends_list = [] # See if converted dataset already exists, either in metadata in conversions. converted_dataset = self.get_metadata_dataset( target_ext ) if converted_dataset: return converted_dataset converted_dataset = self.get_converted_files_by_type( target_ext ) if converted_dataset: return converted_dataset # Conversion is possible but hasn't been done yet, run converter. # Check if we have dependencies try: for dependency in depends_list: dep_dataset = self.get_converted_dataset(trans, dependency) if dep_dataset is None: # None means converter is running first time return None elif dep_dataset.state == Job.states.ERROR: raise ConverterDependencyException("A dependency (%s) was in an error state." % dependency) elif dep_dataset.state != Job.states.OK: # Pending return None deps[dependency] = dep_dataset except NoConverterException: raise NoConverterException("A dependency (%s) is missing a converter." % dependency) except KeyError: pass # No deps new_dataset = self.datatype.convert_dataset( trans, self, target_ext, return_output=True, visible=False, deps=deps, set_output_history=True ).values()[0] assoc = ImplicitlyConvertedDatasetAssociation( parent=self, file_type=target_ext, dataset=new_dataset, metadata_safe=False ) session = trans.sa_session session.add( new_dataset ) session.add( assoc ) session.flush() return None
[docs] def get_metadata_dataset( self, dataset_ext ): """ Returns an HDA that points to a metadata file which contains a converted data with the requested extension. """ for name, value in self.metadata.items(): # HACK: MetadataFile objects do not have a type/ext, so need to use metadata name # to determine type. if dataset_ext == 'bai' and name == 'bam_index' and isinstance( value, MetadataFile ): # HACK: MetadataFile objects cannot be used by tools, so return # a fake HDA that points to metadata file. fake_dataset = Dataset( state=Dataset.states.OK, external_filename=value.file_name ) fake_hda = HistoryDatasetAssociation( dataset=fake_dataset ) return fake_hda
[docs] def clear_associated_files( self, metadata_safe = False, purge = False ): raise 'Unimplemented'
[docs] def get_child_by_designation(self, designation): for child in self.children: if child.designation == designation: return child return None
[docs] def get_converter_types(self): return self.datatype.get_converter_types( self, datatypes_registry )
[docs] def can_convert_to(self, format): return format in self.get_converter_types()
[docs] def find_conversion_destination( self, accepted_formats, **kwd ): """Returns ( target_ext, existing converted dataset )""" return self.datatype.find_conversion_destination( self, accepted_formats, datatypes_registry, **kwd )
[docs] def add_validation_error( self, validation_error ): self.validation_errors.append( validation_error )
[docs] def extend_validation_errors( self, validation_errors ): self.validation_errors.extend(validation_errors)
[docs] def mark_deleted( self, include_children=True ): self.deleted = True if include_children: for child in self.children: child.mark_deleted()
[docs] def mark_undeleted( self, include_children=True ): self.deleted = False if include_children: for child in self.children: child.mark_undeleted()
[docs] def mark_unhidden( self, include_children=True ): self.visible = True if include_children: for child in self.children: child.mark_unhidden()
[docs] def undeletable( self ): if self.purged: return False return True
@property def is_pending( self ): """ Return true if the dataset is neither ready nor in error """ return self.state in ( self.states.NEW, self.states.UPLOAD, self.states.QUEUED, self.states.RUNNING, self.states.SETTING_METADATA ) @property def source_library_dataset( self ): def get_source( dataset ): if isinstance( dataset, LibraryDatasetDatasetAssociation ): if dataset.library_dataset: return ( dataset, dataset.library_dataset ) if dataset.copied_from_library_dataset_dataset_association: source = get_source( dataset.copied_from_library_dataset_dataset_association ) if source: return source if dataset.copied_from_history_dataset_association: source = get_source( dataset.copied_from_history_dataset_association ) if source: return source return ( None, None ) return get_source( self ) @property def source_dataset_chain( self ): def _source_dataset_chain( dataset, lst ): try: cp_from_ldda = dataset.copied_from_library_dataset_dataset_association if cp_from_ldda: lst.append( (cp_from_ldda, "(Data Library)") ) return _source_dataset_chain( cp_from_ldda, lst ) except Exception, e: log.warning( e ) try: cp_from_hda = dataset.copied_from_history_dataset_association if cp_from_hda: lst.append( (cp_from_hda, ) return _source_dataset_chain( cp_from_hda, lst ) except Exception, e: log.warning( e ) return lst return _source_dataset_chain( self, [] ) @property def creating_job( self ): creating_job_associations = None if self.creating_job_associations: creating_job_associations = self.creating_job_associations else: inherit_chain = self.source_dataset_chain if inherit_chain: creating_job_associations = inherit_chain[-1][0].creating_job_associations if creating_job_associations: return creating_job_associations[0].job return None
[docs] def get_display_applications( self, trans ): return self.datatype.get_display_applications_by_dataset( self, trans )
[docs] def get_visualizations( self ): return self.datatype.get_visualizations( self )
[docs] def get_datasources( self, trans ): """ Returns datasources for dataset; if datasources are not available due to indexing, indexing is started. Return value is a dictionary with entries of type (<datasource_type> : {<datasource_name>, <indexing_message>}). """ data_sources_dict = {} msg = None for source_type, source_list in self.datatype.data_sources.iteritems(): data_source = None if source_type == "data_standalone": # Nothing to do. msg = None data_source = source_list else: # Convert. if isinstance( source_list, str ): source_list = [ source_list ] # Loop through sources until viable one is found. for source in source_list: msg = self.convert_dataset( trans, source ) # No message or PENDING means that source is viable. No # message indicates conversion was done and is successful. if not msg or msg == self.conversion_messages.PENDING: data_source = source break # Store msg. data_sources_dict[ source_type ] = { "name": data_source, "message": msg } return data_sources_dict
[docs] def convert_dataset( self, trans, target_type ): """ Converts a dataset to the target_type and returns a message indicating status of the conversion. None is returned to indicate that dataset was converted successfully. """ # Get converted dataset; this will start the conversion if necessary. try: converted_dataset = self.get_converted_dataset( trans, target_type ) except NoConverterException: return self.conversion_messages.NO_CONVERTER except ConverterDependencyException, dep_error: return { 'kind': self.conversion_messages.ERROR, 'message': dep_error.value } # Check dataset state and return any messages. msg = None if converted_dataset and converted_dataset.state == Dataset.states.ERROR: job_id = trans.sa_session.query( JobToOutputDatasetAssociation ) \ .filter_by( ).first().job_id job = trans.sa_session.query( Job ).get( job_id ) msg = { 'kind': self.conversion_messages.ERROR, 'message': job.stderr } elif not converted_dataset or converted_dataset.state != Dataset.states.OK: msg = self.conversion_messages.PENDING return msg
[docs]class HistoryDatasetAssociation( DatasetInstance, Dictifiable, UsesAnnotations, HasName ): """ Resource class that creates a relation between a dataset and a user history. """ def __init__( self, hid = None, history = None, copied_from_history_dataset_association = None, copied_from_library_dataset_dataset_association = None, sa_session = None, **kwd ): """ Create a a new HDA and associate it with the given history. """ # FIXME: sa_session is must be passed to DataSetInstance if the create_dataset # parameter is True so that the new object can be flushed. Is there a better way? DatasetInstance.__init__( self, sa_session=sa_session, **kwd ) self.hid = hid # Relationships self.history = history self.copied_from_history_dataset_association = copied_from_history_dataset_association self.copied_from_library_dataset_dataset_association = copied_from_library_dataset_dataset_association
[docs] def copy( self, copy_children = False, parent_id = None ): """ Create a copy of this HDA. """ hda = HistoryDatasetAssociation( hid=self.hid,,, blurb=self.blurb, peek=self.peek, tool_version=self.tool_version, extension=self.extension, dbkey=self.dbkey, dataset = self.dataset, visible=self.visible, deleted=self.deleted, parent_id=parent_id, copied_from_history_dataset_association=self ) # update init non-keywords as well hda.purged = self.purged object_session( self ).add( hda ) object_session( self ).flush() hda.set_size() # Need to set after flushed, as MetadataFiles require hda.metadata = self.metadata if copy_children: for child in self.children: child.copy( copy_children = copy_children, parent_id = ) if not self.datatype.copy_safe_peek: # In some instances peek relies on dataset_id, i.e. for viewing MAFs hda.set_peek() object_session( self ).flush() return hda
[docs] def to_library_dataset_dataset_association( self, trans, target_folder, replace_dataset=None, parent_id=None, user=None, roles=None, ldda_message='' ): """ Copy this HDA to a library optionally replacing an existing LDDA. """ if replace_dataset: # The replace_dataset param ( when not None ) refers to a LibraryDataset that # is being replaced with a new version. library_dataset = replace_dataset else: # If replace_dataset is None, the Library level permissions will be taken from the folder and # applied to the new LibraryDataset, and the current user's DefaultUserPermissions will be applied # to the associated Dataset. library_dataset = LibraryDataset( folder=target_folder,, ) object_session( self ).add( library_dataset ) object_session( self ).flush() if not user: # This should never happen since users must be authenticated to upload to a data library user = self.history.user ldda = LibraryDatasetDatasetAssociation(,, blurb=self.blurb, peek=self.peek, tool_version=self.tool_version, extension=self.extension, dbkey=self.dbkey, dataset=self.dataset, library_dataset=library_dataset, visible=self.visible, deleted=self.deleted, parent_id=parent_id, copied_from_history_dataset_association=self, user=user ) object_session( self ).add( ldda ) object_session( self ).flush() # If roles were selected on the upload form, restrict access to the Dataset to those roles roles = roles or [] for role in roles: dp = trans.model.DatasetPermissions(, ldda.dataset, role ) trans.sa_session.add( dp ) trans.sa_session.flush() # Must set metadata after ldda flushed, as MetadataFiles require ldda.metadata = self.metadata if ldda_message: ldda.message = ldda_message if not replace_dataset: target_folder.add_library_dataset( library_dataset, genome_build=ldda.dbkey ) object_session( self ).add( target_folder ) object_session( self ).flush() library_dataset.library_dataset_dataset_association_id = object_session( self ).add( library_dataset ) object_session( self ).flush() for child in self.children: child.to_library_dataset_dataset_association( trans, target_folder=target_folder, replace_dataset=replace_dataset,, user=ldda.user ) if not self.datatype.copy_safe_peek: # In some instances peek relies on dataset_id, i.e. for viewing MAFs ldda.set_peek() object_session( self ).flush() return ldda
[docs] def clear_associated_files( self, metadata_safe = False, purge = False ): """ """ # metadata_safe = True means to only clear when assoc.metadata_safe == False for assoc in self.implicitly_converted_datasets: if not assoc.deleted and ( not metadata_safe or not assoc.metadata_safe ): assoc.clear( purge = purge ) for assoc in self.implicitly_converted_parent_datasets: assoc.clear( purge = purge, delete_dataset = False )
[docs] def get_access_roles( self, trans ): """ Return The access roles associated with this HDA's dataset. """ return self.dataset.get_access_roles( trans )
[docs] def quota_amount( self, user ): """ Return the disk space used for this HDA relevant to user quotas. If the user has multiple instances of this dataset, it will not affect their disk usage statistic. """ rval = 0 # Anon users are handled just by their single history size. if not user: return rval # Gets an HDA and its children's disk usage, if the user does not already # have an association of the same dataset if not self.dataset.library_associations and not self.purged and not self.dataset.purged: for hda in self.dataset.history_associations: if == continue if not hda.purged and hda.history and hda.history.user and hda.history.user == user: break else: rval += self.get_total_size() for child in self.children: rval += child.get_disk_usage( user ) return rval
[docs] def to_dict( self, view='collection', expose_dataset_path=False ): """ Return attributes of this HDA that are exposed using the API. """ # Since this class is a proxy to rather complex attributes we want to # display in other objects, we can't use the simpler method used by # other model classes. hda = self rval = dict( id =, hda_ldda = 'hda', uuid = ( lambda uuid: str( uuid ) if uuid else None )( hda.dataset.uuid ), hid = hda.hid, file_ext = hda.ext, peek = ( lambda hda: hda.display_peek() if hda.peek and hda.peek != 'no peek' else None )( hda ), model_class = self.__class__.__name__, name =, deleted = hda.deleted, purged = hda.purged, visible = hda.visible, state = hda.state, history_content_type=hda.history_content_type, file_size = int( hda.get_size() ), create_time = hda.create_time.isoformat(), update_time = hda.update_time.isoformat(), data_type = hda.datatype.__class__.__module__ + '.' + hda.datatype.__class__.__name__, genome_build = hda.dbkey, misc_info = if isinstance(, basestring ) else, misc_blurb = hda.blurb ) # add tags string list tags_str_list = [] for tag in self.tags: tag_str = tag.user_tname if tag.value is not None: tag_str += ":" + tag.user_value tags_str_list.append( tag_str ) rval[ 'tags' ] = tags_str_list #if getattr( hda, 'hidden_beneath_collection_instance', False ): # collection_id = # rval['collection_id'] = collection_id if hda.copied_from_library_dataset_dataset_association is not None: rval['copied_from_ldda_id'] = if hda.history is not None: rval['history_id'] = if hda.extended_metadata is not None: rval['extended_metadata'] = rval[ 'peek' ] = to_unicode( hda.display_peek() ) for name, spec in hda.metadata.spec.items(): val = hda.metadata.get( name ) if isinstance( val, MetadataFile ): # only when explicitly set: fetching filepaths can be expensive if not expose_dataset_path: continue val = val.file_name # If no value for metadata, look in datatype for metadata. elif val == None and hasattr( hda.datatype, name ): val = getattr( hda.datatype, name ) rval['metadata_' + name] = val return rval
[docs] def set_from_dict( self, new_data ): #AKA: set_api_value """ Set object attributes to the values in dictionary new_data limiting to only the following keys: name, deleted, visible, genome_build, info, and blurb. Returns a dictionary of the keys, values that have been changed. """ # precondition: keys are proper, values are parsed and validated #NOTE!: does not handle metadata editable_keys = ( 'name', 'deleted', 'visible', 'dbkey', 'info', 'blurb' ) changed = {} # unknown keys are ignored here for key in [ k for k in new_data.keys() if k in editable_keys ]: new_val = new_data[ key ] old_val = self.__getattribute__( key ) if new_val == old_val: continue # special cases here if key == 'deleted' and new_val is False and self.purged: raise Exception( 'Cannot undelete a purged dataset' ) self.__setattr__( key, new_val ) changed[ key ] = new_val return changed
@property def history_content_type( self ): return "dataset"
[docs]class HistoryDatasetAssociationDisplayAtAuthorization( object ): def __init__( self, hda=None, user=None, site=None ): self.history_dataset_association = hda self.user = user = site
[docs]class HistoryDatasetAssociationSubset( object ): def __init__(self, hda, subset, location): self.hda = hda self.subset = subset self.location = location
[docs]class Library( object, Dictifiable, HasName ): permitted_actions = get_permitted_actions( filter='LIBRARY' ) dict_collection_visible_keys = ( 'id', 'name' ) dict_element_visible_keys = ( 'id', 'deleted', 'name', 'description', 'synopsis', 'root_folder_id' ) def __init__( self, name=None, description=None, synopsis=None, root_folder=None ): = name or "Unnamed library" self.description = description self.synopsis = synopsis self.root_folder = root_folder
[docs] def to_dict( self, view='collection', value_mapper=None ): """ We prepend an F to folders. """ rval = super( Library, self ).to_dict( view=view, value_mapper=value_mapper ) if 'root_folder_id' in rval: rval[ 'root_folder_id' ] = 'F' + rval[ 'root_folder_id' ] return rval
[docs] def get_active_folders( self, folder, folders=None ): # TODO: should we make sure the library is not deleted? def sort_by_attr( seq, attr ): """ Sort the sequence of objects by object's attribute Arguments: seq - the list or any sequence (including immutable one) of objects to sort. attr - the name of attribute to sort by """ # Use the "Schwartzian transform" # Create the auxiliary list of tuples where every i-th tuple has form # (seq[i].attr, i, seq[i]) and sort it. The second item of tuple is needed not # only to provide stable sorting, but mainly to eliminate comparison of objects # (which can be expensive or prohibited) in case of equal attribute values. intermed = map( None, map( getattr, seq, ( attr, ) * len( seq ) ), xrange( len( seq ) ), seq ) intermed.sort() return map( operator.getitem, intermed, ( -1, ) * len( intermed ) ) if folders is None: active_folders = [ folder ] for active_folder in folder.active_folders: active_folders.extend( self.get_active_folders( active_folder, folders ) ) return sort_by_attr( active_folders, 'id' )
[docs] def get_info_association( self, restrict=False, inherited=False ): if self.info_association: if not inherited or self.info_association[0].inheritable: return self.info_association[0], inherited else: return None, inherited return None, inherited
[docs] def get_template_widgets( self, trans, get_contents=True ): # See if we have any associated templates - the returned value for # inherited is not applicable at the library level. The get_contents # param is passed by callers that are inheriting a template - these # are usually new library datsets for which we want to include template # fields on the upload form, but not necessarily the contents of the # inherited template saved for the parent. info_association, inherited = self.get_info_association() if info_association: template = info_association.template if get_contents: # See if we have any field contents info = if info: return template.get_widgets( trans.user, contents=info.content ) return template.get_widgets( trans.user ) return []
[docs] def get_access_roles( self, trans ): roles = [] for lp in self.actions: if lp.action == roles.append( lp.role ) return roles
[docs]class LibraryFolder( object, Dictifiable, HasName ): dict_element_visible_keys = ( 'id', 'parent_id', 'name', 'description', 'item_count', 'genome_build', 'update_time', 'deleted' ) def __init__( self, name=None, description=None, item_count=0, order_id=None ): = name or "Unnamed folder" self.description = description self.item_count = item_count self.order_id = order_id self.genome_build = None
[docs] def add_library_dataset( self, library_dataset, genome_build=None ): library_dataset.folder_id = library_dataset.order_id = self.item_count self.item_count += 1 if genome_build not in [None, '?']: self.genome_build = genome_build
[docs] def add_folder( self, folder ): folder.parent_id = folder.order_id = self.item_count self.item_count += 1
[docs] def get_info_association( self, restrict=False, inherited=False ): # If restrict is True, we will return this folder's info_association, not inheriting. # If restrict is False, we'll return the next available info_association in the # inheritable hierarchy if it is "inheritable". True is also returned if the # info_association was inherited and False if not. This enables us to eliminate # displaying any contents of the inherited template. if self.info_association: if not inherited or self.info_association[0].inheritable: return self.info_association[0], inherited else: return None, inherited if restrict: return None, inherited if self.parent: return self.parent.get_info_association( inherited=True ) if self.library_root: return self.library_root[0].get_info_association( inherited=True ) return None, inherited
[docs] def get_template_widgets( self, trans, get_contents=True ): # See if we have any associated templates. The get_contents # param is passed by callers that are inheriting a template - these # are usually new library datsets for which we want to include template # fields on the upload form. info_association, inherited = self.get_info_association() if info_association: if inherited: template = info_association.template.current.latest_form else: template = info_association.template # See if we have any field contents, but only if the info_association was # not inherited ( we do not want to display the inherited contents ). # (gvk: 8/30/10) Based on conversations with Dan, we agreed to ALWAYS inherit # contents. We'll use this behavior until we hear from the community that # contents should not be inherited. If we don't hear anything for a while, # eliminate the old commented out behavior. #if not inherited and get_contents: if get_contents: info = if info: return template.get_widgets( trans.user, info.content ) else: return template.get_widgets( trans.user ) return []
@property def activatable_library_datasets( self ): # This needs to be a list return [ ld for ld in self.datasets if ld.library_dataset_dataset_association and not ld.library_dataset_dataset_association.dataset.deleted ]
[docs] def to_dict( self, view='collection', value_mapper=None ): rval = super( LibraryFolder, self ).to_dict( view=view, value_mapper=value_mapper ) info_association, inherited = self.get_info_association() if info_association: if inherited: template = info_association.template.current.latest_form else: template = info_association.template rval['data_template'] = rval['library_path'] = self.library_path rval['parent_library_id'] = return rval
@property def library_path(self): l_path = [] f = self while f.parent: l_path.insert(0, f = f.parent return l_path @property def parent_library( self ): f = self while f.parent: f = f.parent return f.library_root[0]
[docs]class LibraryDataset( object ): # This class acts as a proxy to the currently selected LDDA upload_options = [ ( 'upload_file', 'Upload files' ), ( 'upload_directory', 'Upload directory of files' ), ( 'upload_paths', 'Upload files from filesystem paths' ), ( 'import_from_history', 'Import datasets from your current history' ) ] def __init__( self, folder=None, order_id=None, name=None, info=None, library_dataset_dataset_association=None, **kwd ): self.folder = folder self.order_id = order_id = name = info self.library_dataset_dataset_association = library_dataset_dataset_association
[docs] def set_library_dataset_dataset_association( self, ldda ): self.library_dataset_dataset_association = ldda ldda.library_dataset = self object_session( self ).add_all( ( ldda, self ) ) object_session( self ).flush()
[docs] def get_info( self ): if self.library_dataset_dataset_association: return elif self._info: return self._info else: return 'no info'
[docs] def set_info( self, info ): self._info = info
info = property( get_info, set_info )
[docs] def get_name( self ): if self.library_dataset_dataset_association: return elif self._name: return self._name else: return 'Unnamed dataset'
[docs] def set_name( self, name ): self._name = name
name = property( get_name, set_name )
[docs] def display_name( self ): self.library_dataset_dataset_association.display_name()
[docs] def to_dict( self, view='collection' ): # Since this class is a proxy to rather complex attributes we want to # display in other objects, we can't use the simpler method used by # other model classes. ldda = self.library_dataset_dataset_association template_data = {} for temp_info in ldda.info_association: template = temp_info.template content = tmp_dict = {} for field in template.fields: tmp_dict[field['label']] = content[field['name']] template_data[] = tmp_dict rval = dict( id =, ldda_id =, parent_library_id =, folder_id = self.folder_id, model_class = self.__class__.__name__, state = ldda.state, name =, file_name = ldda.file_name, uploaded_by =, message = ldda.message, date_uploaded = ldda.create_time.isoformat(), file_size = int( ldda.get_size() ), file_ext = ldda.ext, data_type = ldda.datatype.__class__.__module__ + '.' + ldda.datatype.__class__.__name__, genome_build = ldda.dbkey, misc_info =, misc_blurb = ldda.blurb, peek = ( lambda ldda: ldda.display_peek() if ldda.peek and ldda.peek != 'no peek' else None )( ldda ), template_data = template_data ) if ldda.dataset.uuid is None: rval['uuid'] = None else: rval['uuid'] = str(ldda.dataset.uuid) for name, spec in ldda.metadata.spec.items(): val = ldda.metadata.get( name ) if isinstance( val, MetadataFile ): val = val.file_name elif isinstance( val, list ): val = ', '.join( [str(v) for v in val] ) rval['metadata_' + name] = val return rval
[docs]class LibraryDatasetDatasetAssociation( DatasetInstance, HasName ): def __init__( self, copied_from_history_dataset_association=None, copied_from_library_dataset_dataset_association=None, library_dataset=None, user=None, sa_session=None, **kwd ): # FIXME: sa_session is must be passed to DataSetInstance if the create_dataset # parameter in kwd is True so that the new object can be flushed. Is there a better way? DatasetInstance.__init__( self, sa_session=sa_session, **kwd ) if copied_from_history_dataset_association: self.copied_from_history_dataset_association_id = if copied_from_library_dataset_dataset_association: self.copied_from_library_dataset_dataset_association_id = self.library_dataset = library_dataset self.user = user
[docs] def to_history_dataset_association( self, target_history, parent_id = None, add_to_history = False ): hda = HistoryDatasetAssociation(,, blurb=self.blurb, peek=self.peek, tool_version=self.tool_version, extension=self.extension, dbkey=self.dbkey, dataset=self.dataset, visible=self.visible, deleted=self.deleted, parent_id=parent_id, copied_from_library_dataset_dataset_association=self, history=target_history ) object_session( self ).add( hda ) object_session( self ).flush() hda.metadata = self.metadata #need to set after flushed, as MetadataFiles require if add_to_history and target_history: target_history.add_dataset( hda ) for child in self.children: child.to_history_dataset_association( target_history = target_history, parent_id =, add_to_history = False ) if not self.datatype.copy_safe_peek: hda.set_peek() #in some instances peek relies on dataset_id, i.e. for viewing MAFs object_session( self ).flush() return hda
[docs] def copy( self, copy_children = False, parent_id = None, target_folder = None ): ldda = LibraryDatasetDatasetAssociation(,, blurb=self.blurb, peek=self.peek, tool_version=self.tool_version, extension=self.extension, dbkey=self.dbkey, dataset=self.dataset, visible=self.visible, deleted=self.deleted, parent_id=parent_id, copied_from_library_dataset_dataset_association=self, folder=target_folder ) object_session( self ).add( ldda ) object_session( self ).flush() # Need to set after flushed, as MetadataFiles require ldda.metadata = self.metadata if copy_children: for child in self.children: child.copy( copy_children = copy_children, parent_id = ) if not self.datatype.copy_safe_peek: # In some instances peek relies on dataset_id, i.e. for viewing MAFs ldda.set_peek() object_session( self ).flush() return ldda
[docs] def clear_associated_files( self, metadata_safe = False, purge = False ): return
[docs] def get_access_roles( self, trans ): return self.dataset.get_access_roles( trans )
[docs] def get_manage_permissions_roles( self, trans ): return self.dataset.get_manage_permissions_roles( trans )
[docs] def has_manage_permissions_roles( self, trans ): return self.dataset.has_manage_permissions_roles( trans )
[docs] def get_info_association( self, restrict=False, inherited=False ): # If restrict is True, we will return this ldda's info_association whether it # exists or not ( in which case None will be returned ). If restrict is False, # we'll return the next available info_association in the inheritable hierarchy. # True is also returned if the info_association was inherited, and False if not. # This enables us to eliminate displaying any contents of the inherited template. # SM: Accessing self.info_association can cause a query to be emitted if self.info_association: return self.info_association[0], inherited if restrict: return None, inherited return self.library_dataset.folder.get_info_association( inherited=True )
[docs] def to_dict( self, view='collection' ): # Since this class is a proxy to rather complex attributes we want to # display in other objects, we can't use the simpler method used by # other model classes. ldda = self try: file_size = int( ldda.get_size() ) except OSError: file_size = 0 rval = dict( id =, hda_ldda = 'ldda', model_class = self.__class__.__name__, name =, deleted = ldda.deleted, visible = ldda.visible, state = ldda.state, library_dataset_id = ldda.library_dataset_id, file_size = file_size, file_name = ldda.file_name, update_time = ldda.update_time.isoformat(), file_ext = ldda.ext, data_type = ldda.datatype.__class__.__module__ + '.' + ldda.datatype.__class__.__name__, genome_build = ldda.dbkey, misc_info =, misc_blurb = ldda.blurb ) if ldda.dataset.uuid is None: rval['uuid'] = None else: rval['uuid'] = str(ldda.dataset.uuid) rval['parent_library_id'] = if ldda.extended_metadata is not None: rval['extended_metadata'] = for name, spec in ldda.metadata.spec.items(): val = ldda.metadata.get( name ) if isinstance( val, MetadataFile ): val = val.file_name # If no value for metadata, look in datatype for metadata. elif val == None and hasattr( ldda.datatype, name ): val = getattr( ldda.datatype, name ) rval['metadata_' + name] = val return rval
[docs] def get_template_widgets( self, trans, get_contents=True ): # See if we have any associated templatesThe get_contents # param is passed by callers that are inheriting a template - these # are usually new library datsets for which we want to include template # fields on the upload form, but not necessarily the contents of the # inherited template saved for the parent. info_association, inherited = self.get_info_association() if info_association: if inherited: template = info_association.template.current.latest_form else: template = info_association.template # See if we have any field contents, but only if the info_association was # not inherited ( we do not want to display the inherited contents ). # (gvk: 8/30/10) Based on conversations with Dan, we agreed to ALWAYS inherit # contents. We'll use this behavior until we hear from the community that # contents should not be inherited. If we don't hear anything for a while, # eliminate the old commented out behavior. #if not inherited and get_contents: if get_contents: info = if info: return template.get_widgets( trans.user, info.content ) else: return template.get_widgets( trans.user ) return []
[docs] def templates_dict( self, use_name=False ): """ Returns a dict of template info """ #TODO: Should have a method that allows names and labels to be returned together in a structured way template_data = {} for temp_info in self.info_association: template = temp_info.template content = tmp_dict = {} for field in template.fields: if use_name: name = field[ 'name' ] else: name = field[ 'label' ] tmp_dict[ name ] = content.get( field[ 'name' ] ) template_data[] = tmp_dict return template_data
[docs] def templates_json( self, use_name=False ): return json.dumps( self.templates_dict( use_name=use_name ) )
[docs]class ExtendedMetadata( object ): def __init__(self, data): = data
[docs]class ExtendedMetadataIndex( object ): def __init__( self, extended_metadata, path, value): self.extended_metadata = extended_metadata self.path = path self.value = value
[docs]class LibraryInfoAssociation( object ): def __init__( self, library, form_definition, info, inheritable=False ): self.library = library self.template = form_definition = info self.inheritable = inheritable
[docs]class LibraryFolderInfoAssociation( object ): def __init__( self, folder, form_definition, info, inheritable=False ): self.folder = folder self.template = form_definition = info self.inheritable = inheritable
[docs]class LibraryDatasetDatasetInfoAssociation( object ): def __init__( self, library_dataset_dataset_association, form_definition, info ): # TODO: need to figure out if this should be inheritable to the associated LibraryDataset self.library_dataset_dataset_association = library_dataset_dataset_association self.template = form_definition = info @property def inheritable( self ): return True # always allow inheriting, used for replacement
[docs]class ValidationError( object ): def __init__( self, message=None, err_type=None, attributes=None ): self.message = message self.err_type = err_type self.attributes = attributes
[docs]class DatasetToValidationErrorAssociation( object ): def __init__( self, dataset, validation_error ): self.dataset = dataset self.validation_error = validation_error
[docs]class ImplicitlyConvertedDatasetAssociation( object ): def __init__( self, id=None, parent=None, dataset=None, file_type=None, deleted=False, purged=False, metadata_safe=True ): = id if isinstance(dataset, HistoryDatasetAssociation): self.dataset = dataset elif isinstance(dataset, LibraryDatasetDatasetAssociation): self.dataset_ldda = dataset else: raise AttributeError( 'Unknown dataset type provided for dataset: %s' % type( dataset ) ) if isinstance(parent, HistoryDatasetAssociation): self.parent_hda = parent elif isinstance(parent, LibraryDatasetDatasetAssociation): self.parent_ldda = parent else: raise AttributeError( 'Unknown dataset type provided for parent: %s' % type( parent ) ) self.type = file_type self.deleted = deleted self.purged = purged self.metadata_safe = metadata_safe
[docs] def clear( self, purge=False, delete_dataset=True ): self.deleted = True if self.dataset: if delete_dataset: self.dataset.deleted = True if purge: self.dataset.purged = True if purge and self.dataset.deleted: # do something with purging self.purged = True try: os.unlink( self.file_name ) except Exception, e: print "Failed to purge associated file (%s) from disk: %s" % ( self.file_name, e )
DEFAULT_COLLECTION_NAME = "Unnamed Collection"
[docs]class DatasetCollection( object, Dictifiable, UsesAnnotations ): """ """ dict_collection_visible_keys = ( 'id', 'collection_type' ) dict_element_visible_keys = ( 'id', 'collection_type' ) def __init__( self, id=None, collection_type=None, ): = id self.collection_type = collection_type @property def dataset_instances( self ): instances = [] for element in self.elements: if element.is_collection: instances.extend( element.child_collection.dataset_instances ) else: instance = element.dataset_instance instances.append( instance ) return instances @property def state( self ): # TODO: DatasetCollection state handling... return 'ok'
[docs] def validate( self ): if self.collection_type is None: raise Exception("Each dataset collection must define a collection type.")
def __getitem__( self, key ): get_by_attribute = "element_index" if isinstance( key, int ) else "element_identifier" for element in self.elements: if getattr( element, get_by_attribute ) == key: return element error_message = "Dataset collection has no %s with key %s." % ( get_by_attribute, key ) raise KeyError( error_message )
[docs] def copy( self ): new_collection = DatasetCollection( collection_type=self.collection_type, ) for element in self.elements: element.copy_to_collection( new_collection ) object_session( self ).add( new_collection ) object_session( self ).flush() return new_collection
[docs] def set_from_dict( self, new_data ): # Nothing currently editable in this class. return {}
[docs]class DatasetCollectionInstance( object, HasName ): """ """ def __init__( self, collection=None, deleted=False, ): # Relationships self.collection = collection # Since deleted property is shared between history and dataset collections, # it could be on either table - some places in the code however it is convient # it is on instance instead of collection. self.deleted = deleted @property def state( self ): return self.collection.state
[docs] def display_name( self ): return self.get_display_name()
def _base_to_dict( self, view ): return dict(,, collection_type=self.collection.collection_type, type="collection", # contents type (distinguished from file or folder (in case of library)) )
[docs] def set_from_dict( self, new_data ): """ Set object attributes to the values in dictionary new_data limiting to only those keys in dict_element_visible_keys. Returns a dictionary of the keys, values that have been changed. """ # precondition: keys are proper, values are parsed and validated changed = self.collection.set_from_dict( new_data ) # unknown keys are ignored here for key in [ k for k in new_data.keys() if k in self.editable_keys ]: new_val = new_data[ key ] old_val = self.__getattribute__( key ) if new_val == old_val: continue self.__setattr__( key, new_val ) changed[ key ] = new_val return changed
[docs]class HistoryDatasetCollectionAssociation( DatasetCollectionInstance, Dictifiable ): """ Associates a DatasetCollection with a History. """ editable_keys = ( 'name', 'deleted', 'visible' ) def __init__( self, id=None, hid=None, collection=None, history=None, name=None, deleted=False, visible=True, copied_from_history_dataset_collection_association=None, implicit_output_name=None, implicit_input_collections=[], ): super( HistoryDatasetCollectionAssociation, self ).__init__( collection=collection, deleted=deleted, ) = id self.hid = hid self.history = history = name self.visible = visible self.copied_from_history_dataset_collection_association = copied_from_history_dataset_collection_association self.implicit_output_name = implicit_output_name self.implicit_input_collections = implicit_input_collections @property def history_content_type( self ): return "dataset_collection"
[docs] def to_dict( self, view='collection' ): dict_value = dict( hid=self.hid,, history_content_type=self.history_content_type, visible=self.visible, deleted=self.deleted, **self._base_to_dict(view=view) ) return dict_value
[docs] def add_implicit_input_collection( self, name, history_dataset_collection ): self.implicit_input_collections.append( ImplicitlyCreatedDatasetCollectionInput( name, history_dataset_collection) )
[docs] def find_implicit_input_collection( self, name ): matching_collection = None for implicit_input_collection in self.implicit_input_collections: if == name: matching_collection = implicit_input_collection.input_dataset_collection break return matching_collection
[docs] def copy( self ): """ Create a copy of this history dataset collection association. Copy underlying collection. """ hdca = HistoryDatasetCollectionAssociation( hid=self.hid, collection=self.collection.copy(), visible=self.visible, deleted=self.deleted,, copied_from_history_dataset_collection_association=self, ) object_session( self ).add( hdca ) object_session( self ).flush() return hdca
[docs]class LibraryDatasetCollectionAssociation( DatasetCollectionInstance, Dictifiable ): """ Associates a DatasetCollection with a library folder. """ editable_keys = ( 'name', 'deleted' ) def __init__( self, id=None, collection=None, name=None, deleted=False, folder=None, ): super(LibraryDatasetCollectionAssociation, self).__init__( collection=collection, deleted=deleted, ) = id self.folder = folder = name
[docs] def to_dict( self, view='collection' ): dict_value = dict(, **self._base_to_dict(view=view) ) return dict_value
[docs]class DatasetCollectionElement( object, Dictifiable ): """ Associates a DatasetInstance (hda or ldda) with a DatasetCollection. """ # actionable dataset id needs to be available via API... dict_collection_visible_keys = ( 'id', 'element_type', 'element_index', 'element_identifier' ) dict_element_visible_keys = ( 'id', 'element_type', 'element_index', 'element_identifier' ) def __init__( self, id=None, collection=None, element=None, element_index=None, element_identifier=None, ): if isinstance(element, HistoryDatasetAssociation): self.hda = element #self.instance_type = 'hda' elif isinstance(element, LibraryDatasetDatasetAssociation): self.ldda = element #self.instance_type = 'ldda' elif isinstance( element, DatasetCollection ): self.child_collection = element else: raise AttributeError( 'Unknown element type provided: %s' % type( element ) ) = id self.collection = collection self.element_index = element_index self.element_identifier = element_identifier or str(element_index) @property def element_type( self ): if self.hda: return "hda" elif self.ldda: return "ldda" elif self.child_collection: #TOOD: Rename element_type to element_type. return "dataset_collection" else: raise Exception( "Unknown element instance type" ) @property def is_collection( self ): return self.element_type == "dataset_collection" @property def element_object( self ): if self.hda: return self.hda elif self.ldda: return self.ldda elif self.child_collection: return self.child_collection else: raise Exception( "Unknown element instance type" ) @property def dataset_instance( self ): element_object = self.element_object if isinstance( element_object, DatasetCollection ): raise AttributeError( "Nested collection has no associated dataset_instance." ) return element_object @property def dataset( self ): return self.dataset_instance.dataset
[docs] def first_dataset_instance( self ): element_object = self.element_object if isinstance( element_object, DatasetCollection ): return element_object.dataset_instances[ 0 ] else: return element_object
[docs] def copy_to_collection( self, collection ): new_element = DatasetCollectionElement( element=self.element_object, collection=collection, element_index=self.element_index, element_identifier=self.element_identifier, ) return new_element
[docs]class Event( object ): def __init__( self, message=None, history=None, user=None, galaxy_session=None ): self.history = history self.galaxy_session = galaxy_session self.user = user self.tool_id = None self.message = message
[docs]class GalaxySession( object ): def __init__( self, id=None, user=None, remote_host=None, remote_addr=None, referer=None, current_history=None, session_key=None, is_valid=False, prev_session_id=None ): = id self.user = user self.remote_host = remote_host self.remote_addr = remote_addr self.referer = referer self.current_history = current_history self.session_key = session_key self.is_valid = is_valid self.prev_session_id = prev_session_id self.histories = []
[docs] def add_history( self, history, association=None ): if association is None: self.histories.append( GalaxySessionToHistoryAssociation( self, history ) ) else: self.histories.append( association )
[docs] def get_disk_usage( self ): if self.disk_usage is None: return 0 return self.disk_usage
[docs] def set_disk_usage( self, bytes ): self.disk_usage = bytes
total_disk_usage = property( get_disk_usage, set_disk_usage )
[docs]class GalaxySessionToHistoryAssociation( object ): def __init__( self, galaxy_session, history ): self.galaxy_session = galaxy_session self.history = history
[docs]class UCI( object ): def __init__( self ): = None self.user = None
[docs]class StoredWorkflow( object, Dictifiable): dict_collection_visible_keys = ( 'id', 'name', 'published', 'deleted' ) dict_element_visible_keys = ( 'id', 'name', 'published', 'deleted' ) def __init__( self ): = None self.user = None = None self.slug = None self.published = False self.latest_workflow_id = None self.workflows = []
[docs] def copy_tags_from(self, target_user, source_workflow): for src_swta in source_workflow.owner_tags: new_swta = src_swta.copy() new_swta.user = target_user self.tags.append(new_swta)
[docs] def to_dict( self, view='collection', value_mapper=None ): rval = super( StoredWorkflow, self ).to_dict( view=view, value_mapper=value_mapper ) tags_str_list = [] for tag in self.tags: tag_str = tag.user_tname if tag.value is not None: tag_str += ":" + tag.user_value tags_str_list.append( tag_str ) rval['tags'] = tags_str_list rval['latest_workflow_uuid'] = ( lambda uuid: str( uuid ) if self.latest_workflow.uuid else None )( self.latest_workflow.uuid ) return rval
[docs]class Workflow( object, Dictifiable ): dict_collection_visible_keys = ( 'name', 'has_cycles', 'has_errors' ) dict_element_visible_keys = ( 'name', 'has_cycles', 'has_errors' ) def __init__( self, uuid=None ): self.user = None = None self.has_cycles = None self.has_errors = None self.steps = [] if uuid is None: self.uuid = uuid4() else: self.uuid = UUID(str(uuid))
[docs] def has_outputs_defined(self): """ Returns true or false indicating whether or not a workflow has outputs defined. """ for step in self.steps: if step.workflow_outputs: return True return False
[docs] def to_dict( self, view='collection', value_mapper=None): rval = super( Workflow, self ).to_dict( view=view, value_mapper=value_mapper ) rval['uuid'] = ( lambda uuid: str( uuid ) if uuid else None )( self.uuid ) return rval
[docs]class WorkflowStep( object ): def __init__( self ): = None self.type = None self.tool_id = None self.tool_inputs = None self.tool_errors = None self.position = None self.input_connections = [] self.config = None
[docs]class WorkflowStepConnection( object ): def __init__( self ): self.output_step_id = None self.output_name = None self.input_step_id = None self.input_name = None
[docs]class WorkflowOutput(object): def __init__( self, workflow_step, output_name): self.workflow_step = workflow_step self.output_name = output_name
[docs]class StoredWorkflowUserShareAssociation( object ): def __init__( self ): self.stored_workflow = None self.user = None
[docs]class StoredWorkflowMenuEntry( object ): def __init__( self ): self.stored_workflow = None self.user = None self.order_index = None
[docs]class WorkflowInvocation( object, Dictifiable ): dict_collection_visible_keys = ( 'id', 'update_time', 'workflow_id', 'history_id', 'uuid', 'state' ) dict_element_visible_keys = ( 'id', 'update_time', 'workflow_id', 'history_id', 'uuid', 'state' ) states = Bunch( NEW='new', # Brand new workflow invocation... maybe this should be same as READY READY='ready', # Workflow ready for another iteration of scheduling. SCHEDULED='scheduled', # Workflow has been scheduled. CANCELLED='cancelled', FAILED='failed', ) @property def active( self ): """ Indicates the workflow invocation is somehow active - and in particular valid actions may be performed on its ``WorkflowInvocationStep``s. """ states = WorkflowInvocation.states return self.state in [ states.NEW, states.READY ]
[docs] def cancel( self ): if not return False else: self.state = WorkflowInvocation.states.CANCELLED return True
[docs] def fail( self ): self.state = WorkflowInvocation.states.FAILED
[docs] def step_states_by_step_id( self ): step_states = {} for step_state in self.step_states: step_id = step_state.workflow_step_id step_states[ step_id ] = step_state return step_states
[docs] def step_invocations_by_step_id( self ): step_invocations = {} for invocation_step in self.steps: step_id = invocation_step.workflow_step_id if step_id not in step_invocations: step_invocations[ step_id ] = [] step_invocations[ step_id ].append( invocation_step ) return step_invocations
[docs] def poll_active_workflow_ids( sa_session, scheduler=None, handler=None ): and_conditions = [ or_( WorkflowInvocation.state == WorkflowInvocation.states.NEW, WorkflowInvocation.state == WorkflowInvocation.states.READY ), ] if scheduler is not None: and_conditions.append( WorkflowInvocation.scheduler == scheduler ) if handler is not None: and_conditions.append( WorkflowInvocation.handler == handler ) query = sa_session.query( WorkflowInvocation ).filter( and_( *and_conditions ) ) # Immediately just load all ids into memory so time slicing logic # is relatively intutitive. return map( lambda wi:, query.all() )
[docs] def to_dict( self, view='collection', value_mapper=None ): rval = super( WorkflowInvocation, self ).to_dict( view=view, value_mapper=value_mapper ) if view == 'element': steps = [] for step in self.steps: v = step.to_dict() steps.append( v ) rval['steps'] = steps inputs = {} for step in self.steps: if step.workflow_step.type == 'tool': for step_input in step.workflow_step.input_connections: output_step_type = step_input.output_step.type if output_step_type in [ 'data_input', 'data_collection_input' ]: src = "hda" if output_step_type == 'data_input' else 'hdca' for job_input in step.job.input_datasets: if == step_input.input_name: inputs[str(step_input.output_step.order_index)] = { "id": job_input.dataset_id, "src": src } rval['inputs'] = inputs return rval
[docs] def update( self ): self.update_time =
[docs] def add_input( self, content, step_id ): if content.history_content_type == "dataset": request_to_content = WorkflowRequestToInputDatasetAssociation() request_to_content.dataset = content request_to_content.workflow_step_id = step_id self.input_datasets.append( request_to_content ) else: request_to_content = WorkflowRequestToInputDatasetCollectionAssociation() request_to_content.dataset_collection = content request_to_content.workflow_step_id = step_id self.input_dataset_collections.append( request_to_content )
[docs] def has_input_for_step( self, step_id ): for content in self.input_datasets: if content.workflow_step_id == step_id: return True for content in self.input_dataset_collections: if content.workflow_step_id == step_id: return True return False
[docs]class WorkflowInvocationStep( object, Dictifiable ): dict_collection_visible_keys = ( 'id', 'update_time', 'job_id', 'workflow_step_id', 'action' ) dict_element_visible_keys = ( 'id', 'update_time', 'job_id', 'workflow_step_id', 'action' )
[docs] def update( self ): self.workflow_invocation.update()
[docs] def to_dict( self, view='collection', value_mapper=None ): rval = super( WorkflowInvocationStep, self ).to_dict( view=view, value_mapper=value_mapper ) rval['order_index'] = self.workflow_step.order_index rval['state'] = self.job.state if self.job is not None else None return rval
[docs]class WorkflowRequest( object, Dictifiable ): dict_collection_visible_keys = [ 'id', 'name', 'type', 'state', 'history_id', 'workflow_id' ] dict_element_visible_keys = [ 'id', 'name', 'type', 'state', 'history_id', 'workflow_id' ]
[docs] def to_dict( self, view='collection', value_mapper=None ): rval = super( WorkflowRequest, self ).to_dict( view=view, value_mapper=value_mapper ) return rval
[docs]class WorkflowRequestInputParameter(object, Dictifiable): """ Workflow-related parameters not tied to steps or inputs. """ dict_collection_visible_keys = ['id', 'name', 'value', 'type'] types = Bunch( REPLACEMENT_PARAMETERS='replacements', META_PARAMETERS='meta', # ) def __init__( self, name=None, value=None, type=None ): = name self.value = value self.type = type
[docs]class WorkflowRequestStepState(object, Dictifiable): """ Workflow step value parameters. """ dict_collection_visible_keys = ['id', 'name', 'value', 'workflow_step_id'] def __init__( self, workflow_step=None, name=None, value=None ): self.workflow_step = workflow_step = name self.value = value self.type = type
[docs]class WorkflowRequestToInputDatasetAssociation(object, Dictifiable): """ Workflow step input dataset parameters. """ dict_collection_visible_keys = ['id', 'workflow_invocation_id', 'workflow_step_id', 'dataset_id', 'name' ]
[docs]class WorkflowRequestToInputDatasetCollectionAssociation(object, Dictifiable): """ Workflow step input dataset collection parameters. """ dict_collection_visible_keys = ['id', 'workflow_invocation_id', 'workflow_step_id', 'dataset_collection_id', 'name' ]
[docs]class MetadataFile( object ): def __init__( self, dataset=None, name=None ): if isinstance( dataset, HistoryDatasetAssociation ): self.history_dataset = dataset elif isinstance( dataset, LibraryDatasetDatasetAssociation ): self.library_dataset = dataset = name @property def file_name( self ): assert is not None, "ID must be set before filename used (commit the object)" # Ensure the directory structure and the metadata file object exist try: da = self.history_dataset or self.library_dataset if self.object_store_id is None and da is not None: self.object_store_id = da.dataset.object_store_id if not da.dataset.object_store.exists( self, extra_dir='_metadata_files', extra_dir_at_root=True, alt_name="metadata_%d.dat" % ): da.dataset.object_store.create( self, extra_dir='_metadata_files', extra_dir_at_root=True, alt_name="metadata_%d.dat" % ) path = da.dataset.object_store.get_filename( self, extra_dir='_metadata_files', extra_dir_at_root=True, alt_name="metadata_%d.dat" % ) return path except AttributeError: # In case we're not working with the history_dataset # print "Caught AttributeError" path = os.path.join( Dataset.file_path, '_metadata_files', *directory_hash_id( ) ) # Create directory if it does not exist try: os.makedirs( path ) except OSError, e: # File Exists is okay, otherwise reraise if e.errno != errno.EEXIST: raise # Return filename inside hashed directory return os.path.abspath( os.path.join( path, "metadata_%d.dat" % ) )
[docs]class FormDefinition( object, Dictifiable ): # The following form_builder classes are supported by the FormDefinition class. supported_field_types = [ AddressField, CheckboxField, PasswordField, SelectField, TextArea, TextField, WorkflowField, WorkflowMappingField, HistoryField ] types = Bunch( REQUEST='Sequencing Request Form', SAMPLE='Sequencing Sample Form', EXTERNAL_SERVICE='External Service Information Form', RUN_DETAILS_TEMPLATE='Sample run details template', LIBRARY_INFO_TEMPLATE='Library information template', USER_INFO='User Information' ) dict_collection_visible_keys = ( 'id', 'name' ) dict_element_visible_keys = ( 'id', 'name', 'desc', 'form_definition_current_id', 'fields', 'layout' ) def __init__( self, name=None, desc=None, fields=[], form_definition_current=None, form_type=None, layout=None ): = name self.desc = desc self.fields = fields self.form_definition_current = form_definition_current self.type = form_type self.layout = layout
[docs] def grid_fields( self, grid_index ): # Returns a dictionary whose keys are integers corresponding to field positions # on the grid and whose values are the field. gridfields = {} for i, f in enumerate( self.fields ): if str( f[ 'layout' ] ) == str( grid_index ): gridfields[i] = f return gridfields
[docs] def get_widgets( self, user, contents={}, **kwd ): ''' Return the list of widgets that comprise a form definition, including field contents if any. ''' params = Params( kwd ) widgets = [] for index, field in enumerate( self.fields ): field_type = field[ 'type' ] if 'name' in field: field_name = field[ 'name' ] else: # Default to names like field_0, field_1, etc for backward compatibility # (not sure this is necessary)... field_name = 'field_%i' % index # Determine the value of the field if field_name in kwd: # The form was submitted via refresh_on_change if field_type == 'CheckboxField': value = CheckboxField.is_checked( params.get( field_name, False ) ) else: value = restore_text( params.get( field_name, '' ) ) elif contents: try: # This field has a saved value. value = str( contents[ field[ 'name' ] ] ) except: # If there was an error getting the saved value, we'll still # display the widget, but it will be empty. if field_type == 'AddressField': value = 'none' elif field_type == 'CheckboxField': # Since we do not have contents, set checkbox value to False value = False else: # Set other field types to empty string value = '' else: # If none of the above, then leave the field empty if field_type == 'AddressField': value = 'none' elif field_type == 'CheckboxField': # Since we do not have contents, set checkbox value to False value = False else: # Set other field types to the default value of the field value = field.get( 'default', '' ) # Create the field widget field_widget = eval( field_type )( field_name ) if field_type in [ 'TextField', 'PasswordField' ]: field_widget.set_size( 40 ) field_widget.value = value elif field_type == 'TextArea': field_widget.set_size( 3, 40 ) field_widget.value = value elif field_type in ['AddressField', 'WorkflowField', 'WorkflowMappingField', 'HistoryField']: field_widget.user = user field_widget.value = value field_widget.params = params elif field_type == 'SelectField': for option in field[ 'selectlist' ]: if option == value: field_widget.add_option( option, option, selected=True ) else: field_widget.add_option( option, option ) elif field_type == 'CheckboxField': field_widget.set_checked( value ) if field[ 'required' ] == 'required': req = 'Required' else: req = 'Optional' if field[ 'helptext' ]: helptext = '%s (%s)' % ( field[ 'helptext' ], req ) else: helptext = '(%s)' % req widgets.append( dict( label=field[ 'label' ], widget=field_widget, helptext=helptext ) ) return widgets
[docs] def field_as_html( self, field ): """Generates disabled html for a field""" type = field[ 'type' ] form_field = None for field_type in self.supported_field_types: if type == field_type.__name__: # Name it AddressField, CheckboxField, etc. form_field = field_type( type ) break if form_field: return form_field.get_html( disabled=True ) # Return None if unsupported field type return None
[docs]class FormDefinitionCurrent( object ): def __init__(self, form_definition=None): self.latest_form = form_definition
[docs]class FormValues( object ): def __init__(self, form_def=None, content=None): self.form_definition = form_def self.content = content
[docs]class Request( object, Dictifiable ): states = Bunch( NEW='New', SUBMITTED='In Progress', REJECTED='Rejected', COMPLETE='Complete' ) dict_collection_visible_keys = ( 'id', 'name', 'state' ) def __init__( self, name=None, desc=None, request_type=None, user=None, form_values=None, notification=None ): = name self.desc = desc self.type = request_type self.values = form_values self.user = user self.notification = notification self.samples_list = [] @property def state( self ): latest_event = self.latest_event if latest_event: return latest_event.state return None @property def latest_event( self ): if return[0] return None @property def samples_have_common_state( self ): """ Returns the state of this request's samples when they are all in one common state. Otherwise returns False. """ state_for_comparison = self.samples[0].state if state_for_comparison is None: for s in self.samples: if s.state is not None: return False for s in self.samples: if != return False return state_for_comparison @property def last_comment( self ): latest_event = self.latest_event if latest_event: if latest_event.comment: return latest_event.comment return '' return 'No comment'
[docs] def get_sample( self, sample_name ): for sample in self.samples: if == sample_name: return sample return None
@property def is_unsubmitted( self ): return self.state in [ self.states.REJECTED, self.states.NEW ] @property def is_rejected( self ): return self.state == self.states.REJECTED @property def is_submitted( self ): return self.state == self.states.SUBMITTED @property def is_new( self ): return self.state == self.states.NEW @property def is_complete( self ): return self.state == self.states.COMPLETE @property def samples_without_library_destinations( self ): # Return all samples that are not associated with a library samples = [] for sample in self.samples: if not sample.library: samples.append( sample ) return samples @property def samples_with_bar_code( self ): # Return all samples that have associated bar code samples = [] for sample in self.samples: if sample.bar_code: samples.append( sample ) return samples
[docs] def send_email_notification( self, trans, common_state, final_state=False ): # Check if an email notification is configured to be sent when the samples # are in this state if self.notification and not in self.notification[ 'sample_states' ]: return comments = '' # Send email if is not None and self.notification and self.notification[ 'email' ]: host = ':' )[0] if host in [ 'localhost', '', '' ]: host = socket.getfqdn() body = """ Galaxy Sample Tracking Notification =================================== User: %(user)s Sequencing request: %(request_name)s Sequencer configuration: %(request_type)s Sequencing request state: %(request_state)s Number of samples: %(num_samples)s All samples in state: %(sample_state)s """ values = dict(,,, request_state=self.state, num_samples=str( len( self.samples ) ),, create_time=self.create_time, submit_time=self.create_time ) body = body % values # check if this is the final state of the samples if final_state: txt = "Sample Name -> Data Library/Folder\r\n" for s in self.samples: if s.library: library_name = folder_name = else: library_name = 'No target data library' folder_name = 'No target data library folder' txt = txt + "%s -> %s/%s\r\n" % (, library_name, folder_name ) body = body + txt to = self.notification['email'] frm = 'galaxy-no-reply@' + host subject = "Galaxy Sample Tracking notification: '%s' sequencing request" % try: send_mail( frm, to, subject, body, ) comments = "Email notification sent to %s." % ", ".join( to ).strip().strip( ',' ) except Exception, e: comments = "Email notification failed. (%s)" % str(e) # update the request history with the email notification event elif not comments = "Email notification failed as SMTP server not set in config file" if comments: event = RequestEvent( self, self.state, comments ) trans.sa_session.add( event ) trans.sa_session.flush() return comments
[docs]class RequestEvent( object ): def __init__(self, request=None, request_state=None, comment=''): self.request = request self.state = request_state self.comment = comment
[docs]class ExternalService( object ): data_transfer_protocol = Bunch( HTTP='http', HTTPS='https', SCP='scp' ) def __init__( self, name=None, description=None, external_service_type_id=None, version=None, form_definition_id=None, form_values_id=None, deleted=None ): = name self.description = description self.external_service_type_id = external_service_type_id self.version = version self.form_definition_id = form_definition_id self.form_values_id = form_values_id self.deleted = deleted self.label = None # Used in the request_type controller's __build_external_service_select_field() method
[docs] def get_external_service_type( self, trans ): return[ self.external_service_type_id ]
[docs] def load_data_transfer_settings( self, trans ): self.external_service_type_id ) self.data_transfer = {} external_service_type = self.get_external_service_type( trans ) for data_transfer_protocol, data_transfer_obj in external_service_type.data_transfer.items(): if data_transfer_protocol == self.data_transfer_protocol.SCP: scp_configs = {} automatic_transfer = data_transfer_obj.config.get( 'automatic_transfer', 'false' ) scp_configs[ 'automatic_transfer' ] = galaxy.util.string_as_bool( automatic_transfer ) scp_configs[ 'host' ] = self.form_values.content.get( data_transfer_obj.config.get( 'host', '' ), '' ) scp_configs[ 'user_name' ] = self.form_values.content.get( data_transfer_obj.config.get( 'user_name', '' ), '' ) scp_configs[ 'password' ] = self.form_values.content.get( data_transfer_obj.config.get( 'password', '' ), '' ) scp_configs[ 'data_location' ] = self.form_values.content.get( data_transfer_obj.config.get( 'data_location', '' ), '' ) scp_configs[ 'rename_dataset' ] = self.form_values.content.get( data_transfer_obj.config.get( 'rename_dataset', '' ), '' ) self.data_transfer[ self.data_transfer_protocol.SCP ] = scp_configs if data_transfer_protocol == self.data_transfer_protocol.HTTP: http_configs = {} automatic_transfer = data_transfer_obj.config.get( 'automatic_transfer', 'false' ) http_configs[ 'automatic_transfer' ] = galaxy.util.string_as_bool( automatic_transfer ) self.data_transfer[ self.data_transfer_protocol.HTTP ] = http_configs
[docs] def populate_actions( self, trans, item, param_dict=None ): return self.get_external_service_type( trans ).actions.populate( self, item, param_dict=param_dict )
[docs]class RequestType( object, Dictifiable ): dict_collection_visible_keys = ( 'id', 'name', 'desc' ) dict_element_visible_keys = ( 'id', 'name', 'desc', 'request_form_id', 'sample_form_id' ) rename_dataset_options = Bunch( NO='Do not rename', SAMPLE_NAME='Preprend sample name', EXPERIMENT_NAME='Prepend experiment name', EXPERIMENT_AND_SAMPLE_NAME='Prepend experiment and sample name') permitted_actions = get_permitted_actions( filter='REQUEST_TYPE' ) def __init__( self, name=None, desc=None, request_form=None, sample_form=None ): = name self.desc = desc self.request_form = request_form self.sample_form = sample_form @property def external_services( self ): external_services = [] for rtesa in self.external_service_associations: external_services.append( rtesa.external_service ) return external_services
[docs] def get_external_service( self, external_service_type_id ): for rtesa in self.external_service_associations: if rtesa.external_service.external_service_type_id == external_service_type_id: return rtesa.external_service return None
[docs] def get_external_services_for_manual_data_transfer( self, trans ): '''Returns all external services that use manual data transfer''' external_services = [] for rtesa in self.external_service_associations: external_service = rtesa.external_service # load data transfer settings external_service.load_data_transfer_settings( trans ) if external_service.data_transfer: for transfer_type, transfer_type_settings in external_service.data_transfer.items(): if not transfer_type_settings[ 'automatic_transfer' ]: external_services.append( external_service ) return external_services
[docs] def delete_external_service_associations( self, trans ): '''Deletes all external service associations.''' flush_needed = False for rtesa in self.external_service_associations: trans.sa_session.delete( rtesa ) flush_needed = True if flush_needed: trans.sa_session.flush()
[docs] def add_external_service_association( self, trans, external_service ): rtesa = trans.model.RequestTypeExternalServiceAssociation( self, external_service ) trans.sa_session.add( rtesa ) trans.sa_session.flush()
@property def final_sample_state( self ): # The states mapper for this object orders ascending return self.states[-1] @property def run_details( self ): if #[0] is [RequestTypeRunAssociation] return[0] return None
[docs] def get_template_widgets( self, trans, get_contents=True ): # See if we have any associated templates. The get_contents param # is passed by callers that are inheriting a template - these are # usually new samples for which we want to include template fields, # but not necessarily the contents of the inherited template. rtra = self.run_details if rtra: run = template = run.template if get_contents: # See if we have any field contents info = if info: return template.get_widgets( trans.user, contents=info.content ) return template.get_widgets( trans.user ) return []
[docs]class RequestTypeExternalServiceAssociation( object ): def __init__( self, request_type, external_service ): self.request_type = request_type self.external_service = external_service
[docs]class RequestTypePermissions( object ): def __init__( self, action, request_type, role ): self.action = action self.request_type = request_type self.role = role
[docs]class Sample( object, Dictifiable ): # The following form_builder classes are supported by the Sample class. supported_field_types = [ CheckboxField, SelectField, TextField, WorkflowField, WorkflowMappingField, HistoryField ] bulk_operations = Bunch( CHANGE_STATE='Change state', SELECT_LIBRARY='Select data library and folder' ) dict_collection_visible_keys = ( 'id', 'name' ) def __init__(self, name=None, desc=None, request=None, form_values=None, bar_code=None, library=None, folder=None, workflow=None, history=None): = name self.desc = desc self.request = request self.values = form_values self.bar_code = bar_code self.library = library self.folder = folder self.history = history self.workflow = workflow @property def state( self ): latest_event = self.latest_event if latest_event: return latest_event.state return None @property def latest_event( self ): if return[0] return None @property def adding_to_library_dataset_files( self ): adding_to_library_datasets = [] for dataset in self.datasets: if dataset.status == SampleDataset.transfer_status.ADD_TO_LIBRARY: adding_to_library_datasets.append( dataset ) return adding_to_library_datasets @property def inprogress_dataset_files( self ): inprogress_datasets = [] for dataset in self.datasets: if dataset.status not in [ SampleDataset.transfer_status.NOT_STARTED, SampleDataset.transfer_status.COMPLETE ]: inprogress_datasets.append( dataset ) return inprogress_datasets @property def queued_dataset_files( self ): queued_datasets = [] for dataset in self.datasets: if dataset.status == SampleDataset.transfer_status.IN_QUEUE: queued_datasets.append( dataset ) return queued_datasets @property def transfer_error_dataset_files( self ): transfer_error_datasets = [] for dataset in self.datasets: if dataset.status == SampleDataset.transfer_status.ERROR: transfer_error_datasets.append( dataset ) return transfer_error_datasets @property def transferred_dataset_files( self ): transferred_datasets = [] for dataset in self.datasets: if dataset.status == SampleDataset.transfer_status.COMPLETE: transferred_datasets.append( dataset ) return transferred_datasets @property def transferring_dataset_files( self ): transferring_datasets = [] for dataset in self.datasets: if dataset.status == SampleDataset.transfer_status.TRANSFERRING: transferring_datasets.append( dataset ) return transferring_datasets @property def untransferred_dataset_files( self ): untransferred_datasets = [] for dataset in self.datasets: if dataset.status != SampleDataset.transfer_status.COMPLETE: untransferred_datasets.append( dataset ) return untransferred_datasets
[docs] def get_untransferred_dataset_size( self, filepath, scp_configs ): def print_ticks( d ): pass error_msg = 'Error encountered in determining the file size of %s on the external_service.' % filepath if not scp_configs['host'] or not scp_configs['user_name'] or not scp_configs['password']: return error_msg login_str = '%s@%s' % ( scp_configs['user_name'], scp_configs['host'] ) cmd = 'ssh %s "du -sh \'%s\'"' % ( login_str, filepath ) try: output = cmd, events={ '.ssword:*': scp_configs['password']+'\r\n', pexpect.TIMEOUT:print_ticks}, timeout=10 ) except Exception: return error_msg # cleanup the output to get just the file size return output.replace( filepath, '' )\ .replace( 'Password:', '' )\ .replace( "'s password:", '' )\ .replace( login_str, '' )\ .strip()
@property def run_details( self ): # self.runs is a list of SampleRunAssociations ordered descending on update_time. if self.runs: # Always use the latest run details template, self.runs[0] is a SampleRunAssociation return self.runs[0] # Inherit this sample's RequestType run details, if one exists. return self.request.type.run_details
[docs] def get_template_widgets( self, trans, get_contents=True ): # Samples have a one-to-many relationship with run details, so we return the # widgets for last associated template. The get_contents param will populate # the widget fields with values from the template inherited from the sample's # RequestType. template = None if self.runs: # The self.runs mapper orders descending on update_time. run = self.runs[0].run template = run.template if template is None: # There are no run details associated with this sample, so inherit the # run details template from the sample's RequestType. rtra = self.request.type.run_details if rtra: run = template = run.template if template: if get_contents: # See if we have any field contents info = if info: return template.get_widgets( trans.user, contents=info.content ) return template.get_widgets( trans.user ) return []
[docs] def populate_external_services( self, param_dict = None, trans = None ): if self.request and self.request.type: return [ service.populate_actions( item = self, param_dict = param_dict, trans = trans ) for service in self.request.type.external_services ]
[docs]class SampleState( object ): def __init__(self, name=None, desc=None, request_type=None): = name self.desc = desc self.request_type = request_type
[docs]class SampleEvent( object ): def __init__(self, sample=None, sample_state=None, comment=''): self.sample = sample self.state = sample_state self.comment = comment
[docs]class SampleDataset( object ): transfer_status = Bunch( NOT_STARTED = 'Not started', IN_QUEUE = 'In queue', TRANSFERRING = 'Transferring dataset', ADD_TO_LIBRARY = 'Adding to data library', COMPLETE = 'Complete', ERROR = 'Error' ) def __init__( self, sample=None, name=None, file_path=None, status=None, error_msg=None, size=None, external_service=None ): self.sample = sample = name self.file_path = file_path self.status = status self.error_msg = error_msg self.size = size self.external_service = external_service
[docs]class Run( object ): def __init__( self, form_definition, form_values, subindex=None ): self.template = form_definition = form_values self.subindex = subindex
[docs]class RequestTypeRunAssociation( object ): def __init__( self, request_type, run ): self.request_type = request_type = run
[docs]class SampleRunAssociation( object ): def __init__( self, sample, run ): self.sample = sample = run
[docs]class UserAddress( object ): def __init__( self, user=None, desc=None, name=None, institution=None, address=None, city=None, state=None, postal_code=None, country=None, phone=None ): self.user = user self.desc = desc = name self.institution = institution self.address = address = city self.state = state self.postal_code = postal_code = country = phone
[docs] def get_html(self): # This should probably be deprecated eventually. It should currently # sanitize. # TODO Find out where else uses this and replace with # templates html = '' if html = html + sanitize_html( if self.institution: html = html + '<br/>' + sanitize_html(self.institution) if self.address: html = html + '<br/>' + sanitize_html(self.address) if html = html + '<br/>' + sanitize_html( if self.state: html = html + ' ' + sanitize_html(self.state) if self.postal_code: html = html + ' ' + sanitize_html(self.postal_code) if html = html + '<br/>' + sanitize_html( if html = html + '<br/>' + 'phone: ' + sanitize_html( return html
[docs]class UserOpenID( object ): def __init__( self, user=None, session=None, openid=None ): self.user = user self.session = session self.openid = openid
[docs]class Page( object, Dictifiable ): dict_element_visible_keys = [ 'id', 'title', 'latest_revision_id', 'slug', 'published', 'importable', 'deleted' ] def __init__( self ): = None self.user = None self.title = None self.slug = None self.latest_revision_id = None self.revisions = [] self.importable = None self.published = None
[docs] def to_dict( self, view='element' ): rval = super( Page, self ).to_dict( view=view ) rev = [] for a in self.revisions: rev.append( rval['revision_ids'] = rev return rval
[docs]class PageRevision( object, Dictifiable ): dict_element_visible_keys = [ 'id', 'page_id', 'title', 'content' ] def __init__( self ): self.user = None self.title = None self.content = None
[docs] def to_dict( self, view='element' ): rval = super( PageRevision, self ).to_dict( view=view ) rval['create_time'] = str(self.create_time) rval['update_time'] = str(self.update_time) return rval
[docs]class PageUserShareAssociation( object ): def __init__( self ): = None self.user = None
[docs]class Visualization( object ): def __init__( self, id=None, user=None, type=None, title=None, dbkey=None, slug=None, latest_revision=None ): = id self.user = user self.type = type self.title = title self.dbkey = dbkey self.slug = slug self.latest_revision = latest_revision self.revisions = [] if self.latest_revision: self.revisions.append( latest_revision )
[docs] def copy( self, user=None, title=None ): """ Provide copy of visualization with only its latest revision. """ # NOTE: a shallow copy is done: the config is copied as is but datasets # are not copied nor are the dataset ids changed. This means that the # user does not have a copy of the data in his/her history and the # user who owns the datasets may delete them, making them inaccessible # for the current user. # TODO: a deep copy option is needed. if not user: user = self.user if not title: title = self.title copy_viz = Visualization( user=user, type=self.type, title=title, dbkey=self.dbkey ) copy_revision = self.latest_revision.copy( visualization=copy_viz ) copy_viz.latest_revision = copy_revision return copy_viz
[docs]class VisualizationRevision( object ): def __init__( self, visualization=None, title=None, dbkey=None, config=None ): = None self.visualization = visualization self.title = title self.dbkey = dbkey self.config = config
[docs] def copy( self, visualization=None ): """ Returns a copy of this object. """ if not visualization: visualization = self.visualization return VisualizationRevision( visualization=visualization, title=self.title, dbkey=self.dbkey, config=self.config )
[docs]class VisualizationUserShareAssociation( object ): def __init__( self ): self.visualization = None self.user = None
[docs]class TransferJob( object ): # These states are used both by the transfer manager's IPC and the object # state in the database. Not all states are used by both. states = Bunch( NEW = 'new', UNKNOWN = 'unknown', PROGRESS = 'progress', RUNNING = 'running', ERROR = 'error', DONE = 'done' ) terminal_states = [ states.ERROR, states.DONE ] def __init__( self, state=None, path=None, info=None, pid=None, socket=None, params=None ): self.state = state self.path = path = info = pid self.socket = socket self.params = params
[docs]class Tag ( object ): def __init__( self, id=None, type=None, parent_id=None, name=None ): = id self.type = type self.parent_id = parent_id = name def __str__ ( self ): return "Tag(id=%s, type=%i, parent_id=%s, name=%s)" % (, self.type, self.parent_id, )
[docs]class ItemTagAssociation ( object, Dictifiable ): dict_collection_visible_keys = ( 'id', 'user_tname', 'user_value' ) dict_element_visible_keys = dict_collection_visible_keys def __init__( self, id=None, user=None, item_id=None, tag_id=None, user_tname=None, value=None ): = id self.user = user self.item_id = item_id self.tag_id = tag_id self.user_tname = user_tname self.value = None self.user_value = None
[docs] def copy(self): new_ta = type(self)() new_ta.tag_id = self.tag_id new_ta.user_tname = self.user_tname new_ta.value = self.value new_ta.user_value = self.user_value return new_ta
[docs]class HistoryTagAssociation ( ItemTagAssociation ): pass
[docs]class DatasetTagAssociation ( ItemTagAssociation ): pass
[docs]class HistoryDatasetAssociationTagAssociation ( ItemTagAssociation ): pass
[docs]class PageTagAssociation ( ItemTagAssociation ): pass
[docs]class WorkflowStepTagAssociation ( ItemTagAssociation ): pass
[docs]class StoredWorkflowTagAssociation ( ItemTagAssociation ): pass
[docs]class VisualizationTagAssociation ( ItemTagAssociation ): pass
[docs]class HistoryDatasetCollectionTagAssociation( ItemTagAssociation ): pass
[docs]class LibraryDatasetCollectionTagAssociation( ItemTagAssociation ): pass
[docs]class ToolTagAssociation( ItemTagAssociation ): def __init__( self, id=None, user=None, tool_id=None, tag_id=None, user_tname=None, value=None ): = id self.user = user self.tool_id = tool_id self.tag_id = tag_id self.user_tname = user_tname self.value = None self.user_value = None
[docs]class WorkRequestTagAssociation( ItemTagAssociation ): def __init__( self, id=None, user=None, workflow_request_id=None, tag_id=None, user_tname=None, value=None ): = id self.user = user self.workflow_request_id = workflow_request_id self.tag_id = tag_id self.user_tname = user_tname self.value = None self.user_value = None # Item annotation classes.
[docs]class HistoryAnnotationAssociation( object ): pass
[docs]class HistoryDatasetAssociationAnnotationAssociation( object ): pass
[docs]class StoredWorkflowAnnotationAssociation( object ): pass
[docs]class WorkflowStepAnnotationAssociation( object ): pass
[docs]class PageAnnotationAssociation( object ): pass
[docs]class VisualizationAnnotationAssociation( object ): pass
[docs]class HistoryDatasetCollectionAnnotationAssociation( object ): pass
[docs]class LibraryDatasetCollectionAnnotationAssociation( object ): pass # Item rating classes.
[docs]class ItemRatingAssociation( object ): def __init__( self, id=None, user=None, item=None, rating=0 ): = id self.user = user self.item = item self.rating = rating
[docs] def set_item( self, item ): """ Set association's item. """ pass
[docs]class HistoryRatingAssociation( ItemRatingAssociation ):
[docs] def set_item( self, history ): self.history = history
[docs]class HistoryDatasetAssociationRatingAssociation( ItemRatingAssociation ):
[docs] def set_item( self, history_dataset_association ): self.history_dataset_association = history_dataset_association
[docs]class StoredWorkflowRatingAssociation( ItemRatingAssociation ):
[docs] def set_item( self, stored_workflow ): self.stored_workflow = stored_workflow
[docs]class PageRatingAssociation( ItemRatingAssociation ):
[docs] def set_item( self, page ): = page
[docs]class VisualizationRatingAssociation( ItemRatingAssociation ):
[docs] def set_item( self, visualization ): self.visualization = visualization
[docs]class HistoryDatasetCollectionRatingAssociation( ItemRatingAssociation ):
[docs] def set_item( self, dataset_collection ): self.dataset_collection = dataset_collection
[docs]class LibraryDatasetCollectionRatingAssociation( ItemRatingAssociation ):
[docs] def set_item( self, dataset_collection ): self.dataset_collection = dataset_collection #Data Manager Classes
[docs]class DataManagerHistoryAssociation( object ): def __init__( self, id=None, history=None, user=None ): = id self.history = history self.user = user
[docs]class DataManagerJobAssociation( object ): def __init__( self, id=None, job=None, data_manager_id=None ): = id self.job = job self.data_manager_id = data_manager_id #end of Data Manager Classes
[docs]class UserPreference ( object ): def __init__( self, name=None, value=None): = name self.value = value
[docs]class UserAction( object ): def __init__( self, id=None, create_time=None, user_id=None, session_id=None, action=None, params=None, context=None): = id self.create_time = create_time self.user_id = user_id self.session_id = session_id self.action = action self.params = params self.context = context
[docs]class APIKeys( object ): def __init__( self, id=None, user_id=None, key=None): = id self.user_id = user_id self.key = key