Source code for

import config
import sys
import time
import galaxy.datatypes.registry
import galaxy.quota
import galaxy.webapps.tool_shed.model
from galaxy import tools
from galaxy.managers.tags import CommunityTagManager
from galaxy.openid.providers import OpenIDProviders
from galaxy.util.dbkeys import GenomeBuilds
from galaxy.web import security
import tool_shed.repository_registry
import tool_shed.repository_types.registry
from tool_shed.grids.repository_grid_filter_manager import RepositoryGridFilterManager

[docs]class UniverseApplication( object ): """Encapsulates the state of a Universe application""" def __init__( self, **kwd ): print >> sys.stderr, "python path is: " + ", ".join( sys.path ) = "tool_shed" # Read the tool_shed.ini configuration file and check for errors. self.config = config.Configuration( **kwd ) self.config.check() config.configure_logging( self.config ) # Initialize the Galaxy datatypes registry. self.datatypes_registry = galaxy.datatypes.registry.Registry() self.datatypes_registry.load_datatypes( self.config.root, self.config.datatypes_config ) # Initialize the Tool Shed repository_types registry. self.repository_types_registry = tool_shed.repository_types.registry.Registry() # Initialize the RepositoryGridFilterManager. self.repository_grid_filter_manager = RepositoryGridFilterManager() # Determine the Tool Shed database connection string. if self.config.database_connection: db_url = self.config.database_connection else: db_url = "sqlite:///%s?isolation_level=IMMEDIATE" % self.config.database # Initialize the Tool Shed database and check for appropriate schema version. from galaxy.webapps.tool_shed.model.migrate.check import create_or_verify_database create_or_verify_database( db_url, self.config.database_engine_options ) # Set up the Tool Shed database engine and ORM. from galaxy.webapps.tool_shed.model import mapping self.model = mapping.init( self.config.file_path, db_url, self.config.database_engine_options ) # Initialize the Tool Shed security helper. = security.SecurityHelper( id_secret=self.config.id_secret ) # initialize the Tool Shed tag handler. self.tag_handler = CommunityTagManager( self ) # Initialize the Tool Shed tool data tables. Never pass a configuration file here # because the Tool Shed should always have an empty dictionary! self.tool_data_tables = self.config.tool_data_path ) self.genome_builds = GenomeBuilds( self ) from galaxy import auth self.auth_manager = auth.AuthManager( self ) # Citation manager needed to load tools. from galaxy.managers.citations import CitationsManager self.citations_manager = CitationsManager( self ) # The Tool Shed makes no use of a Galaxy toolbox, but this attribute is still required. self.toolbox = tools.ToolBox( [], self.config.tool_path, self ) # Initialize the Tool Shed security agent. self.security_agent = self.model.security_agent # The Tool Shed makes no use of a quota, but this attribute is still required. self.quota_agent = galaxy.quota.NoQuotaAgent( self.model ) # TODO: Add OpenID support self.openid_providers = OpenIDProviders() # Initialize the baseline Tool Shed statistics component. self.shed_counter = self.model.shed_counter # Let the Tool Shed's HgwebConfigManager know where the hgweb.config file is located. self.hgweb_config_manager = self.model.hgweb_config_manager self.hgweb_config_manager.hgweb_config_dir = self.config.hgweb_config_dir # Initialize the repository registry. self.repository_registry = tool_shed.repository_registry.Registry( self ) # used for cachebusting -- refactor this into a *SINGLE* UniverseApplication base. self.server_starttime = int(time.time()) print >> sys.stderr, "Tool shed hgweb.config file is: ", self.hgweb_config_manager.hgweb_config
[docs] def shutdown( self ): pass