tool_shed Package

tool_shed Package

The Galaxy Tool Shed application.

app Module


Bases: object

Encapsulates the state of a Universe application


buildapp Module

Provides factory methods to assemble the Galaxy web application

class galaxy.webapps.tool_shed.buildapp.CommunityWebApplication(galaxy_app, session_cookie='galaxysession', name=None)[source]

Bases: galaxy.web.framework.webapp.WebApplication

galaxy.webapps.tool_shed.buildapp.add_ui_controllers(webapp, app)[source]

Search for controllers in the ‘galaxy.webapps.controllers’ module and add them to the webapp.

galaxy.webapps.tool_shed.buildapp.app_factory(global_conf, **kwargs)[source]

Return a wsgi application serving the root object


Build a list of template error formatters for WebError. When an error occurs, WebError pass the exception to each function in this list until one returns a value, which will be displayed on the error page.

galaxy.webapps.tool_shed.buildapp.wrap_in_middleware(app, global_conf, **local_conf)[source]

Based on the configuration wrap app in a set of common and useful middleware.

galaxy.webapps.tool_shed.buildapp.wrap_in_static(app, global_conf, **local_conf)[source]

config Module

Universe configuration builder.

class galaxy.webapps.tool_shed.config.Configuration(**kwargs)[source]

Bases: object

get(key, default)[source]
get_bool(key, default)[source]

Determine if the provided user is listed in admin_users.


Sentry URL with private key removed for use in client side scripts, sentry server will need to be configured to accept events

exception galaxy.webapps.tool_shed.config.ConfigurationError[source]

Bases: exceptions.Exception


Allow some basic logging configuration to be read from the cherrpy config.


Allow options for the SQLAlchemy database engine to be passed by using the prefix “database_engine_option”.

galaxy.webapps.tool_shed.config.resolve_path(path, root)[source]

If ‘path’ is relative make absolute by prepending ‘root’